Chapter 18

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(Scarlet's POV)

The next morning

I opened my eyes, and I couldn't help but smile to myself, my thoughts twirling around what happened last night between Severus and I. We were in a proper relationship, and the forbidden feeling to it all gave me such a thrill.

"What are you smiling at, you big goof?"

I laughed, and turned my head to face Emaly, who was also laying down on her bed, head turned toward me.

"What? I'm not allowed to smile?" I countered, playfully rolling my eyes.

Emaly grinned slightly, and sat up. She got out of bed, and came over to sit on mine.

I rose an eyebrow, as she took a breath.

"Scarlet, I'm going to ask you a question, and I want you to be honest with me. I'm your best friend, and I would never judge you."

I gave her a confused look, and nodded for her to continue.

"What's going on with you? Are you dating someone? Not that I don't like seeing you happy, but you've been different this last month. You can tell me, your secrets are safe with me." Emaly stated, smiling genuinely down at me.

I sighed, smiling softly back. She was my best friend, she's loyal. She's never pushed me to tell her anything I didn't want to. She knows everything about me. I've never kept anything from her. I know I can trust her, I'm just scared that she'll think bad of me.

"Em...there has been something going on." I started, sitting up in my bed.

I let out a breath before continuing, and looked up into Emaly's understanding eyes.

"The truth is...I am dating someone." I admitted.

Emaly grinned wide. "Oh yes!! Finally! I knew it, I knew you were hiding a man, now come on. Who is he? Do I know him?" she bombarded me with questions.

I laughed, "Yes, you know him."

Emaly gasped. "Is it that attractive boy that's been following you about? Your ex boyfriend?"

I snorted sarcastically. "Not even close, Emmy."

She laughed at my reaction, and continued, "Well who is it then? Please tell me you haven't given in to Malfoy's ridiculous behavior now!"

"Definitely not, darling. Never in my life, or my afterlife!!!" I exclaimed.

Em gripped my hands in anticipation, "Then who?"

I took in a deep breath before replying, "Promise not to judge me, when I tell you. I was nervous to, I didn't know how you would react."

Emaly's face softened, "Scar, you're my best friend. I would support you through anything you decide."

I met her eyes nervously. "It's Professor Snape. Well, Severus to me. Him and I are....together."

Emaly didn't speak for a few seconds, and when she did, I didn't expect what came out.

"NO WAY!! That's so hot!! Oh my gods, Scarlet! You temptress!! I can't even believe this, but at the same time I can."

I laughed, relieved at her reaction. "So you don't think it's wrong?"

Emaly chuckled. "What's so wrong about it? Love has no age limit, plus, you can't help who you fall in love with. Besides, a teacher student romance is bloody brilliant, if you ask me. So romantic, and forbidden. I almost wish I'd thought of it."

I playfully slapped her arm, and we erupted into a fit of giggles.

"So tell me everything! What do his lips feel like? When did it start? Have you shagged--"

I held up a hand to stop her flow of inappropriate questions, laughing at the same time.

"Emaly, calm down! I will not answer those types of questions usually, but all I will say is this: heaven, it feels like it's been going on forever, and no."

Emaly frowned. "Damn. I was hoping you could tell me what it was like to shag your professor. That's every teenage girl's fantasy."

I covered my mouth to hide my giggles. "Don't fret, Em. As soon as it happens, you will be the first to know. But in all seriousness, you cannot tell a soul. It could cost Sev everything. Promise me."

Emaly gripped my hand tighter, looking serious. "I promise this secret will not leave my lips. I swear to it."

I smiled, letting out a breath. "Thank you."

Emaly smirked, nudging my shoulder. "I can't believe I was right. I'm always right."

I chuckled, nudging her back. "Right about what?"

"About Professor Snape fancying you. Now all the detentions make sense, and so does his urgency to rescue you when you were kidnapped. He's smitten with you." Emaly said.

I bit my lip, thinking about him. "The feelings are mutual, Emmy. I'm quite smitten with him as well."

She hugged me from her place on my bed. "I'm happy you're happy, Scar. You deserve so much happiness, more than you've ever gotten."

I smiled against her arm that was wrapped around me. "Thank you, Em. That means so much."


A few hours later, early afternoon

I was in the Great Hall, eating lunch with Emaly, when the owl landed in front of me. I furrowed my brow in confusion.

"I don't recall you ever having an owl, Scarlet." Emaly stated.

I nodded in agreement, smirking slightly. "I know."

My gaze instantly met the potion professor's at the staff table, and the smoldering look sent my way made my knees go weak. Thankfully I was sitting down.

Emaly followed my gaze inconspicuously, and grinned. "I see, then."

I held in my laugh, as I reached toward the owl's feet, snatching the letter firmly held in them. I opened it as carefully as possible, trying not to make a deal out of it. What was written made my heart flutter:

Miss Kingsley,

It would be an honor for you to accompany me in my personal chambers later tonight. Refer to it as another detention.


I took a deep breath, trying to hide my blush. Emaly glanced down at the letter, and smirked.

"Another late night rendezvous with your man?"

I rolled my eyes playfully, as I stuck the letter in my bra. I could feel Severus' eyes on me as I did so. My heart pumped with brazen thrill.

"I'll let you know how it goes, or what happens, if anything does." I replied, smirking.

I looked back down at my food for a moment, and then risked a peek up at him. We shared a quick, but flirtacious glance, and with a seductive smirk, I tore my eyes away, and went back to eating my dinner.

My mind was whirling with excitement.


A/N: let me know what you think. I really love writing this story, honestly. I love confidentiality, but I will say that some cute moments between Scarlet and Severus, and friendship goal moments between Emaly and Scarlet, are based off situations that have occurred in my own life, so I guess you could say there's a tiny piece of me in Scarlet. I know, it sounds crazy. But, this helps me to make this story as realistic as a fanfic can be. Haha, what irony. If I don't post another chapter tonight, I have three days off from work this week to do so! Anyways, comment, vote! Your comments motivate me to keep writing! :) -Hannah

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