Chap 11 - I am Sorry

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Ahaan's pov

"Please!! I need to talk you. Please stop." She said please to me, really or am I dreaming I thought. The queen herself said please to me.

Well I'm not rude enough the decline someone's request. Although I don't even want to see her face but as she had requested how can I deny, So I turned towards her and nodded.

She smiled and gestured me towards the restaurant which was beside road. We both entered the restaurant and sat there on the seats.

"You will take something" she asked me politely. Wait,, she is talking politely...Am I really dreaming??

"What would you take?" Her voice brought me out of trance and I replied politely "nothing"

She nodded and I asked her in urgency "What do you wanted to talk about?" She looked at me hesitantly and tried to say something "I-I ummm I wanted to umm"

She looked very hesitant, and now I was amused. Even though I met her only twice but the encounters with her were the most unexpected one. She always manages to bring out someone else in me. This isn't her personality.

She tried to speak again, "I umm I,,IamSorry" she finally said but I couldn't understand what she said as she said it very fast. Unable to comprehend what she just said I finally asked, "What?? I couldn't understand"

She looked at me and lowered her eyelashes and again said, "I am Sorry Ahaan" I was dumbstruck...she....she said sorry,, sorry to me?? Oh Mahadev why are you giving me thunder shocks today.

I looked at her flabbergasted and gasped and asked to confirm, "You said mee" pointing a finger towards myself I confirmed and she nodded hesitantly.

She continued, "I shouldn't have said all those things that day. I know it was very inappropriate to say things like that and I am ashamed of whatever I said. Although our both meetings didn't go well but still you agreed to talk to me and I am grateful for that"

"You know what Ahaan whatever you said that did make sense to me. You were right everything can not be purchased with money but what can I do, I got everything since childhood whatever I wanted..."

"I've never seen my mother apart from photos, she died giving birth to me and after that Dad and Bhai always gave me everything I desired not wanting to hurt me"

Now she looked gloomy all of a sudden talking about her mother. I didn't know that she doesn't have her mother. I instantly felt regret washing over me. I shouldn't have said things about her upbringing and her parents shit...what have I done god!

"I'm so sorry, I didn't know about your mother. I'm sorry for saying those things back then, I genuinely am!"

She shook her face and continued, "No don't say sorry! You weren't at fault, whatever you said was absolutely right. If you wouldn't have said that then how I would've realised my mistake, thankyou for saying all that"

"I realised that how wrong I was and how much blinded I was by money. I needed someone to guide me to the right path and you did that for me. My dad doesn't get free time so he just fulfills my demands and I had delusion that I can get what I demand everytime."

"I want to apologise to you, please forgive me, please Ahaan I'm sorry" she said and I don't know why I felt pity over her. She didn't have parents to guide her unlike me that's why she is misguided.

She didn't seem a bad person though maybe she just needs some guidance. Thinking that I looked at her, shook my head and smiled heartily and said, "You realised your mistake that's enough for me. I forgive you. Even I said many things I shouldn't have"

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