Chapter 11

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Scarlet's POV

It felt like forever as Snape's lips moved against my own, but only a minute later, he pulled back. His hands rested on my shoulders. My eyes were still closed, trying to determine if I was dreaming or if this had actually happened. A second later, I opened them, and Severus was just admiring my behavior.

"I am assuming that I did something right." He observed, a ghost of a smirk on his face.

I smiled, feeling my cheeks heat up. Thankfully it was nighttime, so I wouldn't be embarrassed. I just stood there kind of awkwardly, not knowing what to really do. I mean, I felt a thrill from it all; I was eighteen, and I had just kissed one of my professors passionately outside, breaking curfew at the same time, along with a lot of other school rules. I couldn't ignore the adrenaline racing through me, or the rapid beating of my heart in my chest.

"What does this mean?" I managed to ask, despite the mixture of emotions flowing through my body.

Severus grabbed my hand in his, interlocking our fingers, and I let out a small gasp, still so in shock.

"I can't believe I actually got up the courage to do that, Scarlet. There's just something about you, and I'm beginning to wonder if there always was." Snape admitted.

I nodded. "Well for the record, I feel the same way. But again I ask, what does this mean?"

He sighed, pulling me to him, as we sat down against the tree, me in his lap. "There is quite an age difference between us. A relationship would be entirely inappropriate at this time. You are still my student."

I scowled. "Not for much longer."

Snape gave me a look. "But you still are. Engaging in a relationship with one of my students could cost me everything I've worked hard to accomplish, Scarlet. You must understand."

I groaned. "I do. Believe me, I do. But why did this amazing thing have to come about at the worst possible time? I don't know if I can act like you mean nothing to me anymore. It was already hard enough, because I didn't know how you felt. But I will listen, and wait."

Sev smiled softly, a completely foreign expression for him. "I am willing to wait as well, no matter how torturous it may be for me to keep my feelings to myself. I truly believe I am falling in love with you, Scarlet Kingsley. I haven't known this feeling in many years, and I didn't want to. I am a broken man, Scarlet. I'm no good for you."

My hands cupped his face, my eyes meeting his black orbs. "I know what broken feels like. I would never change my opinion of you, no matter what you were to tell me. You have my word."

He placed a loose strand of hair behind my ear. "It pains me to see such a beautiful woman in so much pain."

Tears pricked at my eyes with that statement, and I did the only thing I felt was necessary.

I kissed him.


Two days later

I was in a lovestruck haze, and it was the weirdest thing. Being known for closing my feelings off, it was strange to see myself in such a good mood, I would imagine.

Emaly definitely knew something was different.

"Hello, Miss Sunshine." She chastised me as we ate lunch a couple days later. I smiled stupidly, and shrugged.

"Whatever is going on Scar, I'm so happy it is. Honestly, I've never seen you this happy in all the years I've known you." Emmy admitted with a genuine smile, as she continued to eat. My eyes scanned the room, landing on the potions professor. I smirked, and he nodded, a hint of smile visible on his lips. My whole body tingled with the forbidden feeling of the exchange.

I was done eating a few moments later, the only one finished. I bid Emaly goodbye, and promised to meet her back at the room. I could feel a certain someone's gaze on me, and I smirked to myself, before turning back around. I winked seductively at Severus, and then exited the Great Hall.

I was humming happily to myself as I made my way back to the common room. The hallways were empty along the way. However, as usual, I wasn't paying attention to where I was going, and I bumped into someone again. I'm so clumsy.

"I'm very sorry." I apologized, looking up at the person I collided with. Before I could even take another breath or even pull my wand, a fist collided with the side of my face, and everything went black.


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