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Lucifer woke up the next morning, he was laid on Adam's chest. He sat up, looking down at Adam and moved some of the man's hair behind his ear. Lucifer smiled. He stood up, brushed himself off and splashed some of the pond water in his face. He looked up and saw a yellow animal in the pond, it looked like a bird, sort of. His eyes sparkled.

"Oh my gosh! Adam!" He shook Adam awake.

"Whaaat?" The man below him groaned.

"Adam, it's so cute! We need to name it please!!" Lucifer dove into the pond and swam towards the bird looking creature. Adam heard the splash and immediately sat up.

"Luci! What are you doing?!" Lucifer scooped the creature up into his hands and swam out of the water. He shook himself off, flipping his hair out of his face.

"Sorry, Adam! I didn't mean to scare you." Adam ran up to Lucifer, placing a hand on his shoulder and looking down at the creature in his hand. "It's adorable, right?"

"It is cute... What should we name it?" Lucifer made a thinking face. After a moment, he responded.

"What about... Duck?"

"Duck? How did you come up with that name?" Adam laughed.

"Don't laugh at it! I think it's fitting!" Lucifer pouted.

"Hehe... Yeah, sure. We can name it 'Duck'." They both grinned at each other. Lucifer put the duck back into the water. He watched as it swam away.

"Bye, duck!" Lucifer looked down at himself. "I'm all wet now..." He whined. Adam grabbed his hand, chuckling.

"Let's go name the other animals now." Lucifer looked down at their intertwined hands. He felt a bit hot.

Is the sun hotter today?

"Oh- right. Okay." They spent half the day finding animals, naming them, and gathering food. Currently they were sitting under a tree, eating some blueberries they found.

"What are these called again?" Adam asked.


"So... If there was a red version of these they would be called?"


"What? Why not Redberries?"

"I'm not sure, that's how god named these things." Adam hummed. Lucifer smiled, looking up at the sky. "It is a bit stupid, I know. But-" Lucifer was cut off by an angel descending.

--2 day skip--

The angel was there to inform Luci of some 'wife'. Whatever that is. When the angel disappeared, Luci turned to Adam.

"We're creating a new human, to give you company instead of me." Adam felt his stomach do some sort of motion. It felt likeit dropped but when he looked down, his stomach was still attached to his body. That's Confusing.

"What do you mean? I do not want another human, I want you."

"God's not going to let me stay here. He's my father so he makes the rules. I have duties in heaven... What do you want her to look like? The new human? So I can tell them." Adam's eyes felt weird. He could feel something that felt like water run down his cheeks.

Luci frowned and stepped closer, cupping Adam's cheeks, He leaned his face closer, he felt Luci press his lips against Adams cheeks, Adam felt his heart beat faster at his actions. Luci smiled softly, wiping Adams face gently with his thumbs.

"It's okay. I will still visit you when I can."


Now, Adam was stuck with some other angel he wasn't close with. The one he had met when he first got here. Gabriel. Gabriel made him feel uncomfortable in some way, maybe just because he was used to Luci being here. Not this guy. Gabriel came up to Adam, who was sitting on a log, his elbow placed on his thigh and his chin rested on his palm.

"Adam, I've gathered a few berries." Gabriel sat down next to Adam on the log, and held out the berries. Blueberries. Adam frowned, but quickly replaced it with a crooked grin so Gabriel didn't try to talk to him about what's wrong.

"Thank you..." Gabriel stared up at the sky, the sun was setting.

"Are you okay? You seem upset lately."

Okay, so much for not talking about what's wrong, then.

"...Yeah. I am alright. I just miss Luci...fer."

"Oh. That's okay, you'll have someone new here soon, no need to worry." Gabriel placed his hand on Adam's shoulder. Adam looked at his hand and awkwardly smiled.


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