chapter 9

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As days passed, Ishan couldn’t shake the feeling that something was slipping away between him and Shubman. The warmth in their embraces seemed to dwindle, replaced by an unspoken distance. Where once there were lingering hugs and stolen kisses, now there were quick pecks on the cheek and half-hearted embraces.During meals, Ishan noticed Shubman's attention drifting more often, his eyes flickering towards his phone, perhaps anticipating a message from Rahul.
Even when they watched movies together, Ishan couldn’t shake off the feeling of loneliness, as Shubman's laughter seemed distant, his mind preoccupied with thoughts Ishan couldn’t reach.

Their conversations, once filled with laughter and shared dreams, now felt forced and strained. Ishan found himself holding back, afraid to voice his fears and insecurities, lest he push Shubman further away. The moments of silence between them grew longer, each one a reminder of the growing chasm in their relationship.Even their intimate moments felt hollow, devoid of the passion and connection they once shared. Ishan longed for the warmth of Shubman's touch, but it seemed to elude him, slipping through his fingers like grains of sand.

And as the days turned into weeks, Ishan realized with a heavy heart that they were drifting apart, torn apart by misunderstandings and unspoken words, their once vibrant love fading into a bittersweet memory of what could have been.

During a public appearance for their team, Ishan noticed Shubman being unusually distant. Instead of standing by his side, Shubman kept his distance, chatting with Rahul and other friends. Ishan felt hurt and embarrassed, as their fans noticed the tension between them.After the event, Ishan tried to talk to Shubman about it, but Shubman brushed it off, claiming he was just catching up with friends. Ishan couldn’t help but feel like he was being pushed aside for Rahul and others.

A few nights later, the tension reached its peak. They were sitting in their apartment, barely speaking. Ishan’s mind was racing with insecurities, and he couldn’t take it anymore."Why have you been so distant?" Ishan finally asked, frustration clear in his voice.

"I don't know, Ishan. Maybe because you seem to be suffocating me," Shubman snapped back, his patience wearing thin.The harsh words cut deep, and Ishan felt his heart shatter.

"I’m just trying to be there for you," he whispered, tears welling up in his eyes."Well, maybe I need some space.

Maybe we both do," Shubman said, his tone final.There was a long silence before Shubman spoke again. "Maybe we need a break. Some time apart to figure things out."Ishan nodded slowly, his heart breaking. "Maybe you're right."

Vvvv short update but be quick and tell me
Is the pace of the story ok?
I wanna keep it fast moving but tell meee

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