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(hey guys I'd just like to let you know i made a playlist for these two fools💀 its like how i depict their relationship basically so if u wanna listen I'll put the link at the end‼️)
also warnings: slurs/(internalized) homophobia

It's now been 2 weeks and 3 days of Adam and Lute staying at the hotel. Lute has finally come out of her room and seemingly accepted the fact that they are actually in hell and might have to stay in hell unless she came out of her room and got her act together. It took a lot of late night talks with Adam and convincing for her to actually crack out of the shell she deliberately shoved herself into.

Adam's shell had already been partially broken. He does more than just work and go back to his room now. After his conversation with Lucifer, he figured out a little way of his own to cope.


Adam and Lucifer sat on the bench for about 5 minutes in silence. The only sounds heard was distant talking from inside the hotel and the breeze.

"...If it makes you happier in any way, we could maybe plant a few things here together. Make it pretty enough to your liking." Lucifer spoke calmly as he shifted his head a bit on Adam's shoulder. Adam thought about it for a moment, before responding.

"Why the hell did you suggest the garden if that's not what you were gonna do in the first place?" Lucifer chuckled and lifted his head up, putting his hat back on.

"There he is," He stretched his legs out. "well I mostly suggested it because I wanted to move this big ass fountain somewhere else. Lilith bought it for one of the courtyards at the palace but since she isn't around anymore I don't think there was any use in it staying there unused."

"I mean, sure I guess. It might help me stay distracted for when I'm not cleaning or talking to Lute." Adam also stretched, his tail poking up as he did so.

"A fun little idea would be to have little sections of specific flowers that the others like and they could maybe help take care of them."

"There should also be some sort of crop area. And like a uhm... A peach tree maybe?"

"Or an apple tree?"

"That works too I guess."

"Hell, let's do both! We can go shopping for this stuff tomorrow. I'll take both you and Lute out and explain it to Charlie." Lucifer grinned brightly, hopping off the bench and beginning to walk away. "C'mon, I think it's almost dinner time."


So they did do the sections, Adam and Lute enjoyed the time out of the hotel... Well, Adam did at least. He couldn't say the same for Lute. But they got all of the supplies they needed for gardening and the flowers and trees are all still growing currently. They've also put in a few beds of crops such as potatoes and carrots and tomatoes. Adam and Lucifer weren't really big fans of tomatoes but the others were, so oh well.

And apparently Charlie likes chrysanthemums, which just reminds him of Eve more. One of Eve's favorite flowers is also chrysanthemums, same with hydrangeas. Hydrangeas are a personal favorite of Adam's too. Basically, his coping mechanism was gardening.

Lute has yet to find a way to cope but she has noticed her hair getting a bit longer, so she's focused on trying to figure out how to take care of that at the moment. She's tried to cut it but she complained that it hurts badly when she tries to. Like it's apart of her body or something.

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