Chapter 7

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After Snape and I's talk in Hogsmeade, things were different, but still the same. There was no denying my feelings anymore, but his feelings were still unknown. He didn't really speak to me, though I attended all my classes. Weeks passed.

I heard through the grapevine that students were becoming frustrated with the lack of magical defense being taught. Something was starting, and whatever it was, I would be a part of it.

I was walking out of the Great Hall, when two red-headed teenage boys flanked me on each side.

"Hi Fred, Hi George." I greeted. We didn't really talk much, but when we did, they made me laugh.

"Hello, Scarlet!" They spoke together.

"How are you?" I asked them.

"Terrible." Fred replied.

"It's like we're in Azkaban." George added.

I nodded in understanding. Umbridge had been trying to take Dumbledore's place by hanging up inquisitions, and controlling everything, despite Dumbledore still being headmaster.

"I know. It's utterly bonkers. Absolute hell." I agreed.

"Where are you headed?" they asked me.

I shrugged. "Homework. Why do you ask?"

They smiled wickedly at each other, then at me. "Be our lookout, Scar?"

I laughed, nodding.

I returned to my room half an hour later, giggling like a lunatic. I would never forget Umbridge's face when she fled her horrid smelling office. It was priceless.


(Flashback dream)

"Scarlet, my beautiful little girl, remember to be strong, always. Promise me."

I nodded, tears rolling down my face. "I promise, Mommy." I was eight. I gripped her hand, and kissed her forehead. The poison was spreading quickly.

"You can go now, Mommy. It's okay." I comforted, despite my fear of being left alone with my abusive father.

"I love you, Scarlet Lila. Never forget." And with that, she took her final breath.

Time skip, 8 years later

My head snapped to the side with the force of his hit.

"You dumb, worthless piece of trash, how dare you accuse me of such things!!!" My father yelled at the top of his lungs. Angry tears ran down my cheeks.

"I wouldn't accuse you of false things, you bastard!! You killed my mother!!"

Instantly, his hands were around my neck and he started to squeeze.

My eyes shot open, and I realized I was crying in my sleep. I remembered what day it was, and started crying some more. Bloody emotions.

I jumped out of bed, not bothering to put on my robe and slippers. I raced through the common room, and out into the dark corridor. I didn't know where his personal quarters were, so I settled for the potion's classroom, and hoped on a whim that he was inside.

I barged right in, and a slightly shocked Professor Snape sat at the desk. "Scarlet, what are you doing here at this hour?"

I burst into tears, and crumpled to the floor, unable to hold it in anymore. In a couple seconds, I felt the air from his billowing cape, and his arms awkwardly wrap around me. I totally forgot that I was in a silk nightgown, and his surprisingly warm hands gave me goosebumps. I shivered involuntarily.

"I'm sorry, Professor. I shouldn't have barged in, I didn't know....I shouldn't have come--"

Snape pulled back to look in my eyes, and once again he was weirdly concerned. "What on earth is the matter?"

I sniffled. "Well for starters, it's the ten year anniversary of my mother's death."

His mouth dropped in shock. I was in shock myself. I've never told anyone about that, besides Emaly.

Snape sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "I don't usually deal with this kind of thing, but would you perhaps like to talk about it?"

I smiled, lightly, despite my tears.

"How much time do you have?"


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