15. Fragil

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------------------------------- Sam's POV -------------------------------
It's been two days since Dean got into the hospital, he is in a coma and I just don't want to leave his side, I've been here two days and I haven't left the hospital, I can't.

"Sam? You should go to the motel and get a shower. Relax and then come back." Cas said sadly, he has been such a support to me, he has been here every single day and just left when they make him.

Bobby has been staying in the motel room he uses Dean's bed and he has been here everyday too, he brings me clothes and food.

"Come on idjit we don't want another sick Winchester." Bobby said serious. "Now go get a bath because you stink."

I left unsure of what to feel I got into Dean's baby and drove to the motel. The drive was quiet and short, baby smelled like letter and cigarettes, the same smell Dean has.

I got to the motel, my hopes where through the floor, I got into the room and walked to my bed, I let myself fall on it but my face fell in a piece of paper.


I looked the handwriting in was Dean's. A tear slipped from my eye, I quickly opened it and started reading his suicide note.

Sam, I'm sorry, I can't. My heart hurts and I'm not good enough. Everyday I wake up to hate myself and I try but I can't stop. Everything would be much better without me, I screwed everyone and everything up, I can't screw you and I can't screw Cas, please don't show him this but I love him and I can't live with myself because I will never be good enough for everyone. I should never been born, that way you'll have a real family and you'll be happy, I just I'm sorry I ruined everything and I'm sorry because I didn't told you. Tell Bobby I'm sorry and I love him.
Take care of my wheels.
Love you.

I started crying again.

----------------------------------------- Cas POV -------------------------------

It's been a week since Dean got in the hospital, he's in a coma and I've been there every day holding his hand, I can't believe he did that, how could he? My mind was driving me crazy, I can't loose him too.

Everyday I came here I read Harry Potter to him, and caress his cheek and sing to him All Out Of Love because I do feel lost without him.

Sam has been here almost every day but I'm glad to see he goes to his motel and rest for a while.

I started singing to him.

"I'm all out of love, I'm so lost without you..." My hand holding his, my face buried in his bed, tears fell from my eyes and I heard a soft humming of the song, I looked up to him but his eyes were still close, I was in awe, I put my hand in his neck lightly and indeed he was humming.

"Doctor!" I screamed walking to the door, Lucifer came into the room running and stared at me confused.

"What's wrong Castiel?" He said looking at Dean and then at me.

"He is humming! I felt the vibrations in his neck and heard him." I said, as we came near Lucifer's eyes opened wide and put his hand in Dean's neck too.

"Extraordinary!" He sing sang, his eyes were sparkling. "You sing to him Castiel?" He asked me interested and I nodded.

"Is he awake?" I asked worried. He shook his head but smiled reassuringly.

"He will be, soon." He uttered and smiled wide. "Love can do interesting things Castiel, remember that." He said patting my shoulder and walking out.

I walked back to my previous seat and kept singing. I felt my hopes standing up again.

I stayed all night because Sam needed sleep.

"Dean, I hope the doctor is right and you'll wake up soon, you are all I have." My voice broke in the last part as I let myself fall into unconsciousness.

A loud beep woke me up, it was the kind of beeps you heard in movies when someone died, I was so scared my body shot up the fastest it could, my eyes were tearing as they meet a pair of green eyes looking at me confused.

"It was pressing my finger and it was annoying, to be honest I didn't knew it was for my beatings." He said apologetically, all the doctors ran inside the room and stood shocked in front of a really awoke Dean, he was smiling awkwardly, Lucifer walked to the machine and turned it off as everyone else left the room.

"Dean, it's so great you are awake! I'm Lucifer, your doctor." His eyes sparkled and his smile said I was right.

"Uh, okay." He uttered, he looked around and that's when I stood up to call Sam. It ringed twice and Sam answered worried.

"Is everything okay?" His voice was full of horror. I laughed.

"He is awake!" I replied and I heard him gasp, I heard a groan and I bet it's from Bobby.

"We'll be there in 2." He said excitedly and hang up.

I turned to those green eyes and started crying of joy, I hugged him and kisses his cheek.

"Dean don't ever do this to me again!" I uttered between sons and kisses (in the cheek). "I would die without you, you are not Dan and I don't want you to be like him. I'm..." He was looking at me expectantly but Sam interrupted me running into the room and screaming.

"Jerk! You stupid jerk how dare you!" He was crying too, Dean's eyes were still in me and I mouthed later and left the room, Sammy needed him too, two minutes later Sammy and Bobby left the room groaning annoyed.

"He kicked us out, he says he wants to speak with you." Sammy said and smiled at me knowingly.

I nodded and blushed, I went into the room and saw Dean, his eyes were closed, he must have heard me come in because his eyes opened quickly, he patted the bed for me to sit.

"Please say what you were going to say." He begged, his eyes looked at me pleadingly.

"Dean I..." I mumbled, I was so nervous, my body was shaking and my eyes were avoiding Dean's. "I'm in love with you, since the moment I saw you, and not because you looked like Dan but because you were so beautiful, even more than Dan, who I loved dearly. But, I need you, I love you and I can't loose you." My eyes were full of tears, he always made me cry, sometimes of joy, or pain or frustration.

He looked at me, his eyes sparkling happily.

"Cas..." He breathed out as a tear rolled down his cheek. "I've loved you since that day too, but I was so scared because you dated a perfect man who looked exactly like me and I just felt like you would never love me and I love you so much, you were the first to know everything and I don't know why, why you made me feel at home, why your words comforted me in every single way and your hold made everything go away. That day at the coffee shop I took your hand, I wanted to tell you how I felt, I held your hand but you took it away and I thought you hated me." His voice broke, he was fully crying right now, his face was frowning. "I was so scared and hurt I tried to hide it with a joke but it made everything worse, I almost cry there." He laughed at that and sniffed. "Im so in love with you and I know I haven't known you for long but I can't stop myself, and when I was in a coma all I could hear was your voice singing to me or reading Harry Potter and I was so happy and sad, every time I hummed with you." He was blushing and I was so happy, he looked at me and our eyes met again, his hand pressed to my cheek and he brought his lips to my forehead. "I love you Castiel and I can't live without you."

************************ Authors note ************************

So... this just happened. in happy about this because even if I'm a drama llama I don't like to see my characters suffer.

Well, I fulfilled my promise of a gift chapter and here it is, its long and happy, the happiest in a while.

This story is not even close to be over so don't get excited YET.

I love you all and I hope you are enjoying it.

Please comment, vote and share.

Peace out bitches.

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