chapter 11

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As the days slipped by, Ishan found himself caught in a whirlwind of emotions. The rift between him and Shubman seemed to widen with each passing moment, and he couldn't shake the feeling that their relationship was crumbling before his eyes.

During team practices, Ishan's attempts to talk to Shubman were met with curt responses and forced smiles. It was like they were speaking different languages, unable to bridge the growing gap between them. Ishan's heart ached with every awkward interaction, longing for the easy camaraderie they once shared.

The whispers and stares from their teammates only added to Ishan's frustration. He could feel the weight of their judgment bearing down on him, as if he were solely responsible for the unraveling of their relationship. But no matter how hard he tried to explain himself, it seemed like no one was listening.

One evening, as Ishan sat alone in their apartment, the weight of their strained relationship finally became too much to bear. He stared at his phone, contemplating whether to reach out to Shubman or let things continue to spiral out of control.

*With a shaky breath, Ishan typed out a message to Shubman, pouring his heart out in a series of texts. "Hey, can we talk? I miss us."*

Minutes turned into hours, but there was no response from Shubman. Ishan's anxiety grew with each passing second, his mind racing with worst-case scenarios. Was Shubman ignoring him on purpose? Did he even care anymore?

The sound of the door opening snapped Ishan out of his thoughts, and he looked up to see Shubman standing in the doorway, a tired expression on his face. For a moment, Ishan's heart soared with hope, but it quickly plummeted as he saw the distance in Shubman's eyes.

"Ishan, we need to talk," Shubman said, his voice strained.

*Hope flickered in Ishan's chest as he nodded, silently begging for a chance to fix things between them.*

But as Shubman spoke, Ishan's hopes were dashed once again. Shubman talked about needing space, about how their relationship had changed, about how maybe they were better off apart.

*Ishan's heart clenched with every word, his throat tightening with unspoken emotions. "But Shubman, can't we try to work things out? Can't we fight for what we had?"*

Shubman's gaze softened, but there was a sadness in his eyes that Ishan couldn't bear. "Ish, I don't know if we can fix this. Maybe it's time for both of us to move on."

And just like that, Ishan felt like the ground had been pulled out from under him. The reality of their situation crashed down on him like a ton of bricks, leaving him feeling empty and lost.

As Shubman walked away, Ishan was left alone with his thoughts, grappling with the harsh truth that their once vibrant love had faded into nothingness. And as he stared out into the night, Ishan couldn't help but wonder if they would ever find their way back to each other or if their love was destined to remain a bittersweet memory of what could have been.

As Ishan grapples with the pain of their impending breakup, a nagging question gnaws at the back of his mind: why does Shubman want to end things?

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