Chapter 25

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Scarlet's POV

The next morning at breakfast, I sat at my usual seat, not touching my food. After my dream last night, I hadn't been able to go back to sleep. My mind was swirling with information, and questions. I couldn't get what my mom had said out of my head.

I was going to be sought. But, sought for what???

I let out a sigh. I heard someone sit down in front of me, and looked up. I scoffed, rolling my eyes.

"Marco, you're still here?" I asked.

"I am, love. I seem to have grown accustomed to Hogwarts. It seems to feel like, what do you call it... oh, home." he replied, an arrogant smirk.

My eyebrow rose, and I stood up from the table. "You are wasting your time, dear Marco. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have work to do."

I started to walk away, before he grabbed my wrist. "Let me go with you."

I turned around quickly, wrenching my arm from his grasp. "I'd rather be accompanied by a DeathEater."

His rude laugh sounded behind me, as I exited the Great Hall.


I sat down at a table in the corner of the library, away from prying eyes. I had a few books open, ready to research.

I scanned the table of contents, before my eyes landed on one entry: Sirens and their Powers of Persuasion. I turned onto the given page, and started to read.

There is much information pertaining to the early Sirens of Greek Mythology. Sirens were known to be beautiful yet dangerous creatures, able to lure men to their deaths using the power of song. Although Sirens are linked to marine environment, they are not considered sea deities. It is said that these creatures were companions of Persephone, daughter of the goddess, Demeter. So as to protect Persephone from danger, Demeter gifted the Sirens with wings.

Throughout history, Siren power has evolved immensely. Through centuries of breeding with wizards, Sirens have been able to strengthen their species. Present-day Sirens are able to control the presence of wings, some are born with them, some are not. At eighteen years of age, a young Siren will be able to relish in her full power. Some are more powerful than others. However, the power that all Sirens are able to embrace is the useful power of persuasion. Using their eyes, almost like turning on a light switch, they can force man or woman to carry out actions they wouldn't normally do. Men are the easiest to manipulate, because a Siren's beauty is god-like, unlike any woman ever seen before them. A Siren's power of persuasion can be compared to being placed under a spell. It can be very dangerous to its victim, causing them to make horrific decisions with no control over their body. Sirens cannot be easily defeated, hence the many that have been sought to join the dark side.

I took a deep breath as I stopped reading. 'A Siren's power of persuasion can be compared to being placed under a spell.'

Didn't Severus once mention that he feels like I put him under a spell? My head was spinning with information, but I continued to read.

A young Siren does not know if she will have wings when she is born. However, when she turns eighteen years of age, she can unearth them by muttering a simple incantation in their mind or out loud:

Sirena, Venustas, Alis.

Wings can be folded away simply by saying the incantation backwards.

A Siren's wings' color and texture depend on their bloodline. A young Siren's wing color and texture will be the same as their mother or grandmother's.

I took a deep breath and shut the book. I couldn't read anymore, I already had too much information in my mind. I didn't know how to process it all. I couldn't help but smirk to myself though. I was special, I had powers no one else had. I took in a breath.

I needed help figuring this all out.

I needed to see Severus.


A/N: okay, hope you liked it. I know it's a bit short, but it had to be done. Now you have a little bit more information about Sirens; the first paragraph is actual Greek Mythology, everything else is made up to work with my story. I guess we'll see what happens next!

I wont be updating for a bit, at least a week, because drumroll please......I'M GOING TO SEE AEROSMITH IN OHIO TOMORROW!  My favorite band of all time...It's actually happening, I can't believe it, I'm going to be in the same room as Steven Tyler (hence my username)...I'm hoping for a miracle, that I meet this man I've loved since I was twelve. (I'm 19, so eight years.) So, wish me luck!! When I get back, I unfortunately have to go back to work, so I will update on one of my days off.

With all that said, comment and vote! Thank you guys! :) xx-Hannah

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