Chap 8 - Offer

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Alisha's pov

I was watching him sitting on the table and talking with his friend randomly and laughing his heart out. Whenever he was laughing, his dimples were adorning his beautiful face making him look more handsome

I knew it before that he would come here as I have asked my men to keep an eye on him and they were following him too. So that I can have information about him. When I got to know that he was coming here, I too got ready and came here.

His friend was talking on phone and by his expression I could say they'll be leaving but I had to talk, talk to Ahaan. So I asked the waiter to drop some juice on him so he will stay back a more alone. I paid waiter a hefty amount and he agreed to do so as well.

Ohh God, these money hungry people, just throw some money and they will do anything.

Waiter passed by him and dropped the juice on him professionally in a manner that it would seem like an accident. Waiter apologised to him pathetically and he just smiled politely and forgave him. Like seriously, are you joking to me??? How can someone be that generous and polite? Hell man!!

He was wearing a denim shirt which was now soaked in juice from the area of his abdomen and I could see his abs. I gulped audibly, oh god for real his handsome face wasn't enough that he had a sexy well toned body too. He excused himself and went to the washroom and his friend left.

After sometime he came and his shirt was almost sticking to his body due to water. I had no idea what was happening to me, I was loosing my sanity just by watching him. I saw him moving towards the exit and I got up from my seat and hurriedly ran towards him and gripped his wrist in a firm grip.

He halted and turned towards me and by his facial expressions I could say that he not at all liked to see me here but who cares. He tried to pull his hand back but I held it firmer. He annoyingly asked me, "What do you want?" "I need to talk" I replied smiling. He was irritated maybe but again who the hell cares, I want to talk and I will.

"I don't want to" he replied. How dare he, he said no to me. I felt like smashing his head now but somehow calmed myself. "You will" I said and pulled his hand towards me. He stood there firmer not moving an inch and asked annoyingly, "There is nothing to talk about. Neither I know about you nor you know about me, so what do you want to talk about"

He pulled his hand back and turned towards the exit but his steps came to halt as soon as he listened to me saying, "I know about you". He turned towards me shockingly and looked at me with eyes wide open. I was internally smirking watching his expression.

I slowly started to walk towards him and again said smirking, "And as per the matter of you not knowing about me, I'll let you know all. So don't worry Ahaan" and winked at him.

He was too much shocked that he couldn't even move for some pretty good seconds. He was literally frozen. I couldn't help myself but let out a chuckle at his reaction. He had this reaction just because I knew his name, what would be his reaction when he would get to know what I want to talk to him about.

"Come with me. Be seated and then we can talk properly" I said breaking his trance and again held his hand and pulled him with me to the table that I reserved and this time he didn't resist too and I was happy for that.

We both sat on the chairs. "You want something to drink" I asked him. "Just cut the crap and tell me what you want to talk and how the hell do you know my name and what else do you know about and wait why on the first place you know it hmm???"

OMG this curious cat, I asked him a simple question and he bombarded me with all the questions in his mind currently, well I like that about him, he doesn't keep things in his mind. If there is something in his mind he will speak it aloud on your face.

"Answer me, why are you staring at me like this?" His questioning voice again brought me out of my trance and I looked his face which now had a cute frown adorning it. And his deep ocean blue eyes held dilemma.

"Well to answer your questions young man I know about you because I wanted to and I know much more than just your name and about how do I know so I have my sources" I said and winked at him.

His face was worth watching, his mouth was wide open, eyes as wide as saucers. Oh god, I can even spend a plenty amount to watch his expression again and again. He looked nothing but cute.

"As you said just cut the crap and talk, So I will do the same" I continued and he became attentive towards me. I looked at him and continued again "So I wanted to say that I am unable to wipe you off from my thoughts since the day I first saw you, the seen from that day continuously played in my mind since the incident that took place in the club." I took a pause and he nodded.

I continued, "I had a mixed kind of feeling towards you. I should have felt anger towards you but what I felt wasn't only anger but something else too which I wasn't able to figure out in starting, but one thing was sure that you were affecting me badly."

"I had no idea what was happening to me. You were all over my mind and I couldn't help it. But then again I saw you yesterday and then only I realised that I was attracted by you, your beauty, your confidence, your daring nature, your everything"

By now his expressions were that of confusion more than shocked. He was seeming to be surprised by my confession somehow. He was kind of an 'Open Book' which can be read easily.

"So now as you know that I'm attracted to you and you're single as well right, so I have an exclusive offer for you" I finished off with a sigh.

He continued looking at me with scrutinizing gaze with the expression of shock and surprise all over his face and asked with an uncertainty in his voice, "So how me being single can help your first sight random attraction towards me?"

I wanted to do nothing but to laugh at his naivety. I mean how can a boy of his age can be so innocent and not to mention his handsomeness. Without a single doubt girls must have gone crazy over his single look. I wonder why... No not why,, how is he still single. Well It's a riddle.

Looking at him intensely, I replied, "You becoming my boyfriend can help quite well and you are single too, so you shouldn't have any problems as well,, right."

He scoffed and his eyes were wide now and he hastily said, "No, I can't become your boyfriend." and tried to get up from his place to leave hurriedly. Now he was testing my patience. I stopped him asked him to sit and he obliged reluctantly.

"Why so,, you are single and you should be happy that I am asking you to be my boyfriend" I said in an annoying tone. "I don't even know your name, how can I become your boyfriend?" He said. "Oh just this, Alisha, Alisha Malhotra, it's my name. Now you're my boyfriend" I said.

"No I'm not and neither I will be" he replied curtly. This boy has definitely got training to get on my nerves. I was getting angry now, why can't he be my boyfriend, I am Alisha, The Alisha Malhotra, nobody can say no to me.

"Why so, ohh wait, I think an exclusive offer can help. I will give you a good offer and I bet you will not be able to deny it. You will be my boyfriend as long as I want and I will give you money as much as you want. Now that's a good offer isn't it" I said with attitude.

I could see his expression which was before tensed converted into shock and soon it was anger on its place.


Alisha confessed about her attraction to Ahaan.
She offered Ahaan money, what would be his reaction.
Your thoughts about it...??

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