Chapter 41

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(Author's Note: what Scar and Emily do for fun is legal in my story, because I'm not sure if Rowling ever specified an age limit)

Scarlet's POV
I followed Emmy down the corridor to her guest chambers. Dumbledore was providing her a room for the time being.
My mind was so fixed on Sev that I didn't realize we had arrived to her room.

"Kingsley." She muttered the password, and made sure to smirk in my direction. I chuckled and rolled my eyes playfully. I figured she would use my last name.

We walked inside her room and I gaped. Her room was nicer than I expected.
"Wow Emaly, Dumbles really hooked you up." I playfully teased.
Em smirked in response. "Well, I am a former Hogwarts student after all."
She walked towards the bed, and sat down on the bedspread. I followed suit, and there was a moment of silence.
"So...what do you want to do?" I asked.
"Whatever you want to. Although, I have just the thing to get your mind off snappy Snape." Emaly replied.
I bit my lip to keep from giggling, but what I wanted to do was cry, but I knew it wouldn't make anything better.
Before I could even inhale a breath though, Emaly had gripped my hand and pulled me into her closet.
"Pick whatever outfit you adore, get dolled up, and meet me in the sitting room in an hour." she said, and before I could protest, she had disappeared from sight.
I let out a deep breath as I looked at myself in the mirror. My eye makeup was smokey, and I was wearing more than I ever have in my life. On my body was a curve hugging black dress with lace sleeves. And on my feet: black flats. What can I say? Heels hurt.
After another minute, i hesitantly walked out of the closet, and into the sitting room, and Em was on the couch, waiting.
She smirked like she always did.
"Look at you, Scar! You sexy little devil!" Em complimented, and I sighed in slight annoyance.
If only I knew where we were going.
"Em..." I started to whine.
In response, my best friend playfully glared at me.
"No questions. Just fun. Remember?"
I smiled slightly, nodding.
Within minutes, we had left her rooms.

As we walked down to what I was sure was Hogsmeade based on the scenery, I couldn't help but feel a slight guilt swelling in my chest. Severus didn't have any idea where I was, but at the same time, why should I care? He coldly rejected me without any hesitance, so maybe I wasn't inclined to inform him of my whereabouts.
All I knew was that I didn't want to think.
My thought train distracted me long enough to figure out that we had arrived at our destination: the Three Broomsticks.
I felt slightly hesitant. I hadn't had a drink in so long.
But right now, I didn't care.

I followed Emaly inside and we both sat down right at the bar. It was crawling with drunkards, older men, degenerate women, and it was loud.
Madame Rosmerta turned her attention to us, flashing us a wide smile.
"Hey you! Last time I saw you was with--"
Emaly stopped her with a hand up.
"No boy talk, Miss Rose. We'll each have your biggest glass of fire whiskey."
With an understanding nod, Madame turned to the back counter, and seconds later we had our drinks in front of us.
I gripped it in my hand, staring at it.
Should I do this?
I answered my own question by taking a huge gulp of the bold liquid.
I looked at Em, and she was smirking.
"We're definitely having fun now."
"Let's take this party upstairs, shall we?" The sensual voice whispered into my ear.
I blinked, trying to clear my vision, but I was just too intoxicated. I was seeing double.
I faintly nodded, and followed this stranger towards the stairs. I clumsily staggered, and despite my clouded state of mind, I suddenly knew I didn't want this.
Thoughts of my fiancée halted me in my tracks.
I turned around to find Emaly and leave, when a rough hand gripped my wrist.
"Let's go doll face, you promised." The stranger growled.
I yanked my arm, trying to break free.
"Not anymore!" I hissed.
With one final tug, my wrist was free, and I took a step backwards as the creep lunged for me.
Unfortunately, I took a step back right into someone's chest.
"I'm sorry.." I murmured to the person behind me, not looking to see who it was.
The stranger didn't give up.
"Come on lass, I earned it." He tried again.
"Seems the lass wants to be left alone. I suggest you do so."
I shivered, and my breathing seemed to stop at the sound of the velvet voice I adored.
With a growl, the stranger sauntered off to find another girl to play with.
Awkward tension filtered through the air, despite the crowd of people in the bar.
I turned around to find myself face to face with Severus Snape.
My heart raced in my chest and I couldn't meet his eyes.
I didn't really know what to say.
I was thankful for his intervention, but I just couldn't form the words.
The moment was broken when Emaly approached, and in a way I was glad.
"Hey Scarrrrrr..." She slurred.
When she noticed Sev standing next to me, she stopped talking.
"Miss Martin, I would like to take my fiancée back to Hogwarts now. You can come if you wish."
Emaly nodded, and we awkwardly exited the bar, my best friend and I trying to walk a straight line.
Not a word was spoken as we got back to Hogwarts. The silence was internally killing me.
"I'll talk to you tomorrow Scar." Emaly whispered, before whispering her password and entering her room.
The walk down to the dungeon cut me to the core, it was so awkward.
We walked inside our shared chambers.
I couldn't take it anymore so, I opened my mouth to speak, but before I could Sev had grasped my face and our lips had met.
I kissed him back as passionately as I could, relief enveloping our embrace.
It felt like a millennium before we pulled back.
I was breathless. I didn't know what to say yet again.
"Thanks for intervening at the bar." I whispered, trying to catch my breath.
Sev nodded once, his arms still wrapped around my waist.
"Scarlet, there is a reason I was acting so cold towards you. Much is weighing on my mind, and I fear that it might ruin us."
My breath caught in my throat.
"Sev, I've told you before that anything you tell me won't change how I feel for you. So tell me, what is it?"
Severus took in a breath, and I could see the worry and fear in his eyes, which wasn't a common occurrence.
"Scarlet, I must be the one to murder Albus Dumbledore."
A/N: okay, so update here. Comment vote x -Hannah

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