Chapter 5

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(The picture above is one of Scarlet. Comment, vote, let me know what you think so far! x )

" I wish you didn't have detention Scarlet! I'm going to be alone in our room for hours!" Emaly complained later that night.

I chuckled, as I pulled on a new shirt. "Trust me, Em, this is not my ideal way to spend my evening." I sighed, ignoring the small voice in the back of my mind that was currently calling me a liar.

"You know, maybe if you went to classes, you wouldn't be in this predicament!" Em exclaimed, half serious.

I blew her a kiss, as I grabbed my wand, sticking it in my boot. "Wish me luck." I could hear Emaly's groans of complaint as I walked downstairs into the common room.

"Good evening, Scarlet." I rolled my eyes, as I turned to face Draco.

"It was, until this moment right here." I countered, rolling my eyes.

Draco smirked. "Why don't you let me buy you a butterbeer sometime?"

I smiled, tight-lipped. "No chance, Malfoy. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have detention."

Draco's hand slid around my waist quickly. "I'll get you to date me, Scarlet, one way or another."

I snarled, as I remove his hand from my waist. "Goodbye Draco."

I exited, and made my trek down to the Potions classroom. I knocked twice on the door, and Snape's muffled voice replied with a stern, "Come in."

I walked inside, and shut the door behind me. Snape looked up as I did, fixing me with a stone expression. I couldn't help myself.

"Wow, stop it. Your enthusiasm is overwhelming." I joked.

Snape pointed to a chair. "Sit." I rolled my eyes, despite the feeling of butterflies pooling in my stomach. I took a breath to rid myself of those thoughts.

"I'm certain you are not thrilled to be here, but trust me, Miss Kingsley, the feeling is mutual. However, since Dumbledore insists on this arrangement, I have no other option but to oblige. Now, give me your wand."

My eyes widened. "No."

He sat forward, hand out. "Wand. Now."

I groaned in frustration, stood up, and handed him my wand, ignoring the tingle in my fingers as ours touched lightly.

"Arsehole..." I muttered.

"I will choose to ignore that comment, Miss Kingsley." Snape replied.

I scoffed sarcastically. "Lucky me." I received a glare in response. My heart was pounding, and I mentally told myself to relax.

"Start cleaning the cauldrons. Without magic." he ordered, not even looking up from the papers he was now looking at. I sighed, grabbing the cloth he was holding out to me.

I got down on my hands and knees, and started to scrub.


(1 hour later)

I was getting tired now, despite my extensive efforts not to be. And besides that, I was getting lazy. I had finished cleaning the cauldrons, and now Professor Git had me stocking vials onto shelves. I felt my eyelids drooping, and then I heard a crash. I broke out of my haze, and noticed I had dropped a few vials on the floor, smashing them into pieces. Tears pricked my eyes, as Snape stormed into the small room.

"You insolent girl, how could you be so careless?!!" he shouted in my face. My breathing started speeding up, and I made to exit the room. Before I could, Snape's hand wrapped around my wrist. Memories flashed through my mind, and I ripped my wrist away. In my dash to get out, I tripped on some glass, and fell onto the floor of the potions classroom. The tears were silently falling down my face, as I tried to stand up. I winced in pain, and fell back down. My damned ankle. I swore under my breath. The classroom was silent. I could hear myself sniffling, and I cursed myself for letting my emotions out.

I felt him kneel down beside me, but I refused to look at him; I refused to let him see me in a weak state of mind. I had no choice though, because his fingers found my chin, and then I was looking up at him.

"Are you hurt?" he asked softly. I nodded slightly, and motioned to my ankle. In an instant, he whipped out his wand, and muttered the 'Episkey' healing spell. The pain instantly ceased. I let out a shaky breath, but the tears kept coming.

"Scarlet.." Snape trailed off, confusion in his words. I stood up quickly, and he followed suit. I hurriedly grabbed my wand off his desk.

"Thank you for healing my ankle." I managed to say. Snape's hand landed on my shoulder lightly.

"Are you alright?" he asked.

I nodded.

"Don't lie to me."

I shook my head, why, I have no idea. After a beat of silence, Professor Snape spoke again.

"You may go."

I nodded in thanks, and rushed out of the room. I was so distracted by everything, that I hadn't realized something: That was the first time Professor Snape had ever called me by my first name.

(Snape's POV)

After Miss Kingsley exited my classroom, I returned to my desk, sat down, deep in thought. In all the years I've known that girl, I've never seen her act that way. There was something deeper going on with her, I was sure of it.

What I wasn't sure of were these feelings I was experiencing, feelings I haven't felt in years. I couldn't get Miss Kingsley's face out of my mind, and that frustrated me.

'Snap out of it, Severus, you fool.' I thought to myself.


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