Chap 9 - You are my insistence

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Alisha's pov

I could see his expression which was before tensed converted into shock and soon it was anger on its place.
He was breathing sharply as if controlling his anger. Suddenly he smacked the table hard with his right hand and everybody attention turned towards us.

His face was all red with anger. I couldn't understand what happened to him suddenly. He replied in an immense angry tone with the expression of maybe disgust on his face, "Enough of your bullshit!! What do you think that you can purchase the world with your so called money? The person who holds no respect for others is not less than a beggar in my vision."

"You think you are some Queen that everyone should bow down to you and whenever you say something they should always be replying with 'Yes mam' 'Okay mam' Nobody should ever defy your orders. Even if you insult them, they should be proud that the Queen herself insulted them."

"If yess, then I am sorry, you surely are living a delusional life. This attitude for your will surely be the sole reason of your every misery"

"You think that I am poor than you so can buy me off with your richness and make me do whatever you want, then let me clear it no, a big 'NO' not in this life atleast."

"I might be poor by money but still I am much more richer than you in morals and ethics which maybe your parents forget to give you but my parents graced me with it very well and my morals doesn't allow me for whatever you say."

"Well, what else can I expect from a brat like you. Usually I don't judge people but in your case I did it and I was right. You're nothing but a arrogant, insolent, spoiled brat who knows nothing rather than to insult others."

"You think you can just buy whatever you want with your money, then let me enlighten you 'Not everything can be purchased by money' and you surely cannot get every single thing you want."

"And I am not a bloody thing that you can purchase with that so called money of yours. You can go and find someone just like you, who will get lured by your money."

"And last but not the least, I will not like to even have an enemy like you let alone be your boyfriend. To hell with you and your money."

With that last sentence, he got up and stormed out of the cafe with heavy footsteps. I was too stunned to say anything. I was flabbergasted by his outburst. Some tears gathered in the corner of my eyes due his harsh words.

Never in my life somebody even talked with in high pitch voice and be shouted at me. Everybody was looking at us then, he shouted at me in front of everyone, How dare he, how can he do this and topmost he rejected me.

He rejected me, he rejected Alisha Malhotra. He said that I can't get everything I want, he called me insolent and brat. I don't know how to react, I am so shocked.

I can't understand how the hell he rejected me even after the offer that I made. Never in my life I saw a person like him. Who denies such a great offer. He is the first person in my life who didn't get affected by my money.

But one thing for sure, now I wanted him more desperately. His rejection did nothing but made me more determined to have him and to let him know that Alisha gets what she wants definitely.

Now that I want him I will have him no matter what and he would know that I am indeed a Queen.

"Tum khwahish the meri Ahaan, ab zid ho. Aaj bhale hi tum chale gaye ho par bohot jald vapas aaoge yeh vaada hai mera tumse."
(You were my wish Ahaan, now you are my insistence. Today you might have gone but you will return very soon and that's my promise to you.)

I was hell bent on making him mine now and it will happen soon. Now I need to plan accordingly as Ahaan is not someone who will get lured by money. I've to do something else.

Ahaan's pov

I was so damn angry that I couldn't even express it in words. What I was feeling currently was not just anger, it was the mix feeling of disgust, rage, bitterness, frustration, resentment and hatred as well. I've never felt all these emotions together at a time and some feelings are even foreign to me.

Anger was rushing to my cheeks making it look flustered, angst was surging through every vein of my body as if it will explode any second. I couldn't explain the foreign feelings in words which I was feeling now all because of that insolent girl, Alisha or whatever her name was...

What she thinks of herself,, that she is some goddess or what....Queen of somewhere or the ruler of the World.....What the hell she actually thinks of herself???? She thinks that She can purchase me with her money as if I'm some kind of thing put on in an auction.

That day in the club when she said those words that she would pay price of my face, I felt anger but I let it go because then I thought that She might have said it in anger and I just judged her quickly....but nooo she deserved it,,, She deserves to get judged and My judgment wasn't wrong,, She actually is just full of herself and her money.

There is nothing that she can see apart from that. She actually thinks that she can buy the whole world for herself with that money of hers. No doubt why I never liked these rich people, they just know how to degrade someone.

Just thinking that I am poor than her, she thought I would get lured by her money. By Mahadev's grace my family is in good condition, we have all the basic necessities that a person require but even if I hadn't any of them, still I would've never accepted her as compared to shit offer.

Oh God,, I'm on the verge of losing my sanity,, all because of a single girl.. Why on the Earth I even met her?? I should've denied to go to the club that day then nothing would've ever happened....Thinking I let out a sigh and continued walking towards my home trying to control my anger.

I reached home and went directly to my room. I was tired, not by walking but by the incident and not to mention I was still hell angry and I just fell on the bed clutching the pillow like a koala.

I just closed my eyes when my started to ring. I tilted my head sideways to look who was calling and it was an unknown number. I grabbed the phone and picked up the call.

A: Hello!
U: Hello! Mr. Ahaan speaking?
A: Yes, I am. Who are you?
U: I am calling from Rathore Enterprises to let you know that you've been selected in the interview for the job. If possible for you, Can you report tomorrow for some procedure sir?
A: hmm..ohh yess yess why not! I will come tomorrow itself. Please let me know the time sir!
U: Oh that's good! You can report between 9 to 12 anytime. Thanks for giving us your time!
A: Pleasure is mine sir! Thankyou.

The call was ended by now. I was shocked would be an understatement to my current feeling. I still couldn't believe that I got selected in Rathore Enterprises. It was one of the ruling companies. OMG I really got selected, I exclaimed with the joy.

Now I just couldn't wait to tell this news to all my family members and specially my Papa. I want to watch their reaction as soon as possible. I feel like dancing. I literally forgot that I was angry a few moments ago..well who cares, I'm happy now!!!


Ahaan got job and he is happy. Oh my cute innocent boy gets happy so easily!
Alisha is planning something big, what can it be. Will it be a threat to Ahaan's newly found happiness?

Your comments on the Chapter?
Please do let me know if I need any improvement as it is my first time.

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