Chapter 6

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(Scarlet's POV) -Time Skip

I got a message from Sev-, I mean, Snape, excusing me from my other two detentions for the rest of the week, which I was grateful for.

Now, it was Saturday. No classes, thank Merlin. I sighed contently as I sat on my bed, skimming through my small photo album. I felt tears prick at my eyes, as they landed on a photo of my mom.

'I miss you' I thought. If she hadn't of died, things would be different. I wiped my eyes, and sighed. "Come on, Scar, be strong, you've made it this far." I whispered encouragingly to myself. I smiled in memory, and turned my head as the door to my room opened, and Emaly walked in.

"Scarlet, what are you doing?!" Emaly gasped.

I laughed, "What do you mean, Emmy?"

"Everyone's on their way to Hogsmeade, and you're sitting in bed! Come on, get dressed, let's go!"

I groaned playfully, and threw my legs out.

"Okay, okay. Go pick me out some clothes while I shower."

About twenty minutes later, I was fresh and clean, and walked out of the bathroom, hair still wet. Emaly was sitting on my bed with an outfit. I waved my wand over my hair and it instantly dried. I did it one more time, curling it into ringlets. I took the clothes from Em with a smile, and pulled them on. I had to admit, she had a good eye: Black skinny jeans, a white t-shirt, my favorite leather jacket, combat boots, and a beanie. My favorite Muggle outfit.

"Damn, Em; you're good."

She walked up behind me, smirking. "Put on some makeup, I'll be waiting in the common room."


I pulled my coat tighter around me as Emaly and I walked down the streets of Hogsmeade. I was scanning the windows of the shops, and I noticed some books that looked intriguing.

"Hey, Em, do you mind if we split up?" I asked hesitantly.

She looked at me, smiling. "No of course not! I wanted to go to Honeydukes, anyways. Meet back at school in an hour?"

I nodded, and with a quick hug, we separated.

I walked up the steps of the book shop, and inside. I scanned the aisles, and my eye caught a title, Romeo and Juliet. I grabbed it, sat down on the floor, among piles of books, and started to read. I was lost in time, and the pages of the book, and when I heard him, my head snapped up.

"Miss Kingsley?" Snape droned.

I took a nervous breath, and smiled. "Hello, sir."

Snape walked closer, crouched down, and sat next to me. My mouth gaped open, and I stared at the potions professor.

"What are you staring at, child??" Snape asked, a slight smirk on his lips. I shook my head.

"Nothing, just wondering what you're doing here."

Snape looked at me. "I saw you from outside through the window. Just was curious, Miss Kingsley."

I nodded, "Curious, indeed."

Snape took a breath. "Not that I care an ounce, but where are you on your way to?"

I let out a slight laugh. "The Three Broomsticks." I replied.

"Allow me to accompany you, Miss Kingsley. I could use a firewhiskey."

I chuckled, "So could I."

Ignoring his surprised stare, I stood up, motioning for him to follow.

Arriving about five minutes later, we sat down at a table, him on one side, me on the other.

"Worried someone will see us together?" I asked, half kidding.

Snape glared at me. "Don't push it."

I laughed a little, as Madame Rosemerta approached our table.

"What can I getcha?"

Snape opened his mouth to speak, but I cut him off. "Two firewhiskeys, please."

She looked at me suspiciously. "Just this once?" I added.

Rosemerta half-grinned, and walked away. She returned minutes later with the drinks. I could feel Snape's gaze on me, as I thanked her for the drinks. As soon as she exited, I took a huge gulp of mine.

"You seem to be quite acquainted with this particular spirit." Snape spoke slowly, taking a sip from his cup. I sighed, smirking lightly.

"I have much to try and forget." I rose my eyes up to meet his, and we just stared at each other. It felt different, this time. My insides fluttered, and because of that, I tore my eyes away. Snape did the same, and we finished our drinks in a comfortable silence.


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