Venting Session

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I know I had a lot to say yesterday when it happened, but I don't  know where else to let my deeper feelings out but here, because no one in my family, or any of my friends, seem to understand how I feel about Alan Rickman's death.
I'm a complete and utter wreck over it. I could hardly get through work tonight without thinking about him. I know for sure that I'm not the only one who loved and cherished him, so I'm not trying to sound self-absorbed, I assure you.
It's celebrity death has ever effected me this way before. I haven't stopped crying since I found out. I don't know what to do about it. I feel like it's all a horrible, bad dream, and I'll wake up from it eventually, but I also know from social media & the farewell messages that it's real. He's really truly gone. I honestly never thought he would ever die, and I know it sounds crazy, but I felt like he was so amazing that he could surpass death.
I can't listen to his voice, and I can't even look at pictures of him. I feel like a part of my heart is gone. I don't know if I ever will be able to watch one of his movies or listen to his voice again. I'm sure this sounds over dramatic, but I can't really explain in words how much Alan changed my life. He made me smile when I didn't think I needed it, and he brought so much light into my life. I know he never knew me, but he touched my heart and soul without even knowing that he did. I really am so truly sorry for anyone suffering through this as much as I am. It's so horrible, and incredibly painful. I feel especially bad for his family and Rima. If this is having such an effect on myself and others, I can't imagine how they are feeling.
With that being said, I guess the only thing we can really do is just treasure the legacy he left behind, and love him as much as I'm sure he loved everyone who believed in him.
I love you, Mr. Alan Rickman. Always. ❤️

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