Chap 13 - Gift

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So yea guys welcome back, here is the chapter! I know that I said I will upload early but I got busy in something. But I can give you a double update if you want....only if you want, let me know in the comment section!

Till then, Happy Reading Time!

Alisha's pov

I am in the bathroom now, taking a bath. Ohh hell that kid, he made me dirty. Yuckkk when he touched me I felt like puking but controlled myself somehow because I knew Ahaan was watching me.

Ahaan,, just by taking his name, I remembered all the incidents that took place today. He was so close to me and that moment what I felt, I can't even give name to that feeling.

The way he came closer, the way he wiped off my cheek, the way he called me beautiful, the way he admired me..... all that was so new to me. Everything was feeling like so beautiful. I could still smell his smell which was combined of roses and sandalwood.

First time he was that close to me, I could still feel his presence around me. And the cherry on the top of all the today's incident is that he agreed to be friends with me. So finally we have a named relationship, even if it's Friendship but still we have a relationship.

I had still my men keeping an eye on Ahaan and I always knew that when he will be going somewhere and even today I knew that he would come to that place as he goes there every Sunday.

Ahaan is a soft hearted guy and loves to help others and I saw that the other day when he was helping a stranger old lady with her luggage and he also gave money to that old man. So I thought this would be the bestest thing and decided to distribute candies to the roadside kids.

Although I was feeling very pathetic and disgusting just by standing between those good for nothing people but if that made a soft corner for me in Ahaan's heart then it's all worth it.

Author's pov

Next Morning

Ahaan was in the office and was working on the new project which was alloted to his team. His team leader had already assigned the works to everybody and he was doing his part with dedication.

Ahaan was very engrossed in his work when someone's voice disturbed him. "Someone has send this for you Ahaan. Here take a look." Suhas, Ahaan's colleague and friend said.

"For me, who?" Ahaan asked surprised. "How will I know? Open it and find out!" Suhas suggested. Ahaan took the box from his hand which was neatly wrapped in red coloured gift wrapper and a ribbon was adorning it

Ahaan opened the gift wrapper cautiously. He looked inside the box there was 'World History' book, a 'Yellow Ross' and 'Letter' inside the box. He took the letter and started reading it.

Dear Ahaan,

I wanted to gift you something as my gratitude towards you for accepting my friendship even after the horrible incidents which took place between us. You are kind enough for forgiving me even after whatever nonsense I told you. I don't know how to express my happiness so I simply decided to gift you something. I knew that you won't like if I will give you something expensive and I don't know much about your likes and dislikes but knowing that you are a topper, I thought you will love to read.
This one caught my attention so I bought it for you and the yellow rose signifies the friendship so I placed it along as the new beginning of our friendship. Hope you will like it.

Your's Alisha

Ahaan was amazed by the gesture of Alisha and unknown to him a sweet smile erupted on his lips. If he would say that he didn't like the book then he will be the biggest lier in the World. He loved the book. History was always his subject.

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