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~Alastor's POV~

I convinced the others to aid me in recovering Rachel. We followed Aqua who was following the trail of Rachel's angelic blood.

"Uh oh." she gasped.

"What's wrong?" I stopped at my tracks.

"The trail went cold." she said as she puts her nose on the ground. "She's here somewhere."

"Hurry Aquamarine please!" I was worried sick. Even as the Radio Demon, I felt powerless without Rachel by my side.

"Well it was your fault for not looking after her on your own." Husk said.

I gave him the look and he stopped.

"AHH!" a blood curdling scream was heard.

"This way! Hurry!" Aquamarine ran on all fours.

We followed Aquamarine as quickly as we could until she skidded to a stop in front of a warehouse that was directly next to the V Tower.

"This is it!" she growled.

"Perfect!" I grew angry and released my shadow tentacles. I used them to barge their way into the front entrance. I came through there. "I wAnT mY wOmAn!"

"Just who the fuck do you think you are?!" the devil man said.

I grew angrier. "I aM tHe RaDiO dEmOn!"

~Aqua's POV~

After Alastor broke through the main entrance of the warehouse, I smelled something very familiar. I looked ahead to see that the scent was coming from the devil man who was making threats at Alastor. I growled my loudest growl after I realized who it really was. "I finally found you, MURDERER!"

"Murderer?!" Husk and Angel looked at each other.

"Well well well~ If it isn't my lovely sex slave Aquamarine herself~" he smirked.

I growled. "I'm no slave to you bitch. My killer, and my rapist. I see that you've turned out to be a devil for real back then. You've done nothing but made me suffer."

"And I loved it~ Your screams, that body, everything~"

I barked at him. "RedClaw! We're gonna finish what I wasn't able to do while I was alive!" I grew even angrier and felt something coming out of my fur. I looked to see that my scales turned very sharp.

"See you still have your mermaid powers~ After I killed you, I took your scales to sell them and travel the world on the run~ Until fate caught up to me~ And since then in Hell, I've become more powerful~!" he laughed.

"Powerful my ass! With my badass group, we'll see who's more powerful!" I smirked. "ATTACK!" I roared and charged straight at my killer as we started to epic battle.

~Alastor's POV~

After we've gone into battle, I witnessed a black and white jester clown coming out and he was pulling up his pants. I smelled his scent and boy was I mad. He had Rachel's scent all over! "You! Get over here!" I used my shadows to wrap him up.

"Ah! Hey!"

I grew very angry. "WhErE's My WoMaN?!"

He laughed. "Might wanna go back there~ After I'm done with you, I'm gonna fuck that bitch until her last drop~"

"YoU fIeNd!" I grew angrily and used my shadows to slam him back and forth.

"Oof! Oof!" he groaned out loud in pain.

"I'm GoInG tO mAkE yOu SUFFER!!!" I kept at it as hard and as painful as possible.

~Aqua's POV~

I was battling Red Claw with my blade while he had his knife.

"I'm going to filet you and feast on you tonight~!"

"Never!" I bashed my head against him which made him collapse on the ground.

"This is the end!" I roared out and stabbed him right at the throat.

"Ah... Ah... I-Impossible..." Red Claw said his last words as he died.

"And good riddance." I growled and got off of his dead corpse.

"That was badass!" Angel cheered.

"Heh... yeah..." Husk trailed off.

I saw Angel and Husk standing there and ran my way over there to them, despite a few cuts and bruises.

~Husker's POV~

As I saw Aqua running towards us, I held my arms out. Only to realize that she ran right past me and was hugging Angel instead. I looked back at them as they were talking how badass the battle was between her and her perpetrator. I was glad that she killed him, but I wasn't glad that she didn't even notice me. Like I was invisible to her.

I sighed and kicked her perp's dead body.

"Husk, what are you doing?" Angel asked me.

"Just making sure he's dead."

Angel kicked the body as well. "Okay he's dead. Now come on, we gotta go!" Angel said.

"Right." I said as I flew out of the warehouse with them.

~Alastor's POV~

"Help! Help!"

My ears picked up Rachel's voice. "Rachel!" I ran to the door and barged my way in there. I was shocked to see her covered in blood and scars, with no clothes on.

"A-A-Alastor..." she sniffled.

"It's okay love. I gotcha." I said as I took off my jacket and wrapped it around her shoulder. "It's all over." I said as I picked her up in my arms.

"Alastor... it hurts..."

"I know. We're going to help you now." I said as I ran out of the warehouse after the others.

After we all made it safe and sound in the hotel, I brought Rachel up to my radio tower and started tending to her wounds.

"I-I'm sorry Alastor..."

"It's okay my love. Everything's okay."

"No it's not... I'm garbage..."

"No you're not my love. You're everything to me."

"I'm s-s-soiled and bruised... C-Cut up like I-I'm a piece of t-trash..." she sniffled.

"Shh... my love. Just relax." I said as I was finished tending to her wounds and hugging her gently. "I'm so sorry that I wasn't there for you."

"All I did was to go outside to get some fresh air..."

I pulled back. "But I should've been there with you!"

"Mmm..." she whimpered and her ears were drooping.

I took a deep breath. "You're just too precious to be taken from me."

"I-I'm still wondering why do you even want me? O-Or why do you even care?"

"Because I love you. I want you because you're being you. And that's why I fell in love with you."

She sniffled and started crying into me. I hugged her snug and close. I picked her up in my arms and took her to her room. After I closed and locked the door, I laid her down in her bed. I laid next to her as she placed her head on my chest. I kissed the top of her head and rubbed her back as she slowly drifted to sleep.

To be honest, I felt really powerless seeing her like this. But from now on, I'm going to stay by her side all the time. Even if it kills me.

Hazbin Hotel: That's My Girl Part 1Where stories live. Discover now