Husk's Past

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~Husk's POV~

After I took Aqua's clothes off of her, I put her directly into the bath. I placed some bubble bath in the water and let the water run.

"Ooh, trying to pamper me like a princess Husky?"

"Actually, a queen." I chuckled. "Wanna see a magic trick?" I said as I took off my hat.


"Abracadabra." I waved my paw over my hat and took out a bouquet of blue roses.

She giggled and clapped her paws. "Bravo my magician kitty."

"Thank you." I took a bow. I put my top hat back on my head. Then I used the blue rose petals to sprinkle the bubble bath.

"Ooh, trying to be romantic with me?" she giggled.

"I always do." I smiled and grabbed the loofah and the soap. I went behind her and started washing her back.

"Hmm, that feels good~" she hummed lightly.

"You've had a busy day today. How was training?"

"Training was pretty good. I'm starting to get stronger."

"That's good."

"And I have my lucky charm to thank for it too." she said as she looked down.

I looked to see that she was looking down at the locket I gave her. I smiled. "I'm glad the locket gave you some good luck." I kissed her cheek.

"I'm glad so too. I've fallen a few times, but I always pick myself up."

"That's my girl." I kissed her cheek again.

She giggled. "I love it when you say that."

~Later on...

"There we go. Nice and clean." I said as I was brushing out her fur.

"Thanks Husky. I appreciate it that you took care of me."

"Of course. I'm happy to help my love." I said as I hugged her and brought her into the bed.

"So comfortable." she laid on my chest fur.

I purred and held her close. As we were cuddling, I was thinking about something that I feel like I should tell her. "Hey babe?"

"Yeah Husky?"

"Do you remember our truth and dare game?"

"Yes I do."

"Remember when I said truth and told you about my late wife?"

"Yeah. What about it?"

"I want to tell you more about my past."

She sat up. "Are you sure about it honey?" she laid her paw on mine. "You don't have to tell me if you're not comfortable with it."

"No. I do want to tell you. Since I was cursed to not tell you anything, you should know everything now."

"Well, okay." she sat on my lap. "You can tell me."

"Okay." I took a deep breath. "During my time in the living world, I had my late wife in whom I was married to. We had a daughter until 5 years later, my late wife passed away due to an illness."


"So it was up to me to raise my daughter as a single parent. We moved to a new town to have a fresh start. Once we've moved to our new town, money pretty tight. Job after job, I couldn't keep up with them."

"Oh dear."

"So I got into gambling, and it soon turned into an addiction. But it was the only way to pay the bills and to send my daughter to school. With all the pressure and everything else around me, that's when I started drinking too."


"I got into gambling so much, I was losing myself into it. I was betting so much, a lot of people thought that I was cheating."

"You're just too good at the game."


"But one day, was the day that I wish that I could go back to. One day, I was winning against a loan shark in which I did. But before I could leave with the winnings, they pulled out a gun and aimed it at my head."

She gasped.

"They thought that I was cheating. But I simply just said that I was just too good at it. I was just standing there and told them that I needed to get back home. But they didn't care, and the last thing that I could remember... was several gunshots."


"I was shot. And I never made it to school to pick up my daughter, or never made it back home..."

She teared up and sniffles. "That's horrible... you never made it back to her..."

I gave her my handkerchief. "You're right. I never did..."

She blew into it.

"But I do know who's responsible for it. And they were no one other than my brothers."

She gasped. "You had brothers? Holy shit."

"Yep. 2 of them. In my family, we're known to giving birth to triplets."

"My god. That's pretty redundant. I could imagine seeing the 3 of you together. I'll have a splitting headache."

"I'll say. But my brothers are complete assholes. But then again if it wasn't for them, I wouldn't be here."

"Those brothers really do sound assholes. The way they just killed you and become greedy over the money you won fair and square. It angers me. If I ever see those two here in Hell, I'm gonna teach them a lesson."


"I know. I know. I promised myself to stop being the overdramatic bitch." she took some deep breaths. "But... this really was a lot to take in."

"Yeah. But I'm glad I was able to tell you my past."

"Me too. It must've been very hard for you to tell me all that."

"It was."

"And you've been through so much." she said as she hugged me.

I hugged her back. "It was nothing really." I looked away.

"Baby, listen to me." she held my cheeks and made me look at her blue sparkling sapphires. "Although the beginning was tough, you've fought through so many obstacles life threw at you. I really admire the fact that you go out of your own way to provide everything that your daughter needed in your past life. And it reminds me of how good of a father you were to her. Even up until the very bitter end."

I sighed softly at her. "You know something babe?"


"That I see my daughter right through you. She's say the exact same thing if she was here. Kind of stupid, ain't it?"

"No." she shook her head. "Not at all. And I could imagine her saying the same thing as well."

"Aqua..." I hugged her waist. "I'm really glad that you came to Hell. You've changed my life here."

"I'm glad too. And you've changed my life here as well."

"Stay with me. Forever."

"I will Husky. I will."

I wrapped my wings around her and laid in bed with her. I brought the blanket over us and she snuggled right onto me. She started to groom me and it caused me to purr.

"You're a good kitty." she said.

I smiled. "And you're a good girl." I petted her.

I really was glad that Aqua was my one and only girl. The best girl in Hell.

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