Chapter 20

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I was breathing heavy, as my eyes flitted around, trying to see in the pure darkness. My heart was beating in my throat. I shakily got to my feet, and gulped.

"Hello?" I called out.


"Is someone out there?" I spoke again, this time stronger.

Several different voices were whispering around me, making me shudder. One voice seemed to drown out all the others, a slightly familiar voice, but I couldn't place if it was female or male. It swirled around my shivering body, whispering things to me. I could only make out one word.


I opened my eyes abruptly, just looking up at the ceiling for a moment. My mind was whirring, trying to decipher what my dream could possibly mean. It was so confusing.

Pushing the dream to the back of my mind, I allowed thoughts of Severus to push forward. My lips curved up into a giddy smile as I remembered how we had sat in his chambers, kissing passionately for hours, until he "ordered" me to return to bed, so I would be rested for classes.

Speaking of....

I turned over, and checked my beside clock. I had about thirty minutes before breakfast was to start.

I yawned loudly, and dragged myself out of bed. I walked into the bathroom, taking a quick shower.

I dried my hair, and tied it into a messy French braid at the nape of my neck. I lightly applied mascara, and some light pink lipstick. I walked back out into the room, and threw on my uniform and robes. I stuck my wand in my boot, grabbed my books, and left.

I walked out into the corridor, and noticed that it was relatively empty. I sighed, and made my way to the Great Hall. I got just outside the doors before a voice called my name.

I turned, and grimaced. "Hello, Marco."

He plastered on a halfhearted smile, and sauntered in front of me. There were a few seconds of awkward silence, before he spoke.

"How are you?" he asked.

I furrowed my brows, because that was the last thing I expected him to ask.

"I'm...fine?" I answered.

"Okay, that's swell. So I'll let it slide that you ran away from me the other day." he smiled wide, but at this point now, it seemed arrogant.

I scoffed. "Why are you still here, Marco? Honestly?"

He gave me a baffled look. "Wait, what are you trying to say? Don't you want me, Scarlet? I thought.."

"You thought wrong." I cut him off abruptly.

I could see his eyes slowly filling with anger, but I didn't stop. "I don't know why you came. I was forgetting about you. You can't think you can just walk back into my life, like you didn't break my heart. There's nothing here between us anymore, and there won't be again. Besides, I've moved on."

Marco narrowed his eyes. "With who? Who could possibly treat you better than I did?"

I couldn't help but let out a disbelieving chuckle. "Anyone else could. A fucking monkey could treat me better than you did. And this is exactly what I'm talking about; you think you're above everyone else, and that I should worship you endlessly. Oh, and let's not forget the constant mental abuse you threw my way if I didn't act the way you wanted me to act. I was never good enough for you, unless I was being who you wanted me to be. Newsflash, I'm not that girl."

Marco let out a mean laugh, chuckling rudely, his voice raising to a yell. "You were always an ungrateful bitch. Just because you're a pureblood. Nobody likes a tragic girl, Scar. I was the best thing to happen to you, and you know it."

My eyes started to fill with angry tears, and I grabbed my wand from my boot in a split second, holding it to his chest.

"How dare you, you arrogant bastard. I hate you. I was blind for so long, but I see right through you now. Go to hell." I yelled, catching the attention of nearby students walking to breakfast.

Through my anger haze, I felt a hand on my shoulder firmly, but gently, and my favorite velvet voice address me.

"Miss Kingsley, lower your wand." Severus told me calmly.

I was too focused on glaring at Marco to look at Snape. The look in Marco's eye told me this wasn't over.

I slightly lowered my wand, as Severus now addressed the toad standing in front of me.

"Mr. Germaine, I suggest you linger elsewhere."

Marco gave me one last glare, turned around, and exited around the corner.

My heart was pounding, and I was breathing heavy with anger. I turned around to face Severus, and our eyes met. He gave me his usual facial expression, but his eyes were filled with worry.

In keeping up appearances, I expected the words that came next.

"Detention tonight, Miss Kingsley, 8pm, for pulling your wand on a Hogwarts guest. I expect you to be prompt."

I nodded, unable to speak, because my temper was still raging. Severus flashed me a "We're talking about this" look, before he glided away towards the Great Hall, cape billowing behind him.


A/N: I guess this is a filler chapter. I don't know. But I do know where this story is going, and if you guys don't mind, there won't be alot of what happens to Harry in this fic, because this is about Scarlet. Oh, and Snape of course. However, there still will be pieces of the stories, because they are genius. I hope you don't mind. Anyways, so, vote, comment! :) Let me know if I'm doing okay so far, I'm starting to feel kind of discouraged..yikes.


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