Chap 7 - I know about you

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Ahaan's pov

I gave interviews in several companies on behalf of my BTech and MBA degree and they all went quite well. I am pretty sure that I will get selected by at least one company, So now all I have to do is to wait now.

But sitting idle is crime cause it's said that, "An idle mind is devil's workshop" So I decided to walk to the nearby library to grab a good book to read. I reached the library and started searching for a perfect book. Then a book caught my attention. It was about Politics. Ahh I hate politics to all my guts but to prepare for Civil Cervices I had to study politics someday so why not today with that thought I grabbed the book and started walking towards home.

I reached home and went towards my room and laid on bed like a sloth as I was hell tired by all the work I did today.
But then my gaze fell towards the book I brought from library and sudden excitement crept me an I decided to give it a look. I started to read it, I was so drowned in the book that I literally forgot about my surroundings. My trance broke when a sudden knock caught my attention, I looked towards the door and found my bhabhi standing there.

"Khana khaoge ya fir gyan se apna pet bhar loge dewar ji" She said playfully. Then I looked at the time only to realise that it was dinner time, I don't know how I got that much drowned in the book. I gave her a sheepish smile and said with all the cuteness that I had to escape the situation, "No no it was just starter, Main course to abhi baaki hai. Aa rahe hain hum" And then we both started to laugh loudly and went towards dinning area.
(Will you eat food or you'll just fill your stomach with the knowledge dear brother in law)
(No no it was just starter, Main course is still left. I am coming.)

We were having dinner when Papa asked me "How was your interview beta?" "Amazing, it was just amazing Papa" I replied confidently. He smiled and patted my cheek lovingly. I smiled too in return and then everybody went towards their room.

I reached my room and once again I got myself drowned into the book. It was not as bad as I thought it would be, though it was good indeed.

Author's pov

Alisha was sitting on her bed like a princess which in her thought she actually was. She was holding a black file with subtle smile dancing on her lips.

She gave that newspaper in which Ahaan's and her father's photo was printed to her father's special man to find about each and every detail related to Ahaan and he did his job quite good in a meantime.

She opened the file first page and read his name ' Ahaan' his name was as beautiful as he was. The smile on her face widened. She read further,,

Name - Ahaan Sharma
Age - 21 years
Education - BTech and MBA
Family - Father, Mother, Grandmother, brother, sister in law, sister
Relationship status - Single
Hobbies - Reading, Painting and Singing

Her lips curved upto a huge smile and she closed the file and threw it to the couch in the corner of the room.

She knew about him what she wanted to know and now all she had to do was to meet him and finally get what she wanted but even that wait was seeming to be very difficult to do. Every second was feeling like an eternity to her but she had to wait.

Ahaan was captivating every inch of her mind. It was an strong infatuation, a feeling that she never felt before that. He wasn't leaving her mind, her thoughts.

Thinking about next day, Alisha was excited, super excited to be said precisely. Planning her next day, she went to sleep on her cozy bed.

Next Morning...

Ahaan's pov

"Wake up baccha, it's morning" I heard faint sounds but didn't budge from place, then I felt someone shaking me vigorously, I whined and open eyes and I was greeted by the smiling face of my sweet brother. "Good morning my prince" bhai said.
I smiled back and replied sweetly, "Good morning bhai" "Ok, hurry up. Now go and freshen up fast and come downstairs for breakfast baby" bhai said and I replied with a nod and went towards bathroom.

I don't know till how late I was reading that book and when I was consumed by the sleep but I am still feeling very sleepy due to lack of sleep. I got fresh and changed into a black jeans and denim shirt and started to walk towards dinning area.

I reached to the dining area and greeted everybody, "Good morning" and everyone too replied in same welcoming tone. We had a good family time, some chit chat and with that we all finished our breakfast. Papa and bhai both went to their office respectively.

I was in drawing room and was helping mumma with settling some old things properly when suddenly my phone rang. I picked my phone up and saw Daksh name was flashing on it. I hadn't talked to him since that day clubs incident.

I picked the call up and greeted him.

On Call... A = Ahaan & D = Daksh

A: hello
D: hi, how are you Ahaan?
A: Fine, you?
D: Fine. I wanted to say sorry for that day.
A: It's ok, it wasn't your fault.
D: ok then meet me in cafe.
A: ok!

I reached the cafe where we meet. I saw Daksh waiting for me on a table and waving at me, I smiled and waved back at him while walking towards him. I sat and we talked like we usually do until Daksh phone rang and after talking he said he had to leave so stood up to leave.

We were about to leave when a waiter collided with me and juice fell over me. He apologized to me and I smiling said "it's ok" to him and told Daksh "you go, I'll go clean it and then leave" he nodded at me and left.

I cleaned my shirt in the washroom and started walking towards the exit but just then someone hold on to my wrist in a gentle yet firm grip. I turned to look and got shocked to find the person whom I wanted to see last on the Earth. Here she was that 'Insolent club girl' standing in front of me.

I tried to pull my hand back but she held it firmer. I annoyingly asked her, "What do you want?" "I need to talk" she replied smiling. Her smile was irritating me. "I don't want to" I replied curtly. "You will" she said and pulled my hand. I stood firmer on my place and asked annoyingly, "There is nothing to talk about. Neither I know about you nor you know about me, so what do you want to talk about"

I pulled my hand back and turned towards the exit but I froze on my place hearing her words and my steps halted. "I know about you" she said confidently. I turned towards her in a swift motion and looked at her with eyes wide open. She slowly walked towards me and again said, "And as per the matter of you not knowing about me, I'll let you know all. So don't worry Ahaan" and winked at me

I was hell shocked by now and way too much surprised to even react. She pronounced my name, so it means she wasn't lying, she actually knew about me. But why and how??


So how was it?? Second meeting!
What do you think, what Alisha wants to talk about to Ahaan?
Stay tuned for more..
Regards: your author

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