Chapter 17

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A/N: Wow, you guys! 1K reads already?! I'm honored. I didn't expect this story to get this far, honestly, but I'm happy it did! Thank you all for reading, and I hope you enjoy this chapter. There will be more chapters to come, and I will post as much as I can! Don't forget to comment and vote! :) -Hannah

(Scarlet's POV)

"Scar, earth to Scarlet!"

I snapped my gaze away from the wall where I was zoning out.

I chuckled. "Hey, yeah. What do you want Emmy?"

Her brow rose in question. "It's time for Potions. Are you ready to go?"

I looked down at myself, noticing I was half-dressed. I internally laughed.

"Give me a second." I muttered, before standing up, and walking into the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror, and sighed. My mind was full of thoughts about one person, and that person didn't even seem to want me anymore.

I waved my wand over my body, and in a blink I was fully dressed for the day. I stuck my wand in my boot, and grabbed my books.

I walked out of the bathroom, and Emaly was nowhere to be found. Instead, Marco was standing against the wall, a gorgeous smile on his face.

My lips formed into a small smile, "How did you get in here?"

"Your friend let me in. I figured we could use some alone time, so I told her I'd walk you to class." he explained, walking up to me.

I took a breath, contemplating. After a second of hesitation, I nodded, and he led me out of the dormitory, into the common room, and then out into the hall.

We walked side by side in silence,  until Marco spoke up.

"Are you happy that I'm here, love?"

I stopped in my tracks, shocked at his boldness, but also noticing we were approaching the Potions classroom.

"Um, yeah. I'm still confused as to why you came. I didn't think I mattered to you anymore." I admitted.

Marco stepped in front of me, and gripped my hands in his. "You've always mattered. I was just too blind to realize it. Scarlet....I'm still in love with you."

My mouth dropped open, and before I could respond, he kissed me.

I halfheartedly responded to it for a second, and then I pulled back. That kiss proved what my heart already knew: I was no longer in love with Marco, and the feelings weren't true.

"I..." I stuttered, unable to form my thoughts into words. I felt guilty, like I was cheating on Severus. Which was funny, because we weren't even in a relationship.

I scurried away from Marco, ignoring his voice calling out to me, and hesitantly walked into the classroom. It appeared that class had only just started. Snape's back was turned, so I quietly sat down next to Emaly. The air was still for a moment, before he spoke.

"I see nothing has changed, Miss Kingsley. Detention tonight at 8pm for your blatant tardiness."

Frustration bubbled up inside me; I wanted to yell out that everything had indeed changed, but I decided against it. I just sighed, accepting my fate.

And like usual, Severus did not look at me the whole class.


Later that night

"Why is it that Professor Git always gives you detentions, more than he gives to anyone else?" Emaly complained, sitting on my bed.

I sighed, tired. "I don't know."

"I'm beginning to think he fancies you, Scarlet." Emmy admitted, a playful smile on her lips.

I laughed out loud, trying to hide my nervousness. "Like hell he does. I'm a student. Don't be daft."

Emaly laughed along with me. "Isn't it time for you to go? You don't want him to give you another detention to pair with this one."

I let out a breath, my stomach twisting, as I stood up.

"See you later, Em."



I stopped just outside the Potions classroom, trying to contain my anxiety. I took a deep breath, and knocked twice.

No answer.

I furrowed my brows, confused. Wasn't he the one that told me to be here promptly at 8pm, and yet he wasn't?

I tried knocking again, but there was no reply. I placed my ear against the door, and I could hear noises from within. My curiosity was peaked, so I took a chance, placed my hand on the knob, and opened it.

I stepped inside of the room, and Severus stopped in his tracks, behind his desk, and stared straight at me. His classroom was a mess, looking like a result of his anger. I met his eyes again, and my heart jumped to my throat.

"I--I knocked." I muttered.

Severus pinched the bridge of his nose, seeming conflicted with himself.

I cautiously walked closer towards him, and then stopped, as he abruptly walked around to stand in front of his desk now.

We weren't speaking to each other, and it was nervewracking, because I had no idea as to what he was thinking. He was always so hard to read. All I wanted was for him to speak to me. But I figured, if I wanted that, I had to initiate it, just be honest and stop being a wreck. Maybe he would follow suit.

"Marco kissed me earlier this morning. I pulled away. He means nothing to me. You do, Severus. All I can think about is you, every minute of every day. You're too important to me, and I only want you. I love you. I just need to know, do you still love me too?"

I could feel the tears in my eyes, and I closed them as the first teardrop fell down my cheek.

I reopened my eyes, to find that Sev had crossed the room, and was now inches from me. He gently wiped away my tear with his thumb.

"Scarlet, I've been a fool. I thought I was going to lose you, and I refused to experience that pain again. I should have never doubted you, and for that, I apologize. Of course I love you. I have never stopped, you silly girl. Are you able to forgive my actions?"

I let out a laugh, as happy tears spilled down my cheeks. My hands stroked his face, and I kissed him. He responded by passionately kissing me back. After a few moments, we pulled away, and Sev's hands caressed my hair, as he held me to his chest.

"I'll accept that as a yes, it would seem." he whispered into my ear.

"Severus, I don't think I can wait until the end of the year to be in a proper relationship with you." I admitted, lifting my head up to look in his eyes.

He sighed, searching my face. After a second, his velvet voice drifted through the air.

"I, too, feel unable to wait any longer to have you to myself."

I lifted my mouth in an expecting smile. "You mean....?"

Severus smirked slightly, an expression I had grown to love.

"We must be careful not to be caught, but I want you, Scarlet Kingsley. I oblige to your request."

I chuckled. I wasn't surprised not to hear him say he was my boyfriend. That word would sound so foreign to his tongue. He was a gentleman, it seemed, and manners coincided with that concept.

I nodded happily, and this time, his lips captured my own, and it couldn't have been any sweeter.

'What a perfect detention.' I thought to myself. I could only hope there would be others exactly like it.


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