Chapter 48

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It didn't take long after Severus apparated to make up my mind.
30 seconds actually.
There was no way in hell I was staying here.
I grabbed my wand, and made my way to the door. I grabbed the knob, and turned it gently. Once again, I descended down the steps, and past the gargoyle, lurking in the shadows.
Where would he have gone?
There's no way to know.
I raced down the corridors again, keeping my eyes out for spells coming my way, because there was no way I wanted to experience that kind of pain again.
I deflected spells left and right, helping the students that I could.
I felt like I was in a blur, like this was a dream.
However, judging by how tired my body felt from running, I knew it was all too real.
After what felt like ages of running, I stopped to catch my breath.
I heard voices, so I turned the corner, and I saw them.
Harry was sitting on the floor breathing heavily, and Ron and Hermione were standing above him.
I shakily held my wand out, and bravely approached them.
"Hey.." I muttered.
All three looked at me, and anger flashed in their eyes. Their wands were at me in an instant.
"Harry, listen to me. I've always been on your side. I know you won't understand, but I love Professor Snape. Everything I've done was for him. I know that doesn't make it right, but just listen to me. I'm helping you."
Harry seemed stunned by my speech.
However, before he could speak, I was doing so again.
"Have you seen Sev--I mean, Professor Snape?" I asked desperately.
Harry shook his head no.
I sighed.
"Where's Voldemort?" I asked instead.
"I think he's in the boathouse." Harry replied, a look on his face.
My brows furrowed. "Why would he be there?"
Harry shrugged. "Be careful though, Scar. He has the Elder Wand."
He gave me a pained look.
I didn't stop to try and decipher it, but instead took off running towards the boathouse.
It took much effort to avoid the war outside, but eventually I had eased my way down the long stairs, and kneeled down outside the boathouse. The water glistened darkly, and there wasn't much light.
The windows were foggy, but I could see two figures through them.
One was wearing all black, and my heart seemed to stop.
My mind screamed at me to run in there, but I couldn't move. I was frozen where I was.
I placed my ear against the glass, and listened.
I couldn't hear what they were saying, but Voldemort was advancing closer to my husband.
My heart was pounding erratically, as I forced myself to stand up on my feet.
"My Lord--" I heard my Severus say.
Then there was a slashing sound, and my heart dropped to my stomach.
I screamed as he fell against the window heavily.
I ran to the door, myself in plain view.
"Nagini, kill."
I screamed again, as the snake lunged at my husband, fangs sinking into his neck. Tears were falling down my cheeks.
Voldemort looked to my direction, an evil smirk curling his hideous face.
I held up my wand, prepared to fight.
With a chuckle, the Dark Lord and his horrid reptile had apparated.
"COWARD!" I screamed into the empty air.
Instantly I was at Sev's side, kneeling down next to him. I couldn't control my tears.
"Sev..what do I do?!!" I yelled, trying to breathe.
I placed my hands against his neck wounds, pressing down to stop the flow of blood.
His hand was on mine, tears glistening in his eyes, and I could feel my heart breaking.
"There's nothing you can do...the venom.." He gasped out.
" must be." I sobbed, whipping out my wand.
His other hand gently lowered my wand down.
Severus had tears falling down his face now. He motioned to them with his hand, and I understood.
I conjured a vial, and caught his tears in it. I knew Harry would find them useful.
"I love you, Scarlet. I always have." My husband whispered.
"But..we just got married. What about our whole life?" I sobbed, hands gripping his robes.
As best he could, he pulled me to him, and he kissed me for what I knew was the last time. I let him, all of my emotions coming through it. We parted, and I felt empty.
"No matter what, remember?
You saved me, Scarlet Lila Snape."
Severus croaked out.
"Let me save you now." I begged.
His voice was faint. "You can't."
My hand found his cheek, and his found mine.
"I love you, Severus." I replied.
"And I, you, Scarlet. Always."
His lips curled up for a second, and then as if a light went out, he went limp in my arms, and he released a final breath.
He was gone.
I collapsed against his body, sobbing as my heart was breaking into a million pieces.
I was alone.
A/N: it's not over, and as I said I would, I cried writing it. There's two chapters left in this story. I will upload them soon.
But if I don't get the chance before then, Merry Christmas!! xx

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