Fallen Angel

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~Rachel's POV~

I was in the kitchen making lunch for everybody. I was cooking up some patty melts with French fries and broccoli salad. I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around to see no one other than the Radio Demon himself, Alastor. "Oh, hello sir."

"Hello my dear. Is everything alright in here?"

"Yes. Everything is alright in here." I said as I wiped the sweat off of my shoulder.

"You've been working really hard here in the kitchen. Why don't you take a break?"

"I don't want these orders to get backed up, I just wanna keep up. But thank you for asking. Oh, and you're fully dressed today."

"Why thank you my dear. I appreciate it. Don't work too hard now."

"I'll try not to."

"Alright." he said as he was making his exit.

I sighed sweetly as he was leaving. I couldn't help but think about that charming smile of his. Even though it was permanent across his face. I leaned against the table just daydreaming about him. He was just... the perfect man. Maybe for me.

"What a man." I said to myself. "I've never met anybody like him before. Especially that creepy smile on his face. I don't normally see it like that in Heaven."

~Alastor's POV~

As I was leaving Rachel in the kitchen by herself, I placed my hand over my chest and felt a pounding sensation there. "This can't be. Am I... falling for miss Rachel?" I asked myself that question.

"My word. I've never felt anything like this before." I said to myself. "This must be that feeling that my dear friend Husker must be feeling about Aquamarine." I sighed to myself and started thinking about how perfect Rachel was. As I was still thinking to myself...

"Ahh!" a scream came over my head which made my ears go up, and then a sound of fallen dishes caught my attention completely.

"My word!" I said as I ran back into the kitchen to see Rachel on the floor with broken dishes all around her. "My goodness Rachel, are you alright?!" I was worried.

Rachel looked up at me, her face was flushed in red. "Oh my gosh. I-I'm so sorry..."

I came by her side and got on my knees. "No my dear, it's alright." I said as I held her hands. "Oh dear, you've cut your finger a-" I stopped saying what I was saying because I saw a glimpse of... golden blood. I gasped after I saw her blood color.

"Sir I..." Rachel backed away and covered her face.

"This... This can't be... You're... a fallen angel..?"

"Please... Please don't kill me..." she sniffled as her ears were drooping down.

I was just really shocked that the one, the one I really loved... turned out to be an angel who was fallen. I stood up and took a deep breath, then came closer to her. "Rachel?"

Rachel uncovered her face with tears welding at her eyes. "A-Are you going to kill me?"

I shook my head.

"Alastor... sir. Please don't hurt me."

I got on my knees and held her hands. "Now why would I kill you?"

"Because I'm an angel. A-And you hate angels..."

"A fallen exorcist angel. How did this happen?"

"Umm..." she looked down and turned her gaze away from me.

"Please tell me my dear."

"I... I was betrayed and then they tore off my wings..."

"Just like Vaggie. That explains everything about why she was taking care of you. The day that you came here to us."

"I'm sorry... I'm so sorry..." she sniffled.

"Please don't cry my dear." I took out my handkerchief from my chest pocket. "There's nothing to feel sorry about." I said as I helped her wipe her tears away.

~Rachel's POV~

As I felt Alastor wiping my tears away with his cloth, I looked up at him and felt my face burning like the fire. "Umm..."

"What's the matter my dear? Your face is flushed."

"Oh! Umm... it's an angel thing..."

He chuckled and stepped away from me. "That's quite alright my dear." he said as he snapped his fingers. After he did that, the shadows came from the floor tiles and they started to clean up the broken dishes.

I was surprised. "My goodness! That was really impressive Alastor sir." I clapped my hands.

"I thank you. Now hold still." he said as her took out a bandaid from his coat.

"Okay." I stood still as Alastor laid the bandaid on my finger where the cut is at.

"There you go. Feeling better?"

"Much better. Thank you." I said as I wagged my tail.

"You're welcome."

"I'm done with my shift for the day. I'm gonna go clean up."

"Take care my dear." he said as he took a bow.

I giggled and did a curtsy. "Thank you Alastor sir."

"You don't have to call me sir."

"Okay sir. I mean, Alastor."

He smiled and took his leave. I sighed sweetly knowing that the Radio Demon was meant to be with me. As I walked out of the kitchen, I wandered off down the long hallways of the hotel. I was walking down to the lobby stairs until I bumped into someone.


"Oh! Sorry I- oh Rachel. It's you." Aqua said as she looked up to me.

"Aqua, are you okay?" I said as I saw her face flushed with red all over.

"Umm... can we talk?"

"Sure thing." I said as I sat down with her on the stairs. "Now tell me what happened."

"So I think I did something wrongishly right..."

"What was it?"

"I drugged Husker with catnip spray." she said as he she showed me the spray bottle. "And I somewhat... liked the pleasure he gave me. He was really different once I sprayed this stuff on me."

"Oh wow. Really? Was he over the moon?"

"Most definitely. But at least I finally understand what he meant. He's not just a toughie on the outside, but a softie on the inside."

"Yeah. That's gonna be a very complicated love story between you two."

"I'll say. But at least I can put my mind at ease knowing that he really was worried for me the day of my breath holding training. But I'm still shy on telling him my secret as well. You're lucky that Alastor found out about you and accepted it."


"You're lucky."

"You're lucky too, and I think something is wrong with me too..."

"What is it? You can tell me."

"Well... Alastor found out about me being an angel."

"Oh my god. Was he mad?" she covered her mouth.

"No. He accepted it. And there's another thing..."


"I have a major crush on him."

"Ooh, falling for the strawberry pimp~?" she smirked.

"Yeah." I smiled.

And so on, Aqua and I were talking about our boy crushes throughout the whole night until it was time for bed.

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