chapter 12

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Ishan sat in his room, staring blankly at the walls, feeling the crushing weight of his breakup with Shubman. The memories of their time together looped endlessly in his mind, each one a painful reminder of what he had lost. He felt like his heart had been shattered into a million pieces, and he had no idea how to put them back together.

Weeks had passed since Shubman walked out of his life, but the pain was still fresh. Ishan tried to lose himself in cricket, hoping the game he loved would offer some solace. But every time he stepped onto the field, all he could think about was the countless hours he and Shubman had spent practicing together, dreaming of a future that now seemed impossible.

Determined to move on, Ishan adopted a strict routine. He began waking up early for morning runs, pushing himself to the limit. The physical exertion offered a brief escape from the emotional turmoil. He threw himself into intense gym sessions and endless cricket practice, hoping exhaustion would drown out the pain. Despite his efforts, his mind always drifted back to Shubman.

During team practices, his teammates noticed the change in him. Ishan was quieter, more withdrawn. They offered sympathetic glances, but he could feel their impatience. He was no longer the vibrant, driven player they had known. The whispers and stares felt like needles, piercing his already fragile heart.

One night, unable to sleep, Ishan decided he needed a new approach. He began journaling, pouring his heart out onto the pages. He wrote about the good times with Shubman, the laughter and dreams they had shared. But he also wrote about the betrayal and the overwhelming sense of loss. Each entry was a testament to the raw emotions he was feeling.

Seeking distraction, Ishan reconnected with old friends he had lost touch with. He needed people who knew him before Shubman, who could remind him of who he was on his own. These friends welcomed him back with open arms, providing a support system he desperately needed.

His family, too, played a crucial role in his healing process. His parents sensed his distress and offered their unwavering support. They didn’t push him to talk about his feelings but made sure he knew they were there for him, no matter what.Slowly, Ishan began to find small moments of joy in his daily life. He picked up new hobbies, like photography, capturing the beauty of the world through his lens. He found solace in cooking, experimenting with different recipes and savoring the satisfaction of creating something new.

Shubman had ended his relationship with Ishan to protect his family’s reputation, believing it was the right thing to do. But as the days turned into weeks, he began to question his decision.

The guilt gnawed at him constantly. Every time he saw Ishan at practice, the pain in Ishan’s eyes mirrored his own. He had thought that by leaving Ishan, he was doing the right thing for both of them, but now he wasn’t so sure.

To cope with the guilt and regret, Shubman turned to alcohol. What started as a drink or two after practice quickly escalated. He began drinking heavily every night, seeking temporary solace at the bottom of a bottle. The alcohol dulled his pain, but only for a while.

Shubman stumbled into his parents' house late one night, the weight of alcohol heavy on his breath. His mother, Mrs. Gill, was waiting for him in the living room, her face a mask of disappointment and anger. She had seen her son's rapid descent into addiction and couldn't stand by any longer.
"Shubman, what is this? Look at you!" Mrs. Gill's voice was sharp, cutting through the haze of his drunken state.

"Mom, I'm fine. Just had a few drinks with friends," Shubman slurred, trying to make his way past her."Fine? You call this fine?" She grabbed his arm, forcing him to look at her. "This isn’t you, Shubman. Ever since you broke up with Ishan, you've been destroying yourself."At the mention of Ishan, Shubman’s expression hardened.

"I did it for our family. For your reputation."Mrs. Gill's eyes flashed with anger.
"For our reputation? Is that what you think? That breaking Ishan’s heart and ruining your own life is for our reputation? I never wanted this for you!"
Shubman pulled his arm away, his anger rising. "You don't understand, Mom. Everyone was talking. They said things... about us."

"And you listened to them? You cared more about what others thought than your own happiness?" Mrs. Gill’s voice softened, tears brimming in her eyes. "Shubman, I’ve always wanted what’s best for you.
I wanted you to be happy, and I saw how happy you were with Ishan.

"Shubman shook his head, the alcohol making it hard to think straight.
"I thought... I thought ending things was the right thing to do."Mrs. Gill sighed deeply, her anger giving way to sadness.
"You’re my son, and I love you. But you’ve made a terrible mistake. You’ve pushed away the one person who truly cared about you. And look at what you’ve become."

Shubman sank into a chair, his head in his hands.
"I know, Mom. I know I messed up. But it’s too late now.


I hope y'all like this and this clears all the confusion
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Bye bye~

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