Chap 12 - Friends

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Ok guys so chapter is unedited, if there is any mistake then I am genuinely sorry for the inconvenience and yea you are free to point out the mistakes...

Happy reading time!

Author's pov

It was another bright day. Sun was shining bright in the sky with all his might. It was a Sunday and Ahaan was walking on streets when something or someone to be said precisely caught his attention off gaurded.

There She was standing, Alisha. She was distributing candies to the the roadside kids. And that too with a smiling face, now that was a shocker.

Kids were laughing and giggling and watching them like that, a smile made a way on Ahaan's face on its own. He was happy with the sight which he was witnessing right now.

Suddenly a crying voice broke his trance. He looked that way, a kid fell on the road and got hurt before he could even run towards him, Alisha reached there and started cooing that baby mumbling words of comfort.

Ahaan was astonished with the sudden change in her behaviour. He could do nothing but wonder if his words had that effect on her, Well if they did it's for her own good.

Ahaan's pov

I was watching as the kid touched her cheek, his hands were dirty because of falling and her cheeks became dirty too. But she didn't say anything and helped that kid to get up. I won't lie, I was indeed impressed by her gesture.

I walked towards her, she noticed and tried to hide her face like she was embarrassed but I don't know at that moment what came to my mind.

I moved closer to her, held her chin with my thumb and index finger making her look at me and then wiped off her cheek gently with my hanky and said with admiration in my voice, "Why are you getting embarrassed Alisha? There is nothing to get embarrassed about,, you did something very good...A person should be beautiful by heart not by face."

"But you are beautiful inside and outside both"
"I shouldn't have judged you just by an incident. Maybe there is more to go" I said in an apologizing tone

I saw her breath got hitched, her voice wasn't coming out and she was breathing heavily and that's when I realised our proximity and backed off immediately.

"Umm I umm I am Sorry, I didn't realised it, I just wanted to help" I said hesitantly and watched her leaving a sigh.

"It's okay! You just tried to help, by the way thankyou for helping me" She said sounding genuinely thankful.

I noticed her lightly blushing too while smiling and I returned the gesture by smiling too.

It was an awkward silence between us , to break it, "Coffee" I asked randomly. She looked at me hesitantly.

"What happened?" I asked concerned. "I am dirty. Will you drink coffee with me like this." She asked with uncertainty in his voice. My God, she even reached the conclusion...

"You are not dirty, you are pure. The person who makes many people laugh can never be dirty and the kids are the God themselves, it was the blessing directly by the God for good deed you did. How are you impure?"

"Come" I said and dragged her inside the cafe. We both sat and I asked her "which one?" "Americano" she replied. I ordered one Americano for her and a Cappuccino for myself.

We were waiting for the coffee to come when suddenly she asked me, "Will you become friends with me Ahaan?"

I was amazed by her question. I didn't actually know what to reply at that moment and moreover why she even asked a question like this.

"Tell me, will you?" Her voice again rang in my ears. I looked at her and replied what I actually was thinking, "I don't know" this was an honest answer because I really don't know.

"Why" she asked with a hurt in her voice and I felt a little bad for ruining her mood but more surprising was that I didn't even know the answer to this question.

"Maybe because we just don't know each other properly and our starting encounters weren't good enough to take us on a term like friendship and that too when you actually confessed your attraction towards me" I replied trying to be as honest I could.

"Oh so in that case we can sort it out right, about attraction, so I drop it out thinking that nobody ever challenged me in the way you did and it hurted my ego so I took you as a Challenge itself, it was childish though" She said smiling slyly.

"And our encounters, so as far as I know it was settled with apologizing and you forgave me too and also accepted my treat as a confirmation, right?"

"And knowing each other isn't matter as we definitely don't make friends after having a background check or having complete details right?" She said.

I was dumbfounded by her answers. She actually was having a point. She answered all my blabberish thoughts and shrugged it away and now even I was convinced to have a friendship with her. Well being just friends isn't doing anything to me, so I nodded in affirmation.

She grinned and extended her hands for a handshake while introducing herself properly, "Hello, I'm Alisha Malhotra" I too extended my hand shaking it with hers while introducing myself too, "Hello, I'm Ahaan Sharma"
"Friends now" we both said together.

Our coffee arrived and we decided to talk randomly till the coffee gets finished.

"So what does your father do?" She asked. "He is a professor and very strict but loving too" I replied sipping the coffee. "What does your's do?" I questioned her back. "He is a well known politician." She replied.

And then something triggered me 'Malhotra' Oh Don't tell me it is truth,, oh god!!! "Is any chance...hmm.... Pradeep Malhotra?" I asked hoping to hear a no.

"Yess he is" she replied. Ohh god I was pissing off his daughter from days.. damn it. If my father would have known about it I don't know what would've happened.

"You met him, didn't you?" She asked. "Umm yess I mean I saw him on my result day didn't met though" I replied. "You wanna meet, I can take you" she asked politely. "Umm noo no I don't want to,, my father wouldn't allow and also he is very intimidating, I feel nervous around him" I replied honestly.

"You are scared of my dad" she asked laughing. "I'm not scared, I said 'nervous' I get nervous" I said putting pressure on word nervous.

We finished our coffee with small chit chats like that and I would be lier if I would say that I didn't enjoy. I think I was actually wrong about her or was way too early to judge her. I think she just needs someone who can guide her. Her father is a busy person and she doesn't have mother so that's why maybe she became this way.


I am very sorry for the short chapter guys. I'll definitely compensate it by posting the next chapter early, till then enjoy!

Ahaan is thinking about Alisha! They even became friends.

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