chapter 10

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Their once vibrant love now felt like a distant memory, fading into the background of their strained interactions. Ishan couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness as he realized that their relationship might be coming to an end. The thought of losing Shubman was unbearable, but he knew that they both needed space to reflect on their feelings and priorities. Deep down, Ishan hoped that this break would either bring them closer together or give them the clarity to move on separately.

As the test series match kicks off, you can practically cut the tension between Ishan and Shubman with a cricket bat. It's like, every time Ishan tries to high-five Shubman for a good play, it's like they're both allergic to each other's hands.

So, there's this one intense moment when Ishan, trying to field like a boss at slip, drops a catch off Shubman's ball. You could practically hear the crickets chirping as they exchange these awkward looks, but then they're like, "Okay, let's just get back to the game."

Their teammates, Rohit and Virat, totally catch on to the vibe. They're shooting each other these "What's up with those two?" looks between overs. Rohit, being the cool vice-captain, tries to lighten the mood with some pep talks during team pow-wows, but it's like trying to add sprinkles to a burnt cake.

Off the field, during breaks, it's crickets between Ishan and Shubman. No inside jokes, no fist bumps-just awkward silence. Rishabh, the team clown, tries to crack some jokes to break the ice, but it's like throwing confetti at a funeral.

Meanwhile, the spectators and Twitterverse are going bananas, gossiping like crazy about what's up with these two. Hashtags like #TeamDrama are blowing up faster than a cricket ball to the boundary.

But hey, despite all the drama, Ishan and Shubman are still giving their A-game on the field. They might be acting like they're in different WhatsApp groups off the field, but when it comes to cricket, they're still rocking it.

So, in the epic finale of the test series, guess what? Their team nails it! They win the whole shebang, and it's party time, baby! But hold up, 'cause here comes the drama.

Ishan, feeling all brave and stuff, decides it's finally time to have that heart-to-heart with Shubman. He's like, "Okay, let's do this," but every time he tries to get Shubman's attention, it's like he's invisible or something.

Ishan keeps trying to talk to Shubman, but it's like Shubman's suddenly got a radar for avoiding him. It's seriously frustrating, like trying to chase down a cricket ball that keeps bouncing away.

So there they are, at this after-match bash, and Ishan's feeling more rejected than a cricket ball that didn't get picked for the game. Meanwhile, Shubman's busy cracking jokes and acting like everything's chill, totally oblivious to Ishan's attempts to connect.

In the end, Ishan's just like, "You know what? Forget it," and he slips away from the party, feeling like he's been bowled out without even getting a chance to bat. It's a total bummer.

After the party debacle, Ishan's feeling like he's starring in his very own cricket-themed soap opera. The drama just won't quit!

The next day, Ishan psyches himself up to talk things out with Shubman. He's ready to clear the air and get their relationship back on track. But just as he's about to approach Shubman, he sees something that stops him dead in his tracks.

From across the field, Ishan spots Shubman huddled up with another player, laughing and joking like nothing's wrong. But it's not just any player-it's Rahul, the same guy Ishan has heard rumors about, the guy who's been causing trouble in the team with his flirting and drama.

Ishan's heart sinks as he watches Shubman cozying up to Rahul. Suddenly, all his doubts and insecurities come rushing back. Is this why Shubman's been avoiding him? Has he been replaced by Rahul?

Feeling betrayed and heartbroken, Ishan's initial resolve to talk things out crumbles. He turns on his heel and storms off the field, his mind spinning with thoughts of betrayal and hurt.

Meanwhile, Shubman, oblivious to Ishan's inner turmoil, notices his sudden departure and calls out to him, wanting to finally talk things through. But by the time Shubman looks up, Ishan's already disappeared into the distance, leaving Shubman standing there, bewildered and alone.

As the dust settles, the rift between Ishan and Shubman deepens, with misunderstandings and miscommunications tearing them further apart. And amidst the chaos, Ishan can't shake the feeling that things are about to get even messier before they get better.

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