Chapter 24

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Silence filled the room for a moment, before Severus nodded.

"It was not the best decision of my life." he admitted.

My head felt dizzy. DeathEaters were evil. Terrible wizards who deliberately sought to harm and even kill innocent people for the Dark Lord.

"Why...why didn't you tell me earlier?" I asked.

"I was afraid that you would think different of me."

"So, let me get this straight. You are currently a DeathEater, and Dumbledore's okay with it?!" I asked in disbelief.

"I'm, in fact, a double agent, Scarlet." Sev replied, rolling his sleeve back down.

I furrowed my brows in confusion. "A what?"

"My loyalties changed sides after the death of someone whom I loved very much. She was murdered by the Dark Lord. Because of that, I became a spy for Dumbledore, retrieving information from the Dark Lord, in exchange for pardon of my prior actions. I have played my part well over the years. If I did not, I'd be dead."

I nodded, ignoring the painful tinge in my chest when he said he loved someone else.

"So you're not evil?" I reiterated, smirking slightly.

Severus smirked back. "I am not."

"Good, so I won't feel bad doing this."

I pulled him down so our lips met.

After a minute, I pulled back, biting my lip nervously.

"You, um, mentioned loving someone else..?" I started, not really sure where I was going with my question.

Severus gripped my face in his hands gently, and we locked eyes.

"I believe I said loved. I'm presently in love with  someone else,  and I can only hope she will continue to love me as well."

I smiled. "She will. No question about it."


The next day

"Scarlet, are you alright?" Emaly asked, in the Great Hall the next morning.

I nodded, but yawned as well. "Just tired."

Em waggled her eyebrows playfully. "I bet. Sooooo?"

I tried to stifle a giggle. "What?"

Next thing I knew I was being pulled up by my arm, and dragged out of the Great Hall.

I laughed, as Emaly and I ended up in a quiet section of the hallway.

"I was eating there, you know!"

Em waved away my sentence, and gave me the 'spill it' look all best friends are experts at.

I urged her to come as close as possible so I could whisper.

"We...slept together." I admitted, feeling myself blushing.

Her eyes widened and she jumped up and down excitedly. "YES! How was it? Tell me everything!!"

I chuckled. "Em....what did I say about details?"

She stopped jumping, and placed her hands at her sides. "You said you wouldn't tell me. But, but...tell me something!!"

I smiled, "Let's just say I won't ever forget the feeling."

Emaly laughed, and slid her arm through mine.

"Oh, Scarlet."


Later that night


My legs felt weak, as I hesitantly tiptoed up the stairs. As I reached the top, the hallway was illuminated by candlelight. I could hear the same voice from before whispering to me, calling out for me. I followed it, and I ended up in front of a door, which struck me as rather familiar. I gripped the doorknob, and slowly opened it.

My vision focused as I looked around the room, and my gaze landed on a figure sitting in a chair by the window.

"Mom?" I questioned, nervousness pooling in my stomach.

The figure turned, and smiled at me.

"My darling girl." My mother's voice carried throughout the empty room, and when it did, I realized that one of the voices from my past dream had been hers.

"How are you here?" I asked, as I approached closer.

"I come to you only in your dreams, and only to convey a message. Something I should have told you long ago. You have a destiny about you, Scarlet. It is time you know who you are, and what is to come."

I was so confused.

"Mom, what..." I started, sitting down on the windowsill to face her.

"Scarlet, my girl, your father tried to keep me from telling you a lot of things. There's so much you don't know."

I let out a breath. "What do you mean, Mother? Please."

She placed her hand on my cheek, and it felt like air; like nothing was touching me.

"You are not who you think. You have great power inside of you. You, my dear, are not an average witch, and soon you will be sought. Sought to choose. Scarlet, you have temptress blood within you; siren blood."

My eyes widened as what my mother had spoken sunk in. "So does that mean....?"

My mother nodded, "You are not only a Siren, but one of the last of our family. Each of us has faced a decision between good and evil, and we have all fought for the light. You are at your peak, eighteen years of age. Your power is at its strongest now and  forevermore."

Before I could ask more questions, my mother started to fade away.

"Mom, what's happening?" I asked in a panic.

"My time in your dream has come to an end."

"Mom, wait! I miss you so much!" Tears prickled at my eyes.

"I love you, Scarlet, my beauty." 


I shot straight up in my bed, and tried to calm my breathing.

Emotions of every sort were swirling within my mind, and I didn't know what to think.

But I did know where to start to do so.

The library.


A/N: okay, just to clarify, Scarlet is half Siren, and by that I mean the one of Greek Mythology, not the mermaids like in Pirates of the Caribbean and whatnot(which happen to be falsified). The original Sirens of Greek Mythology are completely different than mermaids, being Sirens cannot control, what I would call, their power. However, for my particular story, for reasons, Scarlet can indeed control her power. I'm not stating yet what the powers of a Siren are, you shall find out when she does.

Also, I'm pretty sure I covered the basics of Sev's story, wanting to keep it simple and to the point. If I did, however, seem to word something wrong or explain it in a confusing or slightly wrong way, just comment and let me know! :)

So with that said, let me know what you think. Comment, vote! :) -Hannah

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