Chap 19 - Heartbreak

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Alisha's pov

I was at home chilling around when my friend Swati called me. I answered the call and she said 'hello' from other side, I too replied her with a 'hi'

"It's been long time yarr. Where are you busy? Come let's enjoy!" She said from other side.

"It's not like that yaar. I'm not busy anywhere. I'll come." I replied to her even though I was busy.... Busy in Ahaan all the time.

Cutting the call, I got ready in a knee length dress and did my makeup. After completing everything, I took my car keys and went away.

I reached a restaurant and went inside and spotted Swati sitting there. She noticed me and waved at me. I walked towards her and settled myself.

We had our chatting and gossiping. She told me about her new boyfriend and we were just catching up when suddenly out of nowhere, an old man came and tripped and not to fall he held on the table.

He made everything mess, our food and the glass fill with water fell on me. I was fuming with rage now. How dare he? He spoiled my new dress.

I stood up with rage. "How dare you idiot?? Can't you see, you spoiled my dress and our food??" I said shouting in rage.

That man flinched and then replied, "I am sorry beta, I tripped. I would have fallen if I didn't got the hold of table."

Beta... Seriously?? Relationships and that too with these good for nothing people. First spoil everything and then form relationships. Good, very good.

"Hey you, I am not your beta got it. I don't even take people like you as my servants. Even my servants have better class than you. Don't need to make unnecessary relationships with me to hide your stupidity."

"And if you have fallen then it would've been okay. This dress is much more expensive than all the bones present in your body, Got It?" I shouted the last part very loud which made flinch in fear.

"You damn man, first you spoiled our day, then my mood, food and my dress as well. You know even if you sell yourself, you won't be able to pay for it. Forget it, who will even buy a worthless man like you." I said disgustingly.

I picked up the jug filled with water and threw it straight at his face and he gasped. He was now drenched in water.

Till now tears brimmed in his eyes. He was standing there with his head down. I was satisfied now, he spoiled my dress and I spoiled his...equal.

I was just going to say something else when a voice boomed in the silence, "ENOUGH"

The voice was familiar but it can't be true what am I thinking. I looked the direction from where the voice came and froze to spot Ahaan there.

Damnit! What the hell is he doing here? Isn't it his office time? God, did he listened everything?

His face was full of disbelief, shock and...... and disgust. Was it really disgust? I tried my best to change his thoughts about me and now when it all was going well, it shattered as if nothing.

No no I can't let it happen, I have to do something. I can't let my whole hardwork go in vain.

"It's not like what you are thinking Ahaan. Listen to me, I can explain." I said trying to make him understand and took a step in his direction.

He stopped me by his hand gesture and I stopped. "You will explain me. What will you explain? I saw each and everything by my eyes since the very beginning, DON'T YOU DARE FOOL ME!" he said and almost shouted the last part and I flinched with the intensity of his voice.

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