Chap 6 - Attraction

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Alisha's pov

I got up from the sleep when sun rays started to fall on me. I held my phone and looked at time, it was 10:30 am. I overslept but the thing I remembered first was nothing else but him. That club boy was playing with my mind. I didn't want to remember him but here I'm thinking about him, he is not leaving my thoughts. Sighing I left for washroom to do my morning duties.

After getting fresh, I went downstairs, everybody was waiting for me to have breakfast as I didn't eat dinner last night. Dad kissed my forehead and bhai hugged me as always and asked my health and then we had breakfast.

I don't know something was off with me. That boy was something, first he messed up with me and now he is messing up with my brain too. Everytime I was closing my eyes, his ocean blue pair of eyes were coming in front of my eyes. I was frustrated by now.

I was sitting in hall with everyone and same pair of eyes were disturbing me.
Suddenly bhai said something and I came out of my trance. "Pardon bhai, what did you say?" I asked him as I didn't listen him. He looked at me tensed and caressed my cheeks and asked, " What happened baby, since yesterday you're zooned out. Has something happened?? You're fine!"
I looked at him with assuring eyes and said, "I'm fine, just tired".

He smiled and showed me newspaper.
"Look, dad is the headline again" he said and handed over me the paper. Although I was not interested in news but still I took it. When I saw the paper, my lips automatically curved up to a smile. There he was, the person jisne humari raaton ki neend aur din ka sukoon churaya hai.
(who stole my sleep of night and peace of day)

His photo was published with my dad taking the gold medal and degree from him a smile and then I noticed he had dimples which made his smile more prettier than it could be.
The news said, "Chief Guest Mr. Malhotra awarding the topper and Gold Medalist of the college"

So he was topper, means intelligent and genius. That's why he was giving replies to me very quickly. I was busy noticing his features when I heard bhai say , "Are you going to look at it all the day baby" with playful grin.
I suddenly came out of my trance and put the newspaper on the table and said, "What can I do my dad looks so handsome so I was watching him"

"Don't worry we will soon find you an equally handsome man whom you can look at all the and all the night too" bhai said playfully and giggled.
My bhai was another name of devil, his this side was only reserved for me. I playfully hit his arm and said, "I won't marry now and never"

Ahaan's pov

I woke up with a headache. It wasn't that harsh but wasn't mild too. I looked at the phone and my eyes widened, the time was 8:30 am, I overslept. But more shocking was that nobody came to wake me up. I got up and got fresh in a hurry and went towards dinning area.

Everybody was there. Papa asked me "how are you" "Fine" I replied. "Why nobody woke me up?" I asked. "You didn't had dinner last night and also today is not your college and you won gold medal so we decided to give you some privalage but only for today" dadi said playfully yet seriously. I sat down and had breakfast in silence.

The last I wanted to remember was last night incident. How dare that arrogant bit... Noo noo Ahaan ladkiyo ko gali nahi dete bad manners, that arrogant girl yess how dare she to put a price on me. Huhh Why am I even thinking about her.
(Don't abuse girls bad manners)

I was now passed out and had my degree, so I decided to give interview for an eligible job. Well, I decided to take an attempt for Civil Cervices but till then I wanted to owe a job. I know it's difficult to manage both studies and job together but I wanted to support my father now, not just mentally but financially.

So I decided to go for some interviews to check my potential and knowledge. Let's see if the luck works or not. I told my parents about it and they supported my decision too and wished me a luck and with that I came out in the quest of a perfect job.

Alisha's pov

I was outside with one of my friends in order to divert my mind from 'HIM'
We're hanging out and having chit chat. We went to a caffe and had some coffee and then came out of there and on road's other side I saw 'Him', the reason of my anxiousness.

He was on other side helping an old lady with her heavy luggage and then he made her sit in the taxi. The old woman blessed him and he smiled with his dimples on full display making him look more handsome.
Then he went to nearby beggar who was an old man and put some money in his bowl. The beggar also blessed him and he again smiled. Uffff those dimples, they were so inviting.

After that he went somewhere I don't know where and strangely I wanted to know, to know everything about him. But reality hit me I didn't even know his name but one thing I concluded from his behaviour, he was kind.

I didn't know at first but now I know what's happening to me. I am attracted to him, yess I'm admitting his eyes, his voice, his confidence, his fierceness every single thing was attracting me towards him more and more and now I wanted him and I knew it, yess I want him.

I'll get to know about him, his every detail very soon. You just wait Mr. Club boy, I'll soon meet you. Whatever it's started its not good, not for me but for prepare.


So how was it??
Alisha realised what she is feeling for Ahaan but is it just a mere attraction.
Anyways stay tuned...

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