Along Came Spidey

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As Rachel and I distanced ourselves away from the chaotic streets of Hell, we stumbled onto a different turf. It was a bit quiet which made me concerned. Walking alongside the sidewalk, we came across a giant black gate.

"What's this?" I asked Rachel.

"I don't know."

My ears picked up noises coming in our direction and then I decided to just go through the gate. As we were walking up the slope, I was starting to see blotches of darkness at my eyesight. I was getting pretty weak, not just from my injuries but also from helping out Rachel.

"Are... Are you okay..?" Rachel asked in concern.

"I'm fine." I lied to her. But as I kept walking, I looked behind to see that I was leaving behind drops of my own blood.

"But your arm."

"Don't worry about it. I've been through worst than this." I said. After we made it up the slope, I saw a big building that said, 'Hazbin Hotel.'

"What is this place?"

"Maybe it's a hotel?"

"Interesting, never know that souls in Hell could have established places like this before. So this is very new to me."

"Me too."

"Maybe somebody can help us inside."

"Okay. Let's go."

I walked a little bit slower than before due to my condition getting worst and I knew I wasn't going to last very long. After opening the doors, we were greeted by a red deer man.

"Welcome to the Hazbin Hot- my my my." he said. "You both don't look very well. At all."

I panted pretty heavily and looked up to the deer man. "Please help us. We've been attacked."

"Not to worry my dear. Charlie, we need help!" the deer man called over one of his friends.

A girl dressed up in a red suit ran over and gasped. "Oh my gosh! Vaggie, get the first aid kit!"

"I implore you. Take my friend first." I said as I helped Rachel go to the deer man.

"Don't worry, I'll take very good care of her." he said as he took Rachel away someplace.

The girl in the suit rushed over to me. "Are you okay? Oh my, you're hurt too! Vaggie over here too!"

"I... I..." I tried to say the right words, but my condition got much worst. I started to stumble and felt myself falling once again, but I felt a pair of arms catch me. "Huh..?"

"Angel I need help now!" the girl's voice was being drowned out of my ears.

"Uhh..." I closed my eyes, falling into the black void of unconscious.

~A few days later...

My ears wiggled to the sound of something.

"Hey, are you awake?" a new voice called out to me.

"Mmm..." I tried to open my eyes a bit, but closed them again.

"Come on. Wake up." the voice said again.

"Mmm..." I opened my eyes slowly and fully, to come face to face to a... tall figure. "Huh?" I rubbed my eyes to get a clearer look.

"Hey. About time you're finally awake."

"Oh!" I scooted back to see who was talking. "W-What happened?!"

"It's okay toots, you're in my room. You passed out in the lobby due to your arm and Charlie told me to nurse you back to health."

I looked at my arm to see that it was mended. "H-How long was I out for?"

"3 days."

"3 days?!" I looked at him, or her? Or... I wasn't sure who this spider was. But I was freaking out just slightly.

"It's okay. You've been sleeping there. And I took care of you. Just relax." the spider said as his eyes were slightly glowing pink.

I looked at the sight of the glowing pink eyes and started to calm down.

"There you go. Nice deep breaths toots."

"Thanks... girl..?" I tilted my head in confusion. 

The spider chuckled. "I'm very flattered, but I'm actually a boy. But I like girly things."

"Wait, you're a drag queen."

"The one and only Angel Dust." he winked at me.

I smiled knowing that Angel was definitely friend material. I felt comfortable around him. He was a great guy to be with. "I appreciate what you did for me Angel Dust, and I'm forever grateful." I bowed.

"No biggie, but I think we should go see Charlie now. She's been coming in here every 5 minutes for the past 3 days to see if you were okay."

"Well I'm fine now."

"Actually you're not fine."

"Why not?"

"You've been asleep for 3 days and maybe you should take a nice warm shower. Just to wake you up a bit more."

"You think so?"

"I know so."

"Well, okay. I'll take a shower."

"Okay. I'll go see if there are any extra clothes that might fit you. You can help yourself to washing your hair too if you'd like."

"Thanks Angel. I really appreciate it." I smiled and then went into the bathroom.

~A little while later...

I came out of the bathroom feeling nice, fresh, and clean with a towel around my body and over my head. Then I heard a knock on the door. "Who is it?"

"It's Angel."

"Oh." I blushed. "Come in."

Angel walked in and brought me a few clothes to wear. "I found whatever I could bring ya."

"Thanks Angel. Umm... do you mind?" I blushed more since I was only in a towel.

"Don't worry about it at all doll. I've seen it all, but I'm more into boys~"

"Oh yeah." I blushed more. I looked at the clothes that he gave me and settled down for just a sweater and a pair of jeans. After I was dressed, I've release my hair from its towel wrap.

"Wow. Your hair looks nice and long. Maybe soft too. Can I touch it?" he asked me.


Angel slowly ran his fingers through my white and blue hair. "It feels really nice. Can I blow dry it for you?"

"Okay, since I don't know how to it by myself."

"Nice. Sit over there at my makeup table. I'll make you look and feel very pretty." Angel got excited.

I sat down at the table and let Angel work on his magic on me. I was glad that Angel treated me nicely to me. And I was still very grateful that he's helped me settle in as well. Maybe things won't be so terrible inside this hotel after all.

Hazbin Hotel: That's My Girl Part 1Where stories live. Discover now