Chapter 34

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3:00am, Scarlet's POV

I opened my eyes, and looked to my left. Severus was sound asleep next to me, chest rising and falling as he breathed.

I held my breath as I pulled myself quietly out of the bed. I threw on my silk nightrobe, and tiptoed to the door. I looked back at Sev's sleeping form, and eased the bedroom door open. I squeezed through, and closed it silently behind me.

I expertly walked down the stairs, managing to not make a sound. I glanced around, adjusting my eyes to the darkness of the house. I walked down the back hallway by the stairs, until I reached the kitchen. I manually put on a pot of water.

In what felt like minutes, it was boiling enough, so I picked it up and placed it on the counter. I grabbed a mug, and a tea bag, and poured the water into it. I gripped it cautiously, and with another glance around, I exited the kitchen.

I sipped my tea as I walked into the living room. The moon was reflecting through the large window as I sat down on the window ledge, looking out.

I couldn't sleep. Obviously.

Too much on my mind.

After Severus had told me what had occurred in the meeting, I was stunned. I was without words, speechless. I had no idea what to say.

What could I say? 'Go ahead, Sev, turn me in, take me to the Dark Lord.'

I sighed. There was no way I could say that. And the thing is, he wouldn't do that. I know he wouldn't....would he?

I mentally reprimanded myself for thinking such thoughts. He loves me. He will protect me.

I clutched my mug tighter in frustration.

Why?! Why was I so important to the Dark Lord? I was just a girl with different magical abilities. And now because of his selfish priorities, the only man I've ever truly loved is put in a difficult situation, one that leaves him with an almost impossible decision to make.

I felt a tear slide down my cheek silently. I couldn't allow him to be killed. I had to be strong, and determined. I had to do something.

My mind was telling me not to go through with what I was thinking, but I knew I had to do it. For the sake of Severus' life.

"Accio wand." I whispered shakily. A second later, my wand was clutched in my hand. I summoned some clothes, and dressed myself quickly. I put my mug in the kitchen, and ran a hand through my hair. I walked back out to the living room, and stepped in front of the fireplace. I looked over my shoulder toward the stairs, choking back a sob.

"Sev, just know I'm doing this because I love you." I muttered out into the empty room. Taking a huge breath in and then out, I grabbed some floo powder, and took a step into the fireplace. I threw the powder down.

"Malfoy Manor."


I hesitantly stepped out of a different fireplace, and was met by the confused face of Narcissa Malfoy.

After a passing moment, she spoke.

"Who are you, sweetheart?" she asked kindly.

I gulped, before summoning all my courage. "Scarlet. Scarlet Kingsley."

As I told her my name, her eyes widened.

"You're Scarlet Kingsley?!"


Sev's POV

I awoke with a start. Something felt strange.

I jumped out of the bed, and with a quick wave of my wand, I was dressed.

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