Chap 3 - Result Day

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Ahaan was sleeping very soundly like a cute baby with open mouth, sun rays falling on him from window making him look more handsome.

Aryan entered the room and tried to wake him up, Ahaan whined and said in a sleepy tone,"Let me sleep na for some more time." Aryan looked at him and said lovingly, "Wake up baccha, it's already very late otherwise Papa will scold you baby, comm'on get up."
Hearing that, Ahaan opened his eyes with a jerk and looked at Aryan who smiled at him in return.
Ahaan freshened up and then joined his family at breakfast.

Everybody was having breakfast and then everyone wished Ahaan a luck as today Ahaan's result was about to publish. His father said, "I hope you will make me proud just like your brother, God bless you beta" Ahaan looked at his father with a reassuring smile and said confidently, "I will Papa, I surely will."

Ahaan was pursuing MBA from a reputed college after his engineering and today was the day of his result and he being an intelligent person was very confident about his result being good as well, afterall he was a topper always.

Ahaan reached his college and was going towards the main hall when suddenly someone punched him on his back making him let out a growl and he turned only to watch his best friend laughing like a maniac with all his teeths on full display.
Ahaan growled, " Daksh, you bastard you wait I will kill you today, you do this everytime" with that they both started to run in the gallery. Daksh said, " Headline of the day is Mr. Ahaan Sharma is using abusive words and Headline for tomorrow is Mr. Naman Sharma killed his own son for using abusive words" with that he again laughed. Ahaan looked at him and started laughing too.

"I'm very tensed about result, I'll get pass, right??" Daksh asked with uncertainty. "Yes, you will, don't worry" Ahaan assured him. "You're topper yaar, why will you be tensed. Well I've listen the Chief guest who will distribute the award and Certificates is some big Politician, uhm mm what was his name...haa Pradeep Malhotra, hmm yess he will be coming today" Daksh exclaimed with joy. Wherever Ahaan was least affected by this just replied with a curt nod and moved towards the hall where the function was to be held.

Ahaan was sitting in the back seat as he wasn't much fan of unnecessary attention but he somehow always managed to get that. Daksh was also sitting with him when sudden hustle bustle caught their attention, there was too much media persons and surrounded by them an intimidating personality with dangerous aura was entering the hall. All the supervision people and deen were their to welcome. No doubt he was 'Pradeep Malhotra' , Ahaan had seen him one or two time on television as he was not a big fan of politics but watching him face to face he was intimidated would be an understatement, he shifted his gaze suddenly from him in order to not feel uncomfortable.

The function started, Pradeep was distributing the degree to students who have passed.
Ahaan's name announced and with calculative and slow steps he went towards stage. The host announced him as the 'Gold Medalist' and 'Topper' of the batch.
Ahaan was happy and nervous too because of the person standing in front of him, he went toward Pradeep to receive his medal and degree. Pradeep looked at him and forwarded the degree and medal towards him, the photographer clicked the photo, they both smiled. Pradeep congratulated Ahaan. Ahaan gave him a nervous smile and with that he went towards his seat.

The function was finished long ago. Ahaan's all friend congratulated him for being topper again. And some friends were continuously nagging for party as it was the last time they were meeting. Ahaan was declining but gave up at the end. "Ok, I'll ask Papa, wait" Ahaan said and called Naman ," Papa can I go to party with my friends, please this the last day of college" Naman waited and then replied," Ok, but come before 8 pm"
"Okay, Ok I Love you Papa" Ahaan exclaimed with glint in his eyes like a child. Naman smiled and cut the call.

After getting permission they all want to 'The Heaven" club to enjoy. Ahaan was reluctant to go to club but gave in at the end.


How was it,, In next chapter there will be first meet of Ahaan and Alisha..excited or not..tell me ?

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