Chap 2 - Alisha

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A girl was sitting on the sofa putting all the focus on the iPhone in her hand. She had beautiful long hairs, pretty eyelashes which were blinking continuously, her long and beautiful nail painted fingers were moving skillfully. The maid came and forwarded the glass of juice towards her and ignorantly took that, resulting it to fall on her. The girl jolted up from her seat with a frown and anger evident on her face and without thinking twice she slapped hard on the face of shivering maid. The maid was still frozen when she grabbed her and slapped her again. And it was Alisha, the leading lady, who holds no respect for anybody, nobody can hurt her mountain sized ego.

Hearing the noises, everyone came to the hall to see what happened. Jai asked," What happened, baby sis?" Alisha turned towards her brother and said angrily," Look na bhai, this old woman destroyed my expensive and favourite dress, she can't even do a simple work properly" Jai glared at the maid which made her shiver more. Priya looked at the woman sympathetically and said," It's not that much big deal Alisha, you shouldn't have slapped her for this mistake she is elder than you" Alisha looked at her and then at Jai who in return glared at Priya who gulped down in fear. Jai angrily said," What do mean my sister is wrong, now you will teach her what is right or wrong, 'JUST SHUT UP'" he roared making Priya slightly shiver.
Pradeep Malhotra, who was standing there and listening to their useless talks spoke in an authoritative voice, "Stop" and then turned towards the maid who was already shivering, he stared at her some good seconds and then declared in a no nonsense tone "You are fired" the maid begged to not fire her but her pleads gone in vain. Priya was sad for her but Alisha's lips curved up to a smile as she knew she is most important for her dad and brother no matter what.

After giving birth to Alisha, her mother died. Pradeep never married another woman and raised Alisha by his own along with his sister. She was the youngest and the most pampered so that she never feels motherless. Even Jai was very protective of her, he could do anything for her, his baby sis was his first priority. Jai was almost 8 years older than Alisha and the second father for her.

Giving no damn about whatever just happened because of her to the poor soul, she grabbed her bag and announced, " I am going to mall with my friends, dad give credit card" Pradeep looked at her with soft expression and softly said grabbing the card from his pocket " Here, take it Princess and shop as much as you want baby" with that he kissed her forehead and escorted her to car outside.
After her leaving, everybody got back to their work.

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