Chap 16 - Who is She?

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Ahaan's pov

I and Kriya were roaming around the mall cracking jokes at each other and remembering the old times. We were laughing and giggling when suddenly Di shouted, "Ahhhh."

I turned towards her and asked with concern, "What happened di?" She held the nearby shelf strongly as if her life depends on it and replied, "I think my ankle twisted. It hurts very much Ahaan."

I bend down on my knees and placed her ankle in my lap after removing her sandal and started massaging it. "It will be fine, don't worry." I said assuring her.

After sometime when di started to feel better we decided to go back home as it was already the dinner time. Instead of walking we decided to board a rickshaw as Di's ankle was still hurting. After sometime we reached home.

"Don't tell anyone." Di ordered me referring to her ankle and I nodded knowing about my overreacting family very well and after all she is a doctor so she can treat herself, who cares?

We walked to towards the dining table, got ourselves settled and started having dinner not before telling about our little picnic obviously leaving the Di's topic.

After completing the dinner, I wished everybody good night and went directly to my room, picked a book and started reading it.

Next Morning

I was sleeping peacefully until someone poured the whole jug water on me and I woke up with a shock.

I looked at the person who dared to do this and obviously got no surprise to see the person as it was my loving Kriya Di. She loves to do it.

She was grinning evilly after spoiling my beauty sleep. Ohh god someone tell her she looks like a 100 year old witch, stop laughing. I grabbed the pillow and threw it on her face and ran into the washroom giggling.

After freshening myself up, I walked towards dinning table. There she was, my headache, looking at me like she will eat me instead of breakfast. I royally ignored her and dig in to my breakfast.

After completing the breakfast, I ran outside with the speed of Rajdhani Express. I started my bike and drove it to the office.

I was working when a colleague of mine said, "Leave it Ahaan, it's almost the lunch time. Do it after that." I nodded my head in acknowledgement and then it clicked to me I forgot to bring the lunch.

"Are you finding this baby boy?" Kriya Di asked swinging the box like a pendulum in front of me. I got shocked and the only words which left my mouth were, "Di, you here?"

"Yess I am here. Papa and Aryan both went to their office so I came. Don't think I care about you so much, I came only because mumma forced me to, afterall you are most favourite." She said dramatically.

Before I could even say something she started dragging me to the canteen as she was craving a coffee. I didn't deny as even I wanted one, our choices are very similar.

Alisha's pov

I and bhai came to Rathore Enterprises as bhai had some work with the CEO. I too came as I knew he works here and I was craving to see him.

After talking with CEO it was already the lunch time. "Will you drink coffee, I will?" Bhai asked me. "Ok" I replied and we walked to the canteen.

We ordered our coffees and was sipping it when my eyes caught the sight which literally burned my eyes. Ahaan was sitting there and that bitch was feeding him by her own hands. And even he was eating while laughing.

Who the hell is She? He never laughs with me that much. I fisted my hands. My patience was already on the verge of breaking and it too broke when he sipped the coffee from her cup. Like seriously WTF???

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