Chapter 2

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(Italics are flashbacks in dream form or not.)

*Flashback Dream*

I covered my  mouth to quiet my breathing. If I was too loud, he'd find me. I heard my bedroom door click open, and I turned as still as a statue. My heart was exploding in my chest.

"Scarlet, my dear, you can't hide from me."

Tears pricked at my eyes. There was a moment of silence, and then his hand gripped my arm, pulling me out from under my bed. My wand was in my dresser drawer, hidden away from him, so I had no choice. I thrashed and screamed. Using my free hand, I laid a right hook punch right across his jaw. He recovered quickly, as always, and threw me down on my bed, pinning me under him.

"You're going to regret that, sweetheart."

I shot up from my pillow, my breathing ragged. I closed my eyes again, trying to pull myself together. When I reopened them, I noticed I was alone in my room, and that it was morning. I swore under my breath, and jumped out of bed. I grabbed my school books, and threw them in my bag. I snatched my wand, and waved it over me, and I was dressed in my uniform in seconds.

Thank Merlin for magic.

I brushed my teeth, and threw my hair into a messy ponytail. I groaned as I saw what class I was late for: Potions. As if my luck could get any worse.

I raced as fast as possible down to the Potions Classroom, my wand thumping against my ankle from inside my combat boot. I eventually made it, and I hesitantly entered. All eyes landed on me, and I could feel my cheeks heating up.

"Ah, Miss Kingsley, I see you've decided to grace us with your presence. What can I say, I'm thrilled."

I could feel and hear the sarcasm dripping from his words. I let out an annoyed breath.

"I overslept, Professor." I admitted.

Professor Snape slickly raised an eyebrow. Man, was he cute when he did that--wait, what?!

"And what, may I ask, gave you the impression that I cared for your useless excuses?" He snapped.

My mouth dropped open, lost for words.

"Take your seat, and expect to stay after class." He growled, before turning back to the blackboard. Frustrated, I obeyed. I spent the whole remainder of class trying to ignore the sniggers from my other classmates.

When the class was dismissed, and they started to file out, I sat still in my seat, not daring to move. Emaly flashed me a sympathetic look before leaving. When the room was empty, Professor Snape, with a flick of his hand, slammed the door closed. I looked down at my lap.

"Miss Kingsley, I am fed up with your childish insolence." Snape began.

I narrowed my eyes. "Excuse me, Professor, but how long have you known me? I don't just throw around my so-called childish insolence for no reason! You don't have to be a bastard about it!"

Snape pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration, and stood up, stomping out form behind his desk, cape billowing slightly as he did so. He advanced toward me, and gripped my arm roughly.

"You will not speak to me that way, you arrogant brat!"

I abruptly stood up, pulled my arm from his grip, knocking the chair I had been sitting in onto the floor. "Do not lay a hand on me!" I yelled with surprising force. Snape stepped back in bewilderment, confusion crossing his features.

I felt tears springing to my eyes, but I took a deep breath to hold them back. I grabbed my bag and raced out of the room, ignoring Professor Snape's voice calling my name. I had another class next, but I didn't care. I snuck outside, and walked down to the Black Lake. I waved my wand, and a bottle of firewhiskey appeared. Used to the taste, I downed half the bottle quickly. I had to be numb. After about ten minutes, the drink was beginning to take effect. I put my eye drops in to clear the redness like I'd done many times before.

I trudged back up to the school without tripping, surprisingly. I snuck back in without being noticed, and walked to the Slytherin common room. It was empty, which I expected. I stumbled to my room, and tossed my school bag on the floor, threw off my uniform, and crawled into bed.


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