Fucked Up

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"Man, this place is pumping!" Angel got excited. "Isn't this fun Aqua?"

"Yeah." I wagged my tail.

"What up my bitch?!" a voice called out.

I looked to the side to see a girl with one eye and wearing a red and black outfit. "Who's that?"

"Cherri!" Angel ran over to her and hugged her. "I missed you so much!"

I walked up slowly behind Angel. "Oh boy, deja vu all over again." I laughed to myself as I was reminiscing my first time I hid behind Angel from Alastor.

"What's up my bitch?" Angel asked his friend.

"Where have you been? I thought you were dead." she responded back to him.

"Umm, he wasn't dead." I spoke out and peeked my head out from behind Angel. "He was with me."

"Now who is this little bitch you have here?" Cherri looked down at me. "Your pet?"

"I'm not a pet. I'm his friend."

"This is my new friend Aqua. She's the one I was telling you about." Angel introduced me.

I came out fully to greet her. "Hi Cherri, it's a pleasure to meet you. A friend of Angel's is a friend of mine." I lent her my paw.

"Hmm, she's cool. Well then, it nice to meet you too bitch!" she said as she shook my paw a little aggressively.

I giggled slightly. "That actually felt good."

"She's going to join us for some drinks and then we're probably going to shoot up the shooting range." Angel said to her.

"Oh that's a lot of fun when you're drunk here first. I shot a guy the last time I was drunk." Cherri laughed.

"Oh boy. That sounds... neat." I nervously scooted back.

"Don't wanna to be too fucked up since I promised Whiskers I'd watch her." Angel explained to her.

"Oh? You dating the grumpy bartender bitch?" Cherri smirked at me.

"Y-Yeah. We're dating." I blushed.

"Well then you'll always be drunk with him and with us."

"Would it be fun overall?"

"Oh you'll have lots of fun when you're with us!" Cherri wrapped her arm around my neck. "Well ok then, let's get fucked up!!

"Hell yeah bitches!" he Angel agreed.

"Yay!" I cheered.

So for the past 2 hours, we were all having a good time. We were drinking shot after shot, dancing, and even singing karaoke.

"Whoo..." I giggled very uncontrollably. I knew I was intoxicated just by my eyesight being blurred up like crazy.

"Damn girl, you drank 2 more bottles of Casamigos and Taylor wine again?!" Angel laughed. "Even more drunk the first time!"

"Yeah..." I giggled again. "Whoo..." I danced on top of the table as I took off my shirt and waved it like a flag.

"Wow! Okay Aqua. That's enough alcohol for one night." Angel laughed nervously as he puts my shirt back on.

"Come on now bitch, she can handle a little more!" Cherri protested.

"She's like 10 times more drunk than the first time!"

"It's so hot..." I giggled uncontrollably.

"Damn Angie, she's a lot of fun when she's fucked up." Cherri laughed.

"Trust me she's more fun when intoxicated." Angel laughed.

"Uhh... everything's spinning..." I shook my head and stumbled into a wall. As I shook my head again, I spotted 3 doors that was numbered 1, 2, and 3.

"Hmm? What's with these doors here Angel?" I asked him.

Angel gasped and took me away from there. "You don't want to go through there toots."

"Why not?"

"Those doors are the sex rooms."

"Sex rooms?"

"Yeah bitch." Cherri said as she was holding hands with a stranger. "Now move aside, I'm gonna fuck this due that has 3 dicks!" she laughed and went into sex room number one with the stranger.

I blushed super red and felt my ears letting out literal steam. "I've... never been through that before. I mean in the good way."

"Yeah. But you might wanna save that when you and Husker are ready to fuck." Angel said.

"But... I don't know how to fuck." I said. My ears perked after I heard everyone around me gasp. "Uhh..."

"Shh Aqua!" Angel covered my mouth.

I took his hand away from my mouth. "What was that all about bitch?"

"You have to keep that to yourself. You don't want to say that too loud around here. Since this is Hell, they would want to get to that virgin vagina."

"But this isn't a virgin vagina anymore. Remember my story?"

"I know the story. But it's a lot more different now that you're here in Hell."

"How so?"

"You're still a virgin either way when you haven't done it in love motion the way you went through. It was forced, so it's still not broken."


"When you were reborn before heading to heaven and got sent down here, your hole is not fully broken."

"Damn. So what you're trying to say is that I'm a virgin all over again?"


"Well fuck. Oh boy, this is embarrassing. It'll be my first time all over again. But here in Hell. Oh god." I placed my paw on my face.

"Exactly. That's why you have to keep it to yourself. I'm rooting for you to have your first time with Husker. That's what you want, don't you?"

I blushed a lot of red. "Of course I do."


"So now what? We just keep drinking until Cherri is done having fun in there with her friend that has 3 dicks?"


"Actually, I have to go to the bathroom. I drank a little bit too much back there before I got crunk." I giggled nervously.

Angel laughed. "Want me to go with you so you don't be scared?"

"I think I can handle it. I'm a big girl."

"That's my girl." he said as he was petting my head.

"Hey, only Husky gets to say that to me."

"I know."

"Okay now it feels a bit weird when you say that."

"How so?"

"Because when he says it, it gets me excited and giggly all over."

He chuckled. "Okay. Whatever. Get going before you wet yourself. Mmm, wet~" he said as he licked his lips.

"Angel!" I blushed and was making my way, going to the ladies room.

Hazbin Hotel: That's My Girl Part 1Where stories live. Discover now