Chapter 12

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A/N okay, I'll probably update again tomorrow or Monday, most likely two chapters because after that I will be on vacation. If I get a spare minute, I will post a new chapter while I'm on vacation but there's no guarantee. Enjoy this one! Comment, vote! :) -Hannah

(Scarlet's POV)

I slowly opened my eyes, and winced. My face was burning with pain. I tried to raise my hand to feel the bruise that was definitely forming around my eye, but I couldn't. I looked down and gasped.

I was chained to the floor. I was scared, and angry. I had no idea where I was, or what time of the day it was now. The windows to the room were boarded up. I also didn't know who had assaulted me. I wasn't able to see the person's face before I blacked out. I scanned around the room, and I could feel tears stinging at my eyes.

It was vague, but I recognized the wallpaper. I was in my old bedroom at home. With that realization, I instantly knew who had kidnapped me.

My father.

He'd found me. I'm sure it wasn't hard to do because I'd been going to Hogwarts since I got my letter, but wasn't the school protected by magic? How did my father get in? I continued scanning my old room, but didn't see my wand anywhere. Did he have it?

Despite all the thoughts going through my head at the present time, one thing pushed past all the others: Severus. Did he know I was missing? Did anyone know I was missing?

(Snape's POV)

"Class dismissed." I growled to the students the next morning. I was in a horrid mood because I hadn't seen Scarlet yet. She wasn't in class, and she wasn't at breakfast.

"Ms. Martin, may I speak to you for a moment?" I called out.

Scarlet's best friend walked up to my desk, standing in front of it with a nervous look on her face.

"Where is Miss Kingsley?" I asked, a hint of annoyance in my voice, to hide my true feelings.

"I don't know, sir. She didn't come back to the dormitories last night. I have a bad feeling about it." she admitted, looking down at the floor. She was visibly shaken, and I realized that I wasn't the only one worrying themselves into oblivion about Scarlet.

I cleared my throat, before asking my next question. "What do you think has happened?"

Miss Martin let out a breath before replying. "I think it has something to do with her father."

I nodded, in understanding. "Alright. I will speak to Professor Dumbledore at once. We will find Scarlet."

She nodded, before exiting my classroom.

I let out a deep breath, and stood up.

I walked out into the corridor, and as I walked up to the Albus' office, my mind was swimming with unpleasant thoughts. I couldn't help but think the worst.

I approached the gargoyles, uttered the password, and stomped up the stairs. I barged in without knocking.

"Severus, I expected you to show up. I heard Miss Kingsley hasn't been seen since yesterday."

"Albus, I know what happened. At least, I'm almost certain of it."

His eyes twinkled. "I know of her situation at home. I know that she ran away, and I'm thankful she did, especially here, where she's safe. However, it is clear her father has found a way to get through the protection spells I have placed around the boundaries. I just wonder how."

My chest felt tight. "We have to get her back, Albus. He'll kill her."

Albus met my pleading look, and his eyes showed he knew more about my intentions than he was saying, and I took a breath to restrain my annoyed growl.

"If you can find her, you can retrieve her, Severus. I will do all that I can. Your classes shall be postponed until further notice."

I nodded. "Thank you, sir."

As I made my way back to my classroom to start my search, only one thing was taking over my mind.

'I will find you, Scarlet.'

(Scarlet's POV)

I felt weak. I could barely sit up. I hadn't eaten or drank anything for who knows how long.

Suddenly, the door to my bedroom swung open, and an unfamiliar young boy about my age stepped in.

My brows furrowed in confusion. What the bloody hell?

Right behind him, stood my father. My heart started pounding rapidly at the sight of him.

I never expected to see him again. Fear turned my blood cold.

"Jonathan, leave us." My father growled.

The boy and I shared a look, and then, without a word, left the room.

Despite my fear, I managed to speak.

"Who is that?"

My father smirked evilly, his usual look. "That, my dear daughter, is your twin brother, Jonathan James Kingsley."

My mouth dropped open in disbelief. Brother???


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