Chapter 9

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(A.N. / there will be classic Snape in this chapter. Comment, vote.)

Scarlet's POV

I smiled as I looked up at the ceiling from my bed a few hours later. I couldn't sleep. My mind was on Professor Snape. I was wondering if his mind was on me.

'Get ahold of your emotions,' I told myself, 'there's no way a man like Severus would want you. Not to mention the fact that he's your teacher, and you're his student!'

I sighed. I'm just wishful thinking.

"Scarlet Lila Kingsley!!!"

I sat up quickly, and faced Emaly.

"Um, hi?" I replied, raising an eyebrow.

"Where were you last night?" she asked, also raising an eyebrow at me.

"I went out for a stroll by the Black Lake. Couldn't sleep." I replied, shrugging.

Em put her hands on her hips, and glared at me. "Right, and I'll pretend I'm an idiot."

I chuckled, swinging my legs over the side of my bed.

"Nothing gets past you, Emmy."

She continued to stare at me.

"Emaly, seriously, it's nothing."

She groaned, frustrated. "Fine, I guess you'll tell me when you're ready, but if it's a super fit guy that you're hiding from me, your ass is grass."

I swallowed, forcing out a laugh. 'You could say that' I thought.

"Get dressed!" Em screeched, throwing my school robes at me. "Time for Potions."

My stomach turned, nervousness pooling. Oh gods.

I walked into the bathroom, and looked at my reflection in the mirror. Time for a little change. I waved my wand over my hair, and a millisecond later, red highlights appeared within my waves. I applied some mascara, and red lipstick for fun. I smirked in the mirror, despite how nervous I was. Confidence is key.

I walked out of the bathroom to find Em against the wall waiting for me.

"We're walking to class together, so you can't disappear." she told me jokingly.

I laughed, and swung my arm through hers, linking us together. We arrived at the Potions classroom a few minutes later, and found our seats. I set my books down on my desk, and didn't even have a chance to take a breath, before there were hands on my desk, and a smiling Draco Malfoy looking down at me.

"Hello, Scarlet. You're looking extra lovely this morning. What's with the new look? Dressing up for me?"

I rolled my eyes, scoffing. "In your dreams, Draco."

He leaned closer, his mouth seemingly inches from mine. "Kiss me now then."

I leaned back in my seat, and before I could respond with a witty comeback, someone else did, in a manner less so.

"Mr. Malfoy, I would advise you to take your seat this instant."

Draco and I both glanced up at the voice of our Potions Professor. He was staring at both of us intently.

Draco hesitated for a second, before shooting me a disgustingly flirtacious smirk, and taking his seat.

Snape continued to stare at me, a hint of something in his eyes. Before I could thank him, he turned and stomped to the front of the room, his cape flowing behind him like a bat's wings. I sighed.

I zoned out for most of the class accidentally. I was imagining scenarios involving Severus and I. I couldn't help myself. The sad thing was he didn't even look at me the whole class. I wondered what I did wrong this time.

I was on the brink of tears when class was dismissed, and I couldn't figure out why. I should have just kept my feelings to myself like I was used to. Why did I kiss Snape on the cheek? He was obviously freaked out now. I'm such a bloody fool.

I was so engrossed in my thoughts that a voice broke me out of my reverie. "Miss Kingsley?"

My head shot up.

"Class has been dismissed." Severus spoke slowly.

I sighed, laughing a little. "Sorry, I was distracted.."

Snape chuckled sarcastically. "That seems to be your designated excuse these days, Miss Kingsley."

I let out a breath, the nervous feeling returning. "What happened to calling me Scarlet?" I whispered tentatively.

"You are my student, just like the rest of these dunderheads in this school, so I am required to be formal, Miss Kingsley." Snape droned, not looking at me.

I could feel the tears behind my eyes. I thought I wasn't just another student. What happened in a span of a few hours to make him be so cold towards me?

I was shaking with anger and sadness.

"But..." I couldn't even finish speaking. I knew it was too good to be true. I'm so stupid for opening up to him. I should have known something wasn't going to come out of this. I shouldn't have let my wall down.

I turned around and left the classroom as a single tear rolled down my cheek. From behind me, there came nothing but silence.


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