Sleepover Part 3

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"So you fucked back in the day of the living, but never in Hell, right?" Lucifer asked Husky again.

"Never in Hell actually. But when I was alive yes." he nodded.

"Wow. That's really interesting. I didn't know that." Rachel said.

"Well in my book of souls, Husker died a very very long time ago. He died in 1970." Lucifer explained.

"Wow. 1970? So that was like a while much longer."

"Yeah. There's a lot I want to tell you guys. But... now's not the right time for it." Husky looked down and held me close.

"That's really interesting. So when you were banging your way, how many kids did you have?" Angel asked him.

"Angel that's a personal question." Charlie told him.

"What? I was just asking. It was out of curiosity."

"Angel, he doesn't have to answer that question. He might not be very comfortable with it." I said to him as I held Husky's paw.

It was true. I truly was surprised that he had a late wife. And what was even more surprising to me was that he never told me about it. Well, now that I actually think about it... he would've told if I didn't get his soul back. He was cursed before to never say anything. And if it wasn't for me, he wouldn't have told me this at all.

"It's not the right time to ask him that Angel. You should apologize to him." I said.

"Okay. Sorry Husk." Angel apologized to him.

"That's okay Legs." Husky said as he brought me much closer to him. "I'll go next." he said as he spun the bottle and it landed on Vaggie now.

"Your turn Vaggie. Truth or dare?" he asked her.

"Oh boy. I pick a dare." she said.

"Heh." he smirked. "I dare you to run outside naked around the hotel!"

"Husker that's way too far!" Charlie blushed.

"Do it!" Angel laughed.

"For the sake of my girlfriend, imma pass up on that dare."

"Boo. Chicken. Bawk bawk bawk." Lucifer mimicked like a chicken.

"Bawk bawk." I giggled as Lucifer was making chicken noises at Vaggie.

"Hmm, okay then... I dare you to eat a whole cake. Rachel made this and you have to eat it all in 5 minutes."

"Phew, okay that's a better dare." Charlie sighed in relief.

"Her stomach is not going to agree with that." Angel shook his head.

"Oh gosh the last cake I have is the three tier cake." Rachel said as she brought it out.

"I'll do it." Vaggie said.

"Oh boy. Here we go." I laughed.

"You can do it babe." Charlie cheered for her girlfriend.

"Okay and... go!" Husk placed the timer for 5 minutes.

Vaggie started to eat the 3 layer cake. It was very excruciating to watch her suffer eating that cake of death. But in the end, she passed. And she did it in 5 painful minutes.

"Oh. My. God." Angel gasped. "She actually did it!"

"Well damn. She actually ate that whole damn cake all by herself." Husky chuckled.

"I'm very impressed." Luci chuckled.

"Ugh..." Vaggie moaned.

"Oh gosh Vaggie!" Charlie grew worried.

"She'll be okay big boss. Just a tummy ache." I said.

"My turn..." Vaggie said as she spun the bottle with her finger and it landed on Rachel. "T-Truth or dare Rachel?" she asked her.

"Dare." she responded to her.

"I dare you t-to kiss both Alastor and Lucifer."

"What?!" Alastor and Lucifer both said it at the same time.

"Ooh~!" Angel smirked.

"Quack quack alert~!" I giggled.

"Oh my. This is going to be awkward for me." Charlie looked away. "Even more now that you're going to be kissing my dad."

"Sorry Charlie." Rachel apologized to Charlie.

"Oh how the tables turn." Husky chuckled.

"Fine." Rachel said as she dragged Alastor into the kiss first. And then she dragged Lucifer into the kiss next.

"Damn, now that's pretty hot there. You have 2 daddies to kiss~" Angel smirked at her.

"Heh, I guess I do." Rachel giggled.

"Damn~" Alastor laughed as he hiccuped.

"What a hottie~" Lucifer hiccuped too. They both had more than a couple of beers together which made the both of them very intoxicated.

"Hmm, since you're the last one to spin the bottle Rachel, you do it." Charlie said.

"Alright." Rachel said as she spins the bottle pretty fast.

As the bottle was spinning slower and slower, the bottle finally landed... on me. Again.

"Oh wow. Guess the bottle really loves me." I giggled.

"Okay sis. Truth or dare?" she asked me.

"I'll go for another dare."

"Oh boy this dare oughta be really good." Angel said as he was getting excited.

"Okay. Hmm..." Rachel thought about it. "Heh, this oughta make the red come out of your face."

"Oh yeah?" I smirked. "What's my dare sis?"

"Oh you'll love this dare~"

"Say it~!"

"I dare you to do the dirty with your Husky Wusky later tonight!"

"Wait what?!" I blushed super red again.

"Ooh~! That's the best dare ever Rachel!" Angel laughed.

"Uhh..." Husky blushed the same amount of red I was blushing.

"Nice one." Vaggie winked at Rachel.

"Bow chicka wow wow~" Lucifer smirked as he winked at Husky.

"Oh my." Charlie looked away.

"Alright everyone. It's time for us to retire to our own quarters." Alastor said as he was a little intoxicated. "Luci you're welcome to ours."

"Thanks Bambi." Lucifer got up in a shaky manner too.

"Wait, you're actually going to let him join us in our room?" Rachel smiled at Alastor.

"Of course. I think we just became friends after this sleepover party. After all, I was impressed with his dare."

"Hehe yeah." Lucifer chuckled.

"That was a lot of fun." Vaggie said as she got up too. "I'd say this has been more fun since you girls got here."

"Really?" Rachel and I both said it at the same time.

"Yeah. There's never ever a boring day here." Angel said.

"We're just glad to have you both aboard." Vaggie said.

"Thanks." Rachel wagged her tail as she held her egg child I gave back to her.

"Yeah. Thanks guys." I wagged my tail.

"It was very enjoyable. Thank you Aqua for helping us bond together once again. I'd say we all had a great time tonight." Charlie thanked me.

"I-It's my pleasure big boss. I'm glad that I could help." I blushed.

After everyone said goodnight and went to their own rooms, I was blushing buckets of red while it was now me and Husky in the room alone. As we were cleaning up the mess, I couldn't help it. I was thinking like crazy about how our first time will go. I just prayed that everything will be just fine.

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