Chapter 13

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(Scarlet's POV)

"What do you mean? Brother? I thought I was an only child!" I stuttered out, as my father stood in the doorway, a sadistic grin on his face.

"He was a secret, my dear. I kept him a secret until I found the time to be right."

I furrowed my brows in confusion. "But Mom, she--"

My father cut me off. "Your mother. Your mother always favored you. Her little Scarlet. Our boy, Jonathan was put on the back burner, forgotten, as it was. He was becoming more and more like me everyday, that's why she sent him away. I was furious."

I let out a breath. "She never told me. Why did she never tell me?!"

My father's face twisted into an evil smirk. "She never got the chance. I had to stop her from telling you somehow, didn't I?"

Angry tears came to my eyes. "You're evil, and selfish. You're a monster. You killed the only person in this world that ever cared about me. I hope you rot in hell!!!"

I didn't even have time to prepare myself, because in one jumped step, he had hit me, and my head snapped back from the force of his punch.

My cheek was burning hot with pain, and the tears I was crying made it worse.

"You disgusting bitch! How many times have I told you not to speak to me like that?!!" my father yelled, inches from my face. All I could manage was a glare.

"Obviously not enough times." I whispered sarcastically, my throat dry.

Again, I winced, as this time, his booted foot came into contact with my ribs. I heard a sickening crack, and I collapsed into a mess on the floor. I clutched my body tightly, trying to breathe, but the breaths were coming ragged. I was never as scared as I am right now.

I coughed, and sputtered a couple times, but still managed to squeak out one sentence. "I hate you."

"Tell me something I don't know." My father hissed, standing above me, looking down his nose at me like I was trash. Which was pretty ironic, considering he was the abusive one in this situation.

"Someone will find me, you know." I whispered after a moment of silence.

"Who? You're little professor boyfriend??" my father chuckled.

I narrowed my eyes. "How--"

"I've been watching you since you ran. Well, Jon has. There was no way I would be able to get into the school. But, a kid your age? Absolutely."

I let out a snort. "How pathetic. Having my twin brother do your dirty work."

My dad glared at me, and I expected him to hit me again, but instead he walked toward the door. He turned back around in the doorway, and with a growl, spit at me, and exited.

As soon as he was gone, I sighed in defeat. How the bloody hell was someone supposed to find me here? The only one that knew of where I grew up was Emaly, and she probably hadn't of told anyone yet. I was thoroughly and utterly screwed.

'Severus, please help me.' I thought.

(Snape's POV)

I hit my fists on my desk in frustration. I had been at it for hours, and I still had no idea where to begin to search for Scarlet. She was closed off, and didn't share much of her personal life with people, much like me. How was I to find her? I was almost certain that if her father did indeed kidnap her that he was keeping her locked away in her childhood home. But where was that located, and how was I to find out??

I sat back in my chair, ran a hand through my hair, disgruntled.

After a few minutes of thinking, an idea came to my mind.

I shot up from my desk, and out of my classroom. I flew down the corridor, until I came to a halt in front of the Slytherin common room. I walked straight inside, because as the head of house I can do whatever I please, and I approached the first student I saw.

"May I speak to Miss Emaly Martin? Tell her I need to speak with her." I growled to the student, and with hesitated fear, scrambled up the stairs.

I stood idly by the door, and turned around when I heard footsteps approaching.

"Professor Snape?" she questioned, and I nodded curtly in reply.

"Miss Martin, would you mind informing me of the location of Scarlet's childhood home? In order for me to retrieve her, I must know at once."

She bit her lip in nervousness. "In normal circumstances, sir, I wouldn't dare share that confidential information with you. But with this, all I want is my best friend back at Hogwarts, and safe."

When I left the common room a couple minutes later, the likely whereabouts of Scarlet were racing through my mind.

'I'm coming for you, Miss Kingsley.'


A/N: comment, vote. :)

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