Chapter 8

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(A/N: this should be interesting. Let me know what you think, whether I should stop doing Snape's POV or not. Comment, vote!)

I sighed again before speaking. I struggled to put words together.

"Perhaps we should talk somewhere more pleasant?" Snape suggested.

I let out a breath I didn't realize I'd been holding, and nodded. We both stood up from the floor, and he swished away towards a room I didn't recognize. I figured he probably wanted me to follow, but I was hesitant.

Snape stopped walking, turned around to face me, an eyebrow raised, obviously questioning why I wasn't moving.

"I love when you do that." I thought to myself.

"Pardon?" I heard him say, seemingly irritated.

I chuckled, embarrassed, and covered my mouth with my hand. I guess I said that part out loud.

"So, um, let's go." I stuttered out. As he turned back around to start walking again, I saw a hint of a smirk on his lips. When he started walking, this time I followed. A few minutes later, he opened a black door, and gestured for me to enter. I obeyed, and as soon as I walked in, I realized something.

I was in Professor Snape's personal quarters. There was a bed, other furniture, a small kitchen, and a book shelf full with books. I couldn't help but smile to myself. Suddenly my nightmares were forgotten, as my mind was taken over by other things.

"Care to enlighten me as to why you're smiling like a lovesick teenage twit?" Snape droned.

I turned around to face him. "Why did you bring me here to talk?"

Snape let out an annoyed breath, staring at me, and I had to put my hand on the head of a close-by chair to steady myself so I wouldn't melt into a puddle on the floor.

"I enjoy my privacy, as I'm certain you do as well. I apologize if it doesn't meet your standards." he quipped, his little smirk appearing on his face again.

I laughed, smiling. "No, it's perfect. But if I may, sir, you should do that more often."

"Do what?"

I bit my lip, a bit nervous now. "Show emotion."

Once again, his eyebrow rose, "As should you, Miss Kingsley."

I shook my head, frustrated. "Don't call me that."

Snape deadpanned. "But that is your name."

I looked up, and met his eyes straight on. "Call me Scarlet."

He looked conflicted when I said that, but he met my gaze at last. "Well then, and this pains me to allow, you may call me Severus, but within reason."

I smirked, and we finally sat down, me on the couch, and him in an armchair.

My anxiety started to come back as the air fell silent around us.

"My mom...she" I could feel tears starting to well in my eyes once again, and I sighed, putting my head down. I felt Snape sit down next to me, and his hand overtop mine. For some reason, that calmed me.

"My mom was poisoned." I finally managed to say.

I heard him suck in a breath, and I took a breath in, and wiped a tear that had fallen.

"And my dad..." I trailed off, unable to finish, shaking my head.

There was a beat of silence, before Snape spoke again. "Is it bad?" he asked softly.

I nodded. I finally looked up from my lap, my raven hair falling over my face.

"I ran away." I whispered.

That's when the tears flowed like a waterfall. I tried to stifle my sobs, but it was impossible. A second later, I felt his arms once again wrap around me, one hand caressing my hair, as he comforted me. This tender moment only made me cry harder because I had only ever known pain, and this was the first time I felt safe since my mother died.

"Scarlet, you're safe now. He won't get to you while you're at Hogwarts. I swear it." I heard him whisper against my hair.

I smiled against his chest, closing my eyes for a second. I didn't want to leave this room, and I didn't want to leave the comfort of Professor Snape's arms. I never would have imagined myself in this situation, let alone him being in it with me. Maybe I had softened his cold exterior.

"It is nearly 4am." Snape observed.

I sighed. "Unfortunately.." I muttered.

His arms stiffened, and pushed me back a little bit. "You should get some sleep, Scarlet."

I nodded in understanding, standing up from his couch.

He did the same.

"Thank you for listening, sir." I said, smiling lightly.

And suddenly, I don't know what came over me, or what I was thinking, but I leaned up on my toes, and kissed his cheek before I lost my courage.

"Sweet dreams, Professor." I spoke, smirking, biting my lip. With that, I left his quarters. As I walked down the corridor, and back to my room, I mentally praised myself for my brazen behavior. 'Hopefully there will be more moments like that' I thought.

(Snape's POV)

For minutes after Scarlet exited my private quarters, I stood there in absolute shock.

Absentmindedly, my hand moved to my cheek.

I had no idea as to what I should do. This was all different for me.

All I was aware of, was that I would not be able to forget this night.

Oh gods, I was done for.

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