Meeting Alastor

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After Angel was done with my hair and makeup, I was feeling much better.

"Wow. You look beautiful toots." Angel smiled.

"Thanks Angel. For everything."

"Let's change those bandages so we can meet up with Charlie and the others." he said as he got his first aid kit ready.

"Oh umm... okay." I gulped the feeling down my throat.

As I felt his untying my bandages, he gasped. "Oh my gosh!"

"What's wrong?"

"Your wound! It... healed..? That fast?"

"Uhh... yeah. I guess all that sleeping might've healed it." I laughed nervously.

"Huh... maybe it did. Oh well." he shrugged it off and took my used bandage to throw away in the garbage can. "So, you ready to see Charlie?"

"Yeah. I'm ready." I nodded as I wagged my tail, feeling a little excited.

"Okay. Let's go." he said as he opened the door from the room.

I walked through the door while saying thank you to him on the way out. As we walked down the long hallway filled with nothing but doors, I've been asking him a few questions. Angel explained to me that the place we're at right now is called the Hazbin Hotel. It's a place where sinners or demons that have done wrong things come here so they can be redeemed and go up to heaven.

"So why didn't you go to heaven yet Angel? You have white fuzz like me too." I said.

"Ehh, I kinda like it here in Hell. Down here you can have a lot more fun. You can drink, smoke, take drugs, and never have to feel guilty about it. And besides, Heaven kinda sounds boring to me."

"I don't know Angel, I mean... I woke up on Heaven. But, something happened while I was up there."

"Hold the phone! Are you saying that you've went up to Heaven?!"

"Uhh... yeah..?" I grew a bit nervous. "Is that a bad thing?"

"No no. It's just that, I'm really surprised. What was it like up there?"

"It's covered in clouds. But something weird happened. As I was going to the gate there, nobody was there due to... Extermination Day?"

"The crazy shit that happened 3 days ago. The same day you came to us with that Rachel chick."

I gasped. "Rachel! Is she okay?!" I grew worried.

"Yeah. She's okay. Vaggie was taking care of her all this time. She's fine."

I sighed out in relief. "Thanks goodness."

"So what happened up there?"

"So I found that sign there and then the next thing I knew, I was falling and then found myself in Hell."

"That's very weird. Maybe you should talk to Charlie about that once you meet her. She's the big boss of this hotel. Maybe she can help you out so you can be redeemed."

"Don't you mean re redeemed?"

"It's only once sweet cheeks."

"Okay." I said as we were walking into the lobby. As we were walking down the stairs, I saw the same red deer man from that day and hid behind Angel's back. "Eek! Scary man."

"Ahh Angel! You're finally up and about out of your room. What are you doing?"

"I was just showing out the new girl. She's feeling much better."

"Then where is she? I don't see her."

"She's right behind me. Newbie girl, come out from behind." Angel told me.

"But he looks scary Angel. That smile freaks me out."

"I promise you my dear, I will not bite." the deer man said.

"Well... only if I can have a hand."

"Allow me." he said as he held his hand out to me.

I peeked out from behind Angel and looked up at the smiling red deer man. He looked a little creepy to me at first, but I took a deep breath and held his hand gently.

"There we go. No need to be shy now." he said.

I came out from behind Angel and looked up to him. "H-Hello."

"Hello my dear. I'm relieved to hear that you're fully recovered and not dead at all."

"Uhh... thanks..?" I grew a bit nervous.

"I apologize. My name is Alastor, the bell hop. Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel." he took a bow.

I giggled softly. "It's nice to meet you. I'm Aquamarine, the pleasure's all mine." I did a small curtsy.

"What a polite young girl. This spider that took care of you is Angel Dust. A resident of the hotel. He took very good care of you."

I turned to Angel Dust and bowed my head at him. "I thank you ever so much for taking good care of me. I'm forever grateful that you saved me."

"Aww come on now Aqua. It's no biggie really." Angel chuckled. "Hey strawberry pimp, where's Charlie?"

"Charlie is outside with Vaggie and the other new girl Rachel. They're giving her the tour of the hotel so that way she can start working here as our chef." he explained.

"You gave Rachel a job to work here?" I asked Alastor.

"Actually Charlie did. She's the boss of this hotel. And she was delighted to accept the job. This morning she made a very delectable quiche. It was very delicious."

My stomach growled at the sound of it. "I bet it was good." I said as I held my tummy. "I'm really hungry."

"We gotcha." Angel said. "Is there any more of that quiche left over?"

"I'm afraid not. Nifty ended up eating the last of it. I apologize my dear."

"That's okay Alastor. Maybe I should just make myself something to eat there."

"No no nonsense! You've just woken up in a new place with no idea where to begin! Rachel should be back any minute now since it is just about lunchtime."

"I wonder what she's gonna make this time?" Angel got a little excited.

"I do hope it's those pigs in a blanket. Those are absolutely my favorite."

"My favorite was the dessert that she made, the chocolate lava cake a la mode."

"Guys stop... you guys talking about food is making me really really hungry." I sighed out.

"Again my dear, I apologize." Alastor said.

"Yeah. Sorry toots. How about you go lie down for a bit until Charlie comes back? Then you can talk to her. Heck, she might end up giving you a job too." Angel said.

"Okay." I said as I went to the lobby couch and got myself comfortable there. Then I saw a tv remote and started watching the tv there.

Hazbin Hotel: That's My Girl Part 1Where stories live. Discover now