Chap 5 - Unknown Feelings

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Alisha's pov

I came to the "The Heaven" club along with my friends to enjoy. I was enjoying to my fullest as always but then suddenly a girl around 19-20 years old bumped into me and stepped her foot on mine. Watching my face she was hell scared and I was enjoying her expressions and decided to have some fun.

"Hey you idiot girl, are you blind or what??" I said with anger. She shivered slightly and started apologizing continuously. I always had that effect on people and I obviously loved that. After having some proper fun with her by making her apologise to me in different positions, I was satisfied, So I went towards the bar area to grab some drink for me.

When I reached the bar area, I bumped into another idiot. Ahhhh how much idiots are pending for today. I looked at my dress, my whole dress and shoes were spoiled because of the drink that idiot was holding. When he saw my face he was frozen, obviously he should be.

I shouted, "you idiot, can't you see? You spoiled my dress and shoes. Even if you sell your whole house, you won't be able to pay off"
He gulped audibly, " I am very sorry, please forgive me mam, please" I could see he was shivering but I cared less. I asked him to clean my shoes off by placing them on his lap. His face was worth watching. He was numb.

I again shouted loudly, "Are you deaf too along with blind? Come clean it fast you idiot" He flinched and his gaze was down and hands were joined together and he continued apologizing and suddenly another boy appeared and asked him "What happened" may be his friend but my gaze was fixed on that idiot.

With my gaze fixed on him, I replied to another boy that I asked that idiot to clean my shoes. There was pin drop silence for some good seconds and then that boy replied with mixed emotions of anger, annoyance and determination, " Excuse me miss, you are in no position to humiliate somebody for this, it might be an accident and he is apologizing. I just don't know why you are exaggerating the matter but I want to say that he won't clean your shoes and that's final."

And then I looked at him. I was mesmerized would be an understatement. He was so handsome as if an angel landed on earth directly from heaven. I was so lost in his beauty, his deep ocean blue eyes, his deep voice which was just enough to seduce anybody. But then I realised what he said and I composed myself and my demeanour changed into angry one and I replied, "And who the hell are you to tell me what to do or what not? Do you even know who am I??" I was angry, nobody replied me ever and audacity of this boy.

I was just glaring at him when he again replied, "Neither I know who you are nor I am interested in knowing and as per as the matter of telling you what to do and what not so I understand that it's not my place to tell you that, it's your parents duty but if they didn't taught you so somebody had to, So I thought to take the initiative"

I was so damn stunned with the audacity of that boy but at the same time I was mesmerized by his beauty and his confidence. I walked towards him slowly and looked at him up to down, he was just amazing and thinking that my lips curved up to a smirk and I said, "So, you don't want to know who am I, right...well forget it. You don't want him to clean my shoes then you can clean them,, you know they are that much expensive if you will sell yourself even then you won't be able to pay back. So what say, I can give a good price of your pretty handsome face"

He was shocked, angry and numb. I could see him shaking slightly with anger. His ocean blue pair of eyes were turning slightly red. He wanted to shout and yell loudly but he somehow composed himself and replied loudly with hatred, " I might be not rich as you madam but I still have one thing you are lacking of which is 'RESPECT' and not in this life you will ever be able to get that by heart"

I was stunned by his reply and was to numb to react and before I could even reply he stormed out of the club with heavy steps. Never in my 24 years of life somebody dared to even look into my eyes and this boy here said to me what not. But what I was feeling for him was not pure anger but something else too.

I returned to my mansion and went towards my room. My bhai came to me and asked me for dinner but I declined as all my hunger was already dead because of the incident that took place recently in the club.

I tried to sleep but all I could think about was just him. Whenever I closed my eyes, the sight that came in front of me was his ocean blue pair of eyes and all I could listen was his deep husky, seductive voice. His hatred filled words were far away from my ears and his face was not getting away from my sight.

I was just wondering what happened to me. I was supposed to feel angry about he said to me but I was not able to do so. There was something off about me, some strange and unknown feelings were coming to my mind but I was unsure what it was.

Thinking about him and today's incident, I finally drifted off to sleep on my bed gazing the ceiling.


How was it guys??
Alisha is having some mixed feelings for Ahaan.
Is it love at first sight and even if it is will her love win over her attitude and arrogance?

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