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Warning: sex, but its not hateful this time!... drunk sex, drunk confession, the word fuck is said a lot in this chapter💀

Adam stood frozen in his doorway while Luci sprinted away. Dumbfounded.

What the fuck?.

He looked up at the sound of movement and noticed Husk and Angel were peeking out of Angels room from across the hall. Adam, flustered, spun around, walked into his room, and slammed the door behind him.

Oh, I'm fucked.

What Lute said a while ago was probably right. Getting caught doing anything sexual or even romantic with Luci is bad. Adam wasn't even entirely sure if the other residents had completely warmed up to him after everything that went on the past few months before... All of this. And also for the past like two centuries.

See, it's a bad idea to even be associated with Luci because they might just gang up on him for anything even remotely gay they notice between them.

And he had dinner with everyone in a few, so. Wow that's bound to be super awkward.


Dinner was in fact super awkward. Husk and Angel stared both Lucifer and Adam down the whole time waiting to see if they'd do or say anything to eachother. Nothing. Both of them sat across from one another eating and picking at their food. Drunk and nervous. Adam didn't know what to do. Honestly, he was freaking the fuck out in his head because his crush- no- enemy- wait.

Oh my gosh, fuck it. Adam loves Lucifer. That's the conclusion he came to as he was heading back to his room to go to sleep. He loves Lucifer. The very being he had been despising for the past like eons! Well, its not that bad of course because they had been basically best friends at one point. And Adam liked him back then aswell before he of course "stole" his wife.

He had to thank him for "stealing" Lilith though. Adam didn't like her in any way more than just a friend. What actually hurt him in that moment he caught them kissing was the fact that Lilith stole Lucifer. He was upset with Lilith for stealing his could've been partner and he was upset with Luci for letting it happen and ditching Adam for some woman they both had just met.

It's a petty reason to be upset, and they could've just talked it over, yeah. But that was past Adam. Present Adam, even when drunk, can understand that both of their behavior was a bit fucking stupid. Adam distancing himself from the two and snitching instead of confronting them about it and Luci tricking Eve into taking the apple as an act of, as the story of hell states, him and Lilith wanting to share the fruit of knowledge. Is that actually why they did it? Who knows. That's what the story says. And the story was written by Lilith. So maybe it is true maybe it isn't.

None of their stupid stuff they did back then matters now. Kinda. They've rekindled their relationship and maybe he can get what he actually wanted between them all those years ago? He doesn't want to come to terms with being a homo, but even back then he was a homo and he basically just admitted to it.

Why has he been denying it? Well, the angels back then, specifically Gabriel (that little bitch), taught Adam that men dating men was a bad thing, and the same with women dating women. Even though no other angel told him the same thing and just said "honestly be who you wanna it's a free world", He still believed Gabriel and listened.

Why? Because Gabriel was like the only other angel he talked to on a daily basis after Luci was cast down. Not because he liked Gabriel but because he needed another angel like Luci to fill in for him. Eve was amazing and he loved her but without a Lucifer in his life, it felt empty.

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