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Warning: manipulation(?)

The next day was as usual with Gabriel. It was boring. Adam woke up the day after, Gabriel yet again was not there when he woke up. Like he wasn't when Lilith arrived. This lead him to think that his new wife was done being made. Adam stood, his eyes felt heavy as he yawned and stretched. He slowly began walking towards his pond, hoping Lucifer and Lilith weren't still there.

When he got there, he instead noticed a short figure there. He flinched, and stopped immediately in his tracks. He couldn't see very well, but it definitely was a figure of a woman, but since she was short, it definitely wasnt Lilith. Lilith was tall and slim. The girl must've heard him behind her because she whipped her head around towards him. He jumped, startled by the sudden movement from her.

"Oh! Uh... Hello. I'm Adam." He slowly approached her. "What's your name?" The woman stood, looking up at Adam. She smiled.

"I am Eve! It's good to be meeting you." Adam smiled back.

She seems like a total sweetheart.

Not like Lilith at all then. Good. He looked her up and down, seeming to forget that she is nude. He looked back up at her face, blushing.

"We might need to get you something to have over you..." Eve looked down at herself.

"Oh! Yes, maybe." He took in more of her upper body features instead. She had beautiful straight ginger hair that flowed down to her mid-back, golden eyes just like Adam's, long pretty eyelashes, a freckled face, and the same colored skin as his but just a bit darker. She made a slightly confused look on her face.

"So uh... What do we do here?" Adam blinked.

"Oh, right. Basically what we do is scavenge for food, find animals, and have fun." She nodded

"Ohhh, okay! That sounds good to me!" Adam chuckled and took her hand in his.

"Let's go, then." They both started walking around the garden, hand in hand.


Lucifer was laying down, staring at the sky. Lilith had went to go collect some food. He said he was too tired to get up and help, so she left without him. He sighed.

Maybe I should go talk to Adam while Lilith is away?-

His thoughts were cut off by Lilith running towards his direction.

"I am going to strangle him!" Lucifer shot up.

"Uhmm, what's going on?"

"That foolish man! They- Ugh!" He stood up and reached out to her but she backed away. "They replaced me. With some other girl! She does not even look anything like me!!"

"...Well, Lilith, not everyone is going to look like you..." She scowled at him. He chuckled nervously. "Buut... It was rude of them to replace you...?"

"This is terrible." Lilith sat down on a nearby rock.

"Not the end of the world..." Lucifer mumbled to himself. He stared at her, not quite knowing what to do or say. A few moments of silence, she spoke up.

"I want revenge. I want to do something bad to them." Lucifer raised an eyebrow.

"What do you mean?"

"You know what I mean. I do not approve of this, and I need to make the angels regret their decision." Lucifer rubbed the back of his neck.


"Will you help me? Please?" She stood up and pleaded, holding his hands in hers. He frowned, thinking for a second. "If you don't, I will be very upset." Welp. He knows that if he doesn't do what she wants, she will get upset, and do something terrible, then blame him for it to the angels, and he'll be the one getting in trouble. It's happened before. 

But in this case, there is no escaping it. Either he refuses and gets in trouble, or he accepts and still gets in trouble, because what Lilith wants to do probably won't be good in any way. He sighs.

"Sure. Anything for you, darling." He says between gritted teeth. Lilith smirks.

"Perfect! So..." The two of them spent the rest of the day plotting and gathering food.

--2 days later--

Eve was happy with Adam. They played in water, named animals, and made fun things/shapes with their food. But, she felt like she wasn't getting the full experience. She knows that they're supposed to do specific things like kissing, cuddling... having intercourse. None of those things they have done at all. When asked about it, all Adam said was 'I'm just not ready for any of that yet.' Eve felt disappointed. Did Adam even truly love her?

This is what she thought about as she was gathering food. She eventually ended up spotting a tall tree, with circular red things hanging from it. They looked like fruit, fruit is food. She smiled.

Adam would be happy if I brought back a new food for us to try!

She jumped up, reaching her arm out as she did, trying to grab one of the fruits from a branch. A hand reached up and took the fruit off the branch for her, holding it out in their hand. She looked up at the owner of the tanned hand. It was a very pretty slender woman with long flowing blonde hair, and... Another shorter man with the same blonde hair and same eyes. Just way lighter than the woman. Eve took the fruit from the woman's hand.

"Thank you... Uhm..."

"Hello! I am Lilith. And this," The woman placed her hand on the shorter mans shoulder.

"Is my husband Lucifer." The man, Lucifer, smiled nervously at Eve. Eve smiled back. She couldn't help but notice the man was wearing a large robe, just like the angels. Lilith wasn't though.

"Are you both angels?" Lucifer opened his mouth to speak.

"Goodness, no! Not me atleast. Lucifer is though."

Why is she speaking for him?

Eve bowed her head down to Lucifer in respect.

"It is my pleasure to be in the presence of an angel, sir." He nodded.

"Thank you for your respect." Lucifer responded kindly. Lilith cleared her throat.

"Ahem, Uh. What is your name?"


"Eve! Such a nice name." She didn't know how to explain it, but Lilith made Eve feel a weird inside. She couldn't tell if it was unease or something else. Just the way that she said her name and how she spoke in general sounded like she was spitting venom at her, but good venom? It's weird. "Well, Eve. this fruit you have grabbed, is actually a very special fruit. It would be nice if you ate it." Eve raised an eyebrow.

"That is what I planned on doing...?"

"Ah, right! Of course! Well, continue on then."

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