Soft Kitty

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I didn't know what I was doing, I'm here in Aqua's room petting her head while she's asleep. What is really wrong with me? Am I starting to develop my feelings for her now? 'This is bullshit. But then again, maybe it is better to be with her. I mean... she's done a lot here for the time being.' I thought to myself.


My ears wiggled as I looked down at her. "Aqua?"

"Mmm... mmm..." she kicked her leg a bit. "Husk..."

'She said my name.' I thought to myself. I gently placed my paw on top of hers, wondering if she was in a dream.

"Mmm... Husky..." she moaned softly and held my paw. "Don't... don't leave me..."

I listened to every word she was talking in her sleep.

"Don't leave me... I... I love you..." she began to tear up a little.

I blushed super red. I didn't expect for her to say that. Was it actually true, did she actually said that she loved me? I had to find out for myself. So I shook her gently. "Hey, Aqua."


"Aqua. Hey, wake up." I shook her a bit more.

~Aqua's POV~

As I was having a dream, I felt myself being shaken. I slowly began to open my eyes to see that somebody was in front of me, and then I felt a warm feeling on my paw. "W-Who's that..?"

"It's me."

"Me who..?" I slowly rubbed my eyes, still sleepy from my nap. When my vision cleared up, my eyes were laid on a familiar cat.

"Me. Husk."

"Oh. Hey." I said in a groggy voice.

"Hey. Are you okay?"

"Mmm..." I sat up slowly. "Yeah, I'm okay."

"How's your wound? Angel told me what happened."

"It's alright."

"Can you heal it yet?"

"No. Not yet. I have to wait another 4 days, until the new moon period is over."

"I see. Well... I brought you over some lunch." he said as he handed me a plate that had a honey turkey sandwich on it. And a cup of peach tea.

"Ooh. Sandwich." I smiled and was about to eat it, but I stopped and looked at him. "Hey Husk?"


"Do you want half?"

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure." I nodded. I split the sandwich in two and gave Husk one part of the sandwich.

"Thanks." he said as he started eating it. "Mmm, it's good."

"You're welcome." I smiled lightly and ate my half of the sandwich.

"This is really good. Rachel did a pretty healthy sandwich."

"I'll say she did. Ever since coming here, we've been getting a lot more guests here in the hotel."

"Hehe, yeah."

After I was finished with my half of the sandwich, I was drinking the nice and warm peach tea. It felt nice to have something in my tummy while I was on the mend myself. I looked up at Husk and called his name. "Hey, Husk?"


"How are... you feeling..?" I trailed off and looked down.

"I'm feeling alright. Thanks for giving me your scales."

"Y-You're welcome. Again, I'm really really sorry about what I've done to you. I was still pretty upset about last week."

He sighed. "It's okay. And I'm sorry about it too. But you know that I'm cursed to not say anything, ever since I've sold my soul. So that makes me very umm... umm... what's that word called? Umm..."


"Yeah, unpredictable. It'll take some time, but I'll try to do better."

"Just like I will too. I promise, I won't be overdramatic or any of that lame shit."

"How so?"

"It was starting to make me feel like I was a baby."

He chuckled. "Alright." he said as he got up. "Get some rest." he said as he was about to leave.

"Umm Husk?"

"Hmm?" I turned back at her.

"Can I umm... can I get a hug? Please?"

"I'm not much of a hug person... but it's on the house. Since you bit Alastor for me, truly badass at that." he chuckled and came back to me.

"And I'm glad I did." I wagged my tail and held my arms out for him.

He chuckled as he gently wrapped his arms around my upper waist. "How's this?"

I wrapped my arms around his neck. "This is good." I smiled. "Maybe even better than I could ever imagine." I said as I wagged my tail faster.

As we were hugging, I heard something coming from Husk. He was... purring. I giggled softly and started to enjoy his purring as we were embracing each other. I was glad that we were making things up.

"Don't mind the purring." Husk said.

"I don't mind. It's relaxing." I said as I got a little closer into the hug. I smelled his scent into his fur, and he smelled of alcohol. As we were hugging, I've thought about something that I wasn't able to say before.

"Hey Husk?"

"What now?"

"Umm..." I blushed and pulled away.

"Come on. Say it."

"Is it too late to say yes?"

"Yes for what?"

"For umm... about that date that I didn't say yes to that very morning?"

He blushed lightly. "Really? You remember that?" he rubbed the back of his neck.

"Yeah. Well, is it?"

"Uhh, it's still open. So umm... are you up for it?" he blushed.

I wagged my tail. "Sure."

"Wait, really?"

"Yeah. And I also wanna make it up to you too. As in, maybe later on, we can hang out in the lobby and have a movie night?"

He chuckled. "Sure. Tonight movies in the lobby. Me and you?"

"Yeah. You and me."

"I'll wait for our date after you've fully recovered. How about after the new moon is done?"

"Okay. It's a date." I wagged my tail. I was really happy that I was truly talking with Husk.

"I'll see you tonight?"

"Yeah. Tonight, after your work shift."

"Okay." he said as he took my empty plate and cup. "I'll see you tonight. Also, don't tell anybody that I went soft on ya."

"I won't. I promise." I giggled and curled back up.

"Okay. Get some rest." he said as he petted my head.

"I will." I said as I laid my head down on my pillow.

"Well, see ya." he waved to me as he opened my door to head out.

"See ya." I waved back at him. After I heard him close the door, I wanted to scream in victory that we were finally getting along and that we've arranged our dates to hang out. But all I did was giggle to myself and hugged my pillow.

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