Chapter 29

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Scarlet's POV, hours later, into the night.

I skipped dinner in the Great Hall. My mind was too focused on tonight. No one knew what was going on. Severus didn't know about the second note that I got. I kept it a secret because I knew he would try to persuade me not to go, or worse, come with me. He couldn't. If he did, it would just make our predicament worse. And besides, he said we were on a "separation", so I had to deal with this on my own.

I had only one reason to do this, and that was for the sake of our relationship. I graduate soon, and I planned to continue my relationship with Sev outside of Hogwarts. There were so many possibilities, and I wasn't going to let this mystery person ruin everything. Our love was too true for it to be tarnished.

I was sitting on my bed, just waiting for time to pass, anxious to get this situation over with. I could hear Emaly's soft snores from across the room. I smiled a little, happy that she was so content with her life. I knew that the only person who could handle this was me.  

As the moonlight shone through the window of our room, I stood up, placed my wand in my boot, and let out a breath.

After curfew... It was time.


I quietly tiptoed out of the common room, and into the darkened corridor. I whipped out my wand for defense in case I needed it.

I didn't light my wand so as not to draw attention to myself. I had a feeling there were a few teachers patrolling the hallways, and I hoped and prayed that one of them wasn't Severus. If I was caught, I would be in trouble, and I couldn't risk it.

My heart was pounding against my chest as I continued on my way. I had a couple ideas in my mind as to who would be waiting for me by the Great Hall. I rounded the corner.

As I did, I stopped in my tracks, as a figure stepped out of the shadows.

I narrowed my eyes in hatred.

"You?!" I whispered.

"Isn't it always me?" Marco smirked sadistically, leaning casually against the wall, arms crossed.

I glared at him. "How did you find out?"

"How do you think? I've kept an eye on you, love. There was no way I was going to give you up that easy. So, I had to find out who was superior to me."

He walked closer to me, and I backed up. I pointed my wand at him.

"What do you want?" I growled.

"You." he answered.

"That's not going to happen." I said, continuing to glare murderously at him.

Marco took another step closer, and I stepped backwards, wincing as my back hit the wall. Marco caged me in with his arms on either side of me.

"Oh, Scar, it will. I wonder how the Ministry would approve of a teacher student relationship in Hogwarts. All I have to do is complain about the scarring things I've witnessed between you two, and your precious Potions Master will have a one way ticket to Azkaban."

I chuckled, "I graduate in a month. It's hardly smart to do that. Who's to believe you, anyway? It would be your word against Sev's. You wouldn't stand a chance."

"Won't I? I quite recall there to be a potion known as Veritaserum? I wouldn't need to be believed. You or him would admit to it. I have my ways, Scarlet. You underestimate me."

I scoffed, eliciting a mean laugh from Marco. His hand had found its way to my waist, trapping me against the wall.

"I won't spill your little secret, under one condition. You and I, will get back together, and there will be no more conversation about a certain professor."

I laughed at his statement. "In your dreams. You can't blackmail me."

Marco's eyes flashed with anger. In a split second, he had grabbed my wand out of my hand. I reached for it, but was stopped by his body pushing against mine.

Before I could open my mouth to protest, his vile lips had captured mine in a rough kiss. I reeled back from disgust, and tried to get away, but he was much stronger than me. He always had been.

I pushed him, trying to get him to back up, but to no avail.

I could hear footsteps rounding the corner, and Marco's head shot up, and looked toward the approaching person.

I sighed in relief, and followed Marco's gaze. My heart skipped a beat.

"Release her." Severus demanded, eyes swimming with anger.

Marco laughed out loud, and next thing I knew, he had his hand around my neck, and was pulling me towards him. I struggled to breathe, as I felt the tip of MY own wand in my back.

I cursed internally.

"Not going to happen, professor. As you can see, you interrupted quite an important moment for us. Leave us be, or first thing tomorrow morning, the scandal you two have started will be front page news."

Sev pointed his wand at Marco. "Your threats do not frighten me, Mr. Germaine. I suggest you let her go, or the consequences will be severely fatal."

Marco chuckled.

I closed my eyes, and focused. 'Sirena, Venustas, Alis.'

I felt the familiar pinch, and heard a grunt of pain as Marco fell to the floor behind me from the impact. I spread my wings, and turned around to face him. I rose in the air a couple feet, hovering over him. I stared down at him.

"Scar, y-your eyes.." Marco muttered, fear etched into his features.

I could feel something within my body awaken, almost like I turned on a switch, and I knew it was going to help me.

Marco's gaze didn't leave my eyes. I smirked at him, knowing I had him under my control.

"I command you to leave Hogwarts, and never return. Forget my name, and what you've seen tonight." My voice sounded otherworldly, etheral.

Marco nodded his head slowly, and almost like a robot obeying an order, he stood up, and made his way out of the castle. I waited, and as soon as I heard the loud pop of his departure, I opened my mouth to speak:

"Alis, Venustas, Sirena."

I felt my wings retract, and I fell onto the cold floor of the corridor. I winced as I landed on my side.

Severus rushed to me, kneeling down to support my body. His arms wrapped around my waist, as he held me protectively.

Thrill flowed through my veins, as I looked up into his eyes.

Before I could speak about what happened, Severus did.

"Scarlet, your eyes." he whispered.

I rose an eyebrow. "What about them?"

"Your eyes have changed color. To black."


A/N: okay, let me know what you think. I think..GIRL POWER. This was the first time we saw Scarlet unleash her full powers, and kick some ass. He has been banished, thankfully. So, comment, vote! :) -Hannah

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