Chap 24 - The Knocking Troubles

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Please don't ignore the message in the end!!

Happy Reading Time...!

Author's POV

While on one hand Ahaan was dying out of worry, on the other hand, Alisha had a sinister smile plastered to her face all the time.

She knew that one thing which Ahaan couldn't tolerate was his family in tension and problem and if the problem would be because of him, then he wouldn't be able to control himself for a long time. Today or tomorrow, he will be with her.

She caressed the photo of Ahaan in her hand and said psychotically, "See, how much am I doing for you, and you are still testing my patience. Come soon Ahaan, otherwise even I don't know what will I do...."

Jai, who was watching his sister from far , was in distress. He never saw his sister like that, she was becoming mad day by day and that too for a mere boy.

He sighed and said, looking straight into Pradeep's eyes, who was standing just beside him, "I don't know why the hell is she stressing herself too much. I could've been just go and dragged him here for her but she restrained me by saying that she will do whatever she wants to and Ahaan will come here by himself."

Pradeep took a deep breath and turning around, stated with utmost disbelief, "Even I don't what's with that he will come here by himself. If she just wants to marry him, then we can do it simply by threatening him or I can even force him by keeping him on gunpoint but no,she wants to do all by herself, then what can we even do?"

Next Morning......

In Sharma House, everybody was fully awake or to say that nobody even slept properly wouldn't be a lie.

They all had their breakfast with pin drop silence for the first time ever. Everybody was tensed but tried their best to look normal, so that Ahaan doesn't feel bad but Ahaan was understanding everything.

Breaking the silence, Naman spoke, "I and Aryan are going out to find job. Maybe luck works and we get a job."

Ahaan raised his head listening to his father and spoke, "I will come too."

Aryan shook his head and said while explaining, "No baccha, you rest. You don't need to come along. Look at you, how much stressed you are and don't worry, I and Papa both have enough savings, so even if we won't find any job, it will be ok for now. You just take some rest."

Ahaan nodded, knowing that he can't argue as they weren't much tensed about job but they were more tensed about him.

After sometime, bot Naman and Aryan left for their job hunt. After that, Ahaan excused himself, and went inside his room and locked the door.

Kriya knocked on his door and said, trying to lift his mood, "Ahaan, open the door. Let's play something or let's do something exciting."

Ahaan didn't open the door and replied in a low voice, "Just go from here, I'm fine and I will sleep."

Listening to his reply, Kriya sighed heavily and left knowing that her brother doesn't share his feelings much and is a reserved person.

Time was passing like it was just a handful of sand, which just flew away with wind and it was already the evening time.

Everybody was getting tensed as neither Naman nor Aryan had returned yet and there was no information about them as well.

Kriya and Nidhi were continuously trying to call them but everytime there was same response 'the number you are trying to call, is not reachable.'

Whereas Ahaan was lost in his own chain of thoughts. With each passing seconds, the worse than before thoughts were consuming his mind.

The only thing which he could think now was, 'What if anything would've been happened to them? What if Alisha really did something so bad which he couldn't fix? What if they will actually suffer because of him?"

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