Chapter 40

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Scarlet's POV

I sighed, as I turned around, gripping the doorknob of Sev's classroom. I opened it, and at the noise, his head snapped up. He was silent, as I entered.

I smiled wearily, as I closed the door behind me. I walked towards his desk, stopping right in front of it.

"I'm not a big fan of that girl." I started, my anger starting to fade away.

"I can tell." Sev replied, running a hand through his hair.

I smiled softly, walking around the side, and took a seat on his lap, as he sat there.

"I love you, you know that, right? I appreciate your loyalty." I whispered.

"There's no reason for me to stray. You're everything I'll ever need and want, Scarlet." Severus assured, grabbing my hand, and kissing it.

I chuckled. "You know, I was just like her a year ago. Have you forgotten?"

He smirked. "I have not."

I sighed. "If that little trollop tries anything else, she will be very sorry." I stared into Sev's eyes, seriousness lacing my gaze.

Severus' eyes lit up with amusement. "I give you full permission to do whatever you deem necessary."

I smirked in response, and gently grabbed his face in my hands. Our lips connected, and my whole body tingled.

Thankfully, Severus had a free period.

Sev's POV

I smiled internally as my love pulled me closer to her body, as we sat at my desk, kissing passionately.

Despite the pleasure, thoughts of what was to come, and what I must do, weighed heavily on my mind.


A few weeks later.

Scarlet's POV

I let out a breath as I finished tying my hair into a messy bun. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Sev sitting on the couch, reading a book.

I smiled softly at how beautiful he looked just doing a simple thing such as that. I couldn't extinguish the feeling of luck I felt. My love for him was endless.

Smirking to myself, I made my way quietly over to the couch, and covered his eyes from behind. I bit my lip to hold in a giggle.

"Guess who?" I whispered, grinning.

"Scarlet, stop it." He muttered, gently pulling my hands off of his eyes.

My brows furrowed in confusion, and I felt a sudden sting in my chest.

However, that didn't deter me. I walked around to the front of the couch, and gently grasped the book he had been reading, and placed it on the table.

Severus scowled. "I was in the middle of reading that."

I smirked, ignoring his statement. I straddled him instead, wrapping my arms lightly around his neck. I started to leave small kisses along his collarbone. I heard him take in a breath.

His arms wound around my exposed waist, considering I was only wearing a large shirt and underwear. And then he did something I completely didn't expect.

He pushed me off of him. Not hard enough to throw me, but enough for me to stop what I was doing. I looked at him in confusion, but his face was expressionless.

"What the bloody hell is your problem?" I asked, annoyed.

He just looked at me, not answering my question.

I stood up from his lap, and looked at him.

"Again I ask, what is your problem? What did I do?" I asked, starting to feel the tears coming on.

His eyes glimmered with a bit of concern, but his face was stone cold.

My heart stung. He had just rejected me.

I was waiting for him to say something, anything at all, but he remained silent.

"Whatever.." I muttered, and before I could cry in his presence, I scurried off into the bedroom we shared. I threw on the first set of clothes I could find, and grabbed my wand, sticking it in my boot. Seconds later, I stormed out of the room, and straight past Severus, who hadn't moved from the couch. I could feel his eyes boring holes into my back, but I ignored it. I walked out of our chambers, and made my way down the hall. After a few minutes, I was in the main corridor, which housed the Great Hall. My thoughts were all over the place.

What is wrong with him? Did I do something wrong? What could have possibly changed in a few weeks?

I was so locked in my thoughts, that my name being called had to break me out of my reverie.


I turned around at the sound, and my eyes filled with happy tears this time.


I was in front of her in milliseconds, and my arms wrapped around her tightly in a hug.

After a millennium, we pulled back from each other. I was in shock.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I wanted to surprise you, and come visit." she smirked. Same old Em.

I chuckled, "Well you definitely surprised the hell out of me. I missed you so much!"

Emaly smiled. "I missed you too, Scar. So what's been up? How are you and Snape?"

My smile dropped, and I sighed. "I don't know." I shrugged, not meeting her eye.

"Scar...what do you mean you don't know? Did something happen?" Em asked, concern filling her eyes.

"He rejected me. I don't know what's going on with him. It hurts." I admitted, tears filling my eyes now.

"There must be some explanation as to why he's acting this way. He's smitten with you, Scarlet. You know that." Em assured, a genuine smile on her face.

"So then what do you think I should do?" I asked, trying to smile.

My best friend rose an eyebrow. 'What do you think? Talk to him."

I giggled, despite how sad I felt. "Maybe later. Right now, let's go do something fun."


A/N: okay, so I know it's not the best, but it needed to be done to set up the story for the chapters coming after this. So, yeah. Oh, and I have no clue when I will update again, like I said in the author's note. Anyways babydolls, comment, vote, do your thing! x -Hannah

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